How to make a basket of pumpkins with your own hands

Probably the most beautiful and suitable time to do something beautiful is autumn. It was at this time that nature gave away all the colors and a variety of vegetables, fruits, plants and flowers for folk art.

how to make a pumpkin basket

One of the brightest representatives for crafts is a pumpkin. Thanks to its structure, structure and color, excellent crafts and home decorations come out of it that do not spoil for years.

What can be done from a regular pumpkin

The first thing that usually comes to mind is the head for Halloween. The following are all kinds of pots and vases. Also from fresh pumpkins you can make original candlesticks and lanterns.

Some craftsmen make her kitchen utensils for everyday use and even women's handbags.

do-it-yourself pumpkin basket

All sorts of fabulous figures can be made from several copies of different sizes. A pumpkin basket also looks great, a photo of which can be seen in this article. And if you decorate it with vegetables or flowers, you get a real work of art.

But as it turned out, one desire is not enough, in order for everything to work out, you need to know the principles of how to cut a basket of pumpkins.

Necessary accessories and devices

To make crafts from this excellent vegetable, nothing special is needed. As a rule, all these things are in every home. So, how and how to cut a basket of pumpkins? Are needed:

  • A sharp long knife.
  • A spoon or a special scraper to remove the pulp.
  • A sharp awl for making small holes.
  • Wood cutter.
  • Moisture removing paper.

In order for everything to work out, it is important to responsibly approach all stages of the preparation of the vegetable. If you do everything according to the instructions, a basket of pumpkins with your own hands will be surely made.

We select and prepare

If it is possible to cut a ripe copy yourself, then you should choose a bright and ripe vegetable. For convenience and decor, it is better not to completely cut off the stem, but leave about 10 centimeters.

how to cut a basket of pumpkins

For the manufacture of crafts, you can use a decorative pumpkin, or you can choose a regular pumpkin .

During the selection, it is important to inspect the vegetable from all sides, to select the one that does not have rotten spots and damage, the color of which is uniform and beautiful.

Then the pumpkin should be washed with soapy water and dried with a paper towel. Allow to dry completely. After drying, it is best treated with an alcohol solution or vodka.

For drying, cut the top of the pumpkin. At this point, it is important not to forget that this is the future basket of pumpkins with flowers or vegetables, and take this into account when cutting.

To do this, use a pencil to draw the outline of the future handle and the edges of the basket. Using a sharp knife, cut out everything marked with the pulp, taking care not to damage the hard peel.

Using a spoon or scraper, take out the entire internal filling of the pumpkin, trying to remove almost everything to the skin.

Place the peeled pumpkin inside with paper and wait until the moisture has completely saturated it. Change the paper until it stops getting wet.

Dry the vegetable

After all of the above manipulations are done, you can proceed to drying the base under the basket.

The drying process may be different. If the craft is needed for a short period of time, then it can be dried within one week.

And if the basket is designed for storage for a long time, then the drying process can stretch for 6 months.

It all depends on the desired result.

In order for the base under the basket not to deteriorate and not be too fragile, there are a number of specific drying conditions:

  • It should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • It is better to maintain it away from heating elements (furnaces, batteries and radiators).
  • To speed up the process, you need to put newspapers inside and periodically change them.
  • The longer the pumpkin dries, the more it will stand in the finished craft.


In order to make a basket of pumpkins (it is not so difficult to make it with your own hands) turned out to be original and unique, you can put a picture on it. There are several ways to do this:

  • Using carbon paper and a pre-prepared pattern template.
  • Using markers and felt-tip pens.
  • And for those who have the art of drawing, you can apply the image using paints.

pumpkin basket photo

Now it became almost clear how to make a basket of pumpkins, it was up to the small thing - decorative work and decoration.

Cut and cut

Initially, during the first cutting, the workpiece was given the shape of a basket. But this is too primitive. With the help of a sharp knife and a cutter, you can give it intricate shapes and patterns. In this matter, fantasy, caution and accuracy are important.

Drawing for future cutting needs to be applied using a simple pencil. Each of the elements must be cut without physical effort and pressure. With a knife or cutter, it is best to make sawing movements.

If you need to cut a large fragment, then you need to do this in parts, and not all at once.

To start cutting from the center to the edge, it is worth taking out the cut parts through the inside.

After all of the above has been done, it remains only to process the basket and decorate it inside. An excellent basket of pumpkins with vegetables or fruits will come out of this blank. Also, live, artificial or dried flowers are perfect for decor.

Notches and patterns can be made different: through or only superficial. For through cuts, the peel and pulp must be cut completely. For surface drawings, only the upper, coarse part of the peel needs to be cut.

Basket processing

After the basket is completely ready, it needs to be processed. After all, it is important not only how to make a basket of pumpkins, but also how to properly process it for long-term storage.

In order for the basket to be stored for a sufficiently long time and delight the eyes of others, it must be completely greased with any moisture-resistant varnish or paint based on acetone.

If there is a desire to preserve the natural natural color, then ordinary transparent varnish is suitable for processing, and if it needs to be given any shade, then you can use paint of any desired color.

If desired, colors can be combined. For decoration, you can apply decorative spangles of various shapes and sizes. They should be applied to a varnish that has not yet been dried, for reliable adhesion and fixing.

pumpkin basket with vegetables

It was described in detail above how to make a basket of pumpkins and do everything for its long-term storage.

Basket decoration

Almost everything can be used to decorate and decorate a prepared basket. A variety of fresh fruits or vegetables can look great in it.

pumpkin basket with flowers

As well as flowers. But here, too, there are several nuances:

  • Fruits and vegetables need to be changed periodically, since at room temperature they will begin to deteriorate.
  • If you put natural fresh flowers in the basket, then you need to put a sponge soaked in water on its bottom. Since without moisture the flowers will quickly die, but the basket itself may suffer from this.
  • Artificial flowers may not be combined with the natural beauty of the basket and spoil the whole look.
  • But natural flowers, dried on their own in combination with colorful autumn leaves, will do just fine. They will stand the same period of time as the basket itself, and will be perfectly combined.

If you have a question about how to make a basket of pumpkins, here you are! It can be done very easily and simply, the main thing is to stock up with desire and patience. Create with pleasure!


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