When to plant crocuses - in the fall or in the spring?

Crocuses are one of the first spring flowers that bloom earlier than anyone else in the garden. In order for the delicate buds to appear at the time set by him, you need to know exactly when to plant crocuses - in autumn or spring. The question is especially relevant for beginner gardeners, since the bulbs of this plant can be bought at almost any time of the year.

when to plant crocuses in the fall

Spring and Autumn Crocuses

This is how it is customary to classify these delicate flowers from the iris family. Unpretentious and resistant to Russian winter, crocuses grow actively throughout the year and can bloom in early spring and early autumn. Few people know that autumn species exist. Because of this, there is often confusion about when to plant crocuses. This is best done in the fall.

when to plant crocuses and tulips
The cycle of growth and development of corms in spring crocus begins in early spring, when the plant first grows leaves, blooms, and then enters the dormant phase, accumulating strength in the bulb and forming children. It is these crocuses that are most often found in flower shops and in mass markets.

It is much more difficult to meet autumn views. Their vital activity begins with flowering in the beginning of autumn, then leaves grow, under the snow the plant often leaves with open buds. Planting dates for these species are mid July – early August. If you are a little late, then the flower will not have time to form and please the ripened children.

We plant spring crocuses

For those who do not know when to plant crocuses in the fall, you should first determine the type of your plant. Spring must be planted in early September, when the bulb is in a dormant phase. Having accumulated strength over the winter, the plant will release the first flowers in early April. First you need to prepare the soil: dig up two weeks before planting, make humus, but do not be zealous with complex mineral fertilizers.

Next year, when the crocuses bloom, you need to wait until all the leaves have dried. Only after this, the bulbs are dug up and stored until September, by analogy, they take care of the tulips. To determine the time when to plant crocuses and tulips, weather conditions will help. Dry cool weather is most favorable for this, but you need to catch it before the first frost.

Planting autumn species

Autumn crocuses are planted in late summer. Later planting will lead to the fact that the corm will form incorrectly, releasing leaves, but not giving buds. Therefore, the question arises - when to plant crocuses. Autumn (September) is the time for planting spring-flowering species; in summer (late July), autumn-flowering specimens need to be planted. Not all flower growers carry out annual planting, leaving the plant in one place for 4-5 years.

autumn crocuses

It is noticed that with this approach, the flowers are smaller, greenery grows, it becomes crowded for children. Therefore, for better flowering, obtaining excellent planting material and preserving bulbs from garden pests, it is recommended to dig and divide crocuses annually. If the selected place has light sandy loam soil, there is no stagnation of moisture, and the area is sufficiently lit, then the flowers will not take long to wait and will soon please you with bright buds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7846/

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