3 weeks old baby: development. How much should eat, what does a child look like in 3 weeks?

With the advent of a childโ€™s family, the life of parents changes dramatically. I would like to do everything right, because the little peanut is so trying to get used to the world around him faster. Many say: "3 weeks to a child, what can he do, because he is still just a tiny bit?" Pediatricians claim that it is this period that is quite responsible and, perhaps, the most difficult for children. Every touch, movement, new sound, smell - all this is new to them. Therefore, it is so important to give the baby love, affection, support. This will help the child understand that he is not alone in this vast world.

3 weeks baby

What does the baby look like?

Those parents in whose family the first-born was born often wonder: โ€œWhat does the child look like at 3 weeks old?โ€ By this time, the baby's skin acquires its normal shade, dryness, natural jaundice pass.

As a rule, milies that have a natural origin go off the face of the baby. The umbilical wound should already heal completely and not disturb the parents. If this does not happen, you should seek the advice of a doctor or foster nurse. Perhaps prescribe drugs that will contribute to its early healing.

The kid is well gaining not only in weight, but also in height. Apparent folds appear on the handles and legs, cheeks are rounded. In general, when a child turns 3 weeks old, it looks like a full-fledged pink-cheeked peanut, which is depicted in all medical textbooks and magazines.

Pay attention to the nails of the child, it may be time to cut them. Since the growth of hair and nails during this period is very intense.

child 3 weeks development

Newborn (3 weeks old baby): development of thinking and general skills

It is worth noting that at this time the child spends less time in a dream. Now he is interested in the objects that surround him, the sound of sounds and smells. Muscle hypertonicity gradually disappears, movements become smoother and less chaotic. If this does not happen, you should contact a neurologist. The doctor will prescribe a firming massage that is beneficial for any baby.

When a child turns 3 weeks old, you can try to spread it on his stomach. At the same time, he will try to hold his head, but since the muscles and spine have not yet become stronger, it is very difficult to do this. Do not rush and immediately demand a result. This exercise is mainly aimed at the digestive system, this kind of massage of the tummy helps to cope with colic, which torment children during this period.

how much should a child eat in 3 weeks

A grasping reflex, why it is so important. The opinion of scientists

Many people ask: "The child is 3 weeks old, can he tactfully distinguish between objects?" This is a proven fact. During this period, it is very important for the baby to feel and try to learn objects. They didnโ€™t notice that if at this age a child puts his finger in the palm of his hand, he will instantly squeeze it into a fist. All this happens because the children are still short-sighted, and it is difficult for them to keep the subject in sight for more than 1-2 seconds. Therefore, they can recognize their mother either by voice or by touch.

This is a scientifically proven fact. Scientists set up an experiment. The kid at this age was put a prism in his hand, after a certain time he threw it, so it was repeated several dozen times. Moreover, each time the holding time of the prism in the hand was constantly reduced. Based on this, scientists came to the conclusion that the baby subsequently immediately recognized the item and simply threw it away.

Therefore, if a baby is interested in a thing and tugs it in his hand for a long time, it is not worth taking it away from him, thereby he gets acquainted with the objects surrounding him.

How to cope with the vagaries?

Many parents note that during this period, children become irritable and crying. And this is not surprising. If before the baby ate and slept, and only stayed awake for a couple of minutes, now the dream is fading into the background.

Firstly, crying baby can show that something is bothering him. The most common cause is gas and abdominal pain. You can cope with this with the help of special massages, homeopathic remedies.

Secondly, the baby receives a lot of impressions throughout the day. Nerve fibers at this time were not yet fully ripe, so crying is a manifestation of fatigue. In this case, swimming in warm water helps.

During whims, do not leave the crumbs alone with yourself. Take it in your hands, caress, sing a song and talk quietly. Many children become silent immediately after this. But if nothing helps, you can use the help of a dummy. The sucking reflex will help calm down and relax.

how much does a child eat at 3 weeks

Baby food during this period

โ€œHow much should a child eat in 3 weeks?โ€ - a question that concerns almost all parents. For the first month, the baby should gain about 600-700 grams in weight. At this time, you need to feed the baby often, it is better to do this on demand, and not withstanding a four-hour break. About 10-13 feedings are released per day. Do not forget about nightly attachments to the chest. It is during this period that the milk rush is maximum.

If the baby does not eat up with one breast, offer him another. If on the contrary, there is a lot of milk, you can express and freeze it. Believe me, it will come in handy if you decide to leave your baby with your grandparents for a while.

To find out how much a child eats at 3 weeks for one feeding, it is enough to weigh him on special electronic scales after he has eaten. On average, the weight should increase by 70-100 grams. If this does not happen, you should properly establish the process of lactation.

We comply with the regime

When the child turns 3 weeks old, you already need to think about observing the daily regimen. Sleep still plays an important role. As a rule, the baby at this time sleeps 4 times during the day. Night sleep should be interrupted only by feeding. There should be no games. Otherwise, the baby will confuse day with night. Thus delivering a lot of problems to parents.

Do not forget that at any time of the year, outdoor walks are important for your child. If the street is very cold or raining, a balcony is suitable.

Communication with the baby also plays a huge role. Tell him small nursery rhymes, perform massage in a playful way, sing songs. Thus, you will show the child affection and care for him.

what does a baby look like at 3 weeks old

Parent Tips

There are general rules and recommendations to which parents whose children have reached the age of three weeks should listen.

  1. Show love to the baby. During the period when the baby is crying, be sure to take it in your hands.

  2. Correctly build a daily routine. Overworked child will cry, get nervous, hard to fall asleep. Remember this.

  3. Colic is a problem that occurs in babies in this period. Perform a special massage, apply a warm diaper to the tummy. All of these methods will help you deal with gas and stomach pains.

  4. Pay attention to crying, thereby the baby gives you a signal and a request for help.

  5. Avoid bright lights and loud sounds. Children are very responsive to this.

    3 weeks old baby

The time when parents notice that their child is growing up is 3 weeks. The development of the baby at this age is significantly different from the first weeks. Doctors assure that the baby can recognize the people closest to him, especially mother, by his voice, distinguish objects, react to sounds, blurry to see bright, large toys. Agree, for such a small child it is not so little!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7839/

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