Laughing turtledove: description, color, habitat, content features

These birds, like swans, are a symbol of purity and fidelity. They remain faithful to one partner all their lives and, in the event of the loss or death of one of them, do not always choose a new one. Outwardly, these birds resemble well-known pigeons, but they are more elegant and slender. They are called doves. They are smaller in size than the pigeon, and their tail is strongly rounded and wedge-shaped.

Further in the article, a general description of the Streptopelia bird will be presented, a photo of which we bring to your attention, as well as the features and conditions of keeping it in captivity.

what does the turtledo look like

General description of appearance

Streptopelia belongs to the pigeon-shaped squad. In total, the genus has 18 species of birds. Very often they are bred and kept in captivity because of their attractive appearance and pleasant โ€œcooingโ€.

The length of a dense body varies between 25-30 centimeters, weight is 200-300 g. The head is relatively small, four-fingered legs are short, but the fingers are long. The size of the entire paw is 4 cm. The slightly swollen beak is short and small. The sharp wings are quite long - about 19 centimeters. The long tail is slightly rounded at the edges, and at its end there are white feathers.

The plumage of the body is dense and dense, the color of the neck of the turtledove is slightly brighter than the blue dove and swirl. Basically, the bird's body is covered with a reddish plumage, the chest is pinkish-gray, and the head is grayish. The female does not differ in color from the male, only her size is smaller. An interesting fact is that the singing of a mustard resembles the murmur of a stream. Many believe that this sound contributes to human creativity.

The following are the most common varieties of birds named in Russia, as well as more detailed information about the laughing dove.

habitats of the Egyptian turtledove

Varieties of doves

Streptopelia (throats), belonging to the pigeon family, are common on almost all continents. This genus consists of more than 10 species, many of which live within the boundaries of settlements, including large cities. Some breeders of birds with pleasure keep diamond doves in their homes (photo of birds you can see in the article) - small neat birds with an original beautiful color of feathers. The following species are common in Russia and the CIS countries:

  • ordinary;
  • ringed;
  • large;
  • short-tailed;
  • small ones.

And then in more detail we will talk about the Egyptian turtledove, which in recent years more and more often the breeders of birds contain at home.

Wild laughing dove

This is a small and graceful bird. Its length is about 30 cm. In general, it looks like a ringed variety, but slightly darker and larger. And her wings are lighter, and her belly is a light beige hue. It got its name for the similarity of the voice of a current bird to human laughter. By the way, she practically does not make other sounds. This type of turtledove is very popular among lovers of keeping birds in the house.

A pair of doves

In the wild, the laughing Egyptian turtledove lives in Western India, in Northeast Africa and in the southwestern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Their nests can be found in forest and steppe areas, on cliffs and woodlands, in deserts and semi-deserts.

The birds singing is as follows: a long first syllable, a short pause, then a falling and slightly rolling syllable. It is like "koo, kurroo-oo."


The described type of turtledove is quite unpretentious and easy to feed, and also resistant to diseases.

They very easily take root in captivity, sit quite well on their eggs and carefully care for their chicks. In connection with the latter feature, if necessary, laughing doves can well be used as "feeds" for other species of pigeon-shaped.

These birds are not shy, calm, stress resistant. They can well inhabit and breed in large enclosures and in spacious cages. They can be kept both indoors and in outdoor enclosures during the warm season. Perfectly tamed and even amenable to training. Very attached to the owner.

It is important that they are completely harmless to humans and even to small children. They do not spoil the cells and do not litter (do not peel the grains). And most importantly, laughing doves are charming, charming and quick-witted birds. From them comes an amazing positive energy.

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A Brief History of Taming

Tamed and domesticated these birds in the Arab countries. From there they were brought into the territory of Russia. Their breeders fell in love for their peaceful nature, and began to contain, like pigeons, in cages and dovecotes.

The turtledove began to quickly get used to the new habitat, especially since it always has the opportunity to fly out of the cages and cages to freedom. This bird always returns to its nest.

The collections of breeders as a result of the mutation that took place pretty quickly began to replenish the doves of the most diverse colors: white, variegated, red, yellow, light gray, etc.

Laughing dove

For these birds, spacious cages are good (size 80 x 60 x 60 cm with sides about 10 centimeters high to hold feathers and debris) in a room or outdoor enclosures, always kept clean.

In one enclosure, it is not advisable to place more than one pair of doves, as the male can chase a weak and young bird and even fledglings. He can bring them to exhaustion and subsequent death. In this regard, young birds should be removed from the nest, where a new masonry hatches.

Streptopelia nourishment

Nesting and breeding

For breeding birds, a shallow crate and building material should be placed in the cage: straw, twigs, dry grass.

Both birds take part in the construction of the nest for future offspring: the male brings material (grass, twigs, leaves, plant roots), and the female makes a nest. All this takes about 2-3 days.

The flat socket gives the impression of a not very strong design, but, in fact, they have a durable and reliable. In it, under natural conditions, several generations of chicks grow. A couple uses the "home" for a long time, and the nest with each masonry becomes stronger, as it is cemented by the litter of chicks.

Only two eggs lay one pair of doves at a time. Both parents sit on them alternately, for about 16 days. They breed quickly and can do about 5-6 clutches per year.

Streptopelia coexist beautifully with other birds, are not prone to aggression and are very peaceful.

Streptopelia nest


These birds are not picky about food. Canary seed, hemp and poppy seeds can serve as food for laughing doves. Weed seeds, as well as finely chopped greens, fruits and insects, are also suitable for them. Grains of oats, millet, wheat, crushed corn, carrots and white soaked bread - all this can feed poultry. For females with chicks, a mixture of grain with egg food should be given (2 teaspoons per day).

Mineral top dressing is also necessary for them: coarse-grained sand, crushed shell, shell rock. With proper care, in captivity these birds live 15-18 years.

Some problems

If some deviations in the behavior of the bird are observed, it should be carefully examined and, if necessary, treated. The most common diseases in these birds are the following:

  • goiter inflammation and blockage;
  • inflammation of the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • cloacite;
  • inflammatory processes of the eyeballs and eyelids;
  • as well as a lack of vitamins A, B, D, which can lead to rickets and other abnormal processes in the formation of the skeleton.

To prevent and treat such diseases, antibiotics, anthelmintic drugs and vitamins are widely used.


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