How to celebrate the New Year in Italy: traditions and customs

As in any Catholic country, Christmas is considered the main holiday in Italy. But Italians would not be Italians if they had missed an additional reason for fun. Therefore, the New Year is celebrated in this country on an equal footing, and over the history of the holiday, it has grown with a large number of rites, traditions and customs. How is New Year celebrated in Italy?

Briefly about the main thing

The New Year comes to Italy along with two traditions: residents try to pay off all their debts and throw away all old things. This is a symbol of the fact that the time has come to say goodbye to last year’s troubles, opening the door to a new future. By the way, it is customary to throw old things out of windows, so on New Year's Eve in Italy it is not very safe to walk along city streets, especially in residential areas.

After the debts have been repaid and the old things have been thrown away, Italians begin to set the table. The festive dinner begins at 9 o’clock in the evening. Fatty pork sausage and lentils must be present on the table. But that’s not the point! The main thing is that these dishes were prepared by a woman in red underwear. It is believed that this will bring good luck in the coming year.

To celebrate the New Year in Italy is made with wine, not champagne. During the battle of the clock you need to have time to eat 12 white grapes. Eating should be calculated so that the last berry falls on the first minute of the new year. And of course, according to tradition, in Italy the New Year is celebrated in new clothes.

christmas grapes

After everyone enjoys delicious food and a homely atmosphere, Italians take to the streets and continue to have fun until the morning with the roar of fireworks. Now you can delve deeper into the features of the New Year and Christmas holidays in Italy.

Holiday features

New Year in Italy, as, indeed, in any other country, is an unusual holiday, and it must be met so that the next 12 months bring only positive emotions. Perhaps this is why in Italy, New Year's and Christmas holidays last from Christmas to Epiphany, and this is about a month.

In this country, the New Year is called Capodanno, which means “chapter of the year”. This day is also called St. Sylvester Day. Dinner begins at 9 pm, and there must be at least 13 dishes on the table. Only the closest friends of the family and relatives are invited to the feast.

pork sausage and lentils

Since there are many provinces in the country, it has long been so established that each of them has its own traditions regarding the celebration of the New Year. And only one tradition of celebrating the New Year in Italy remains unchanged - concerts and festivities last all night, the streets are light, as if during the day, from illumination, and on each windowsill you can see a flower pot in which there is an elegant Christmas tree.

Fireworks and firecrackers

Huge crowds of people walk on the streets, some of them dress up in carnival costumes and that’s all, absolutely all at least once, but they will set fire to a firecracker and throw it on the ground. For an unprepared person, a festive night in this country may seem like a terrorist act, since the New Year is celebrated in Italy very noisily and with the use of a large amount of pyrotechnics. But the reason is not that the Italians are funny and groovy guys who are just waiting for a reason to povyazit. In fact, they are all very superstitious and believe that loud sounds drive away evil spirits.

how to celebrate the new year in italy

Old things and a happy meeting

As already mentioned, on New Year's Eve, Italians throw old things out of windows. Moreover, not only grandmother's suitcase, which smelled of mothballs, belongs to old things, but also brand-new objects of modern life. Italians believe that it is necessary to get rid of as many unnecessary items as possible, then new friends, events and things will appear in the coming year.

Also in Italy, they attach great importance to those who are met on the morning of the first of January. If this is a young girl with a baby in her arms, then a happy year awaits those who see her. When a hunchbacked man walks towards , this is also considered a good omen. Such a meeting promises a comfortable year and a lot of money. But the Italians are trying to avoid meetings with the clergyman at all costs. This is a bad sign, which indicates a great misfortune in the coming year.

Water and fairs

To please the family that invited you to the New Year, it is best to bring clean water with you, this will be the most desired gift. First you need to put a sprig of olive in it, such water is called "new" and is a symbol of a happy and bright life, so such a gift is very much appreciated.

New Year's celebration in Italy cannot do without traditional New Year fairs. But most of all the profit at this time was received by clothing stores, since Italians believe that the new decoration, besides the red color, will bring luck to their master.

red linen

Santa Claus in Italian

Bubbo Natale - this is how this caring old man was christened in Italy. On the night of December 31 to January 1, he comes to all obedient children and puts gifts in their previously prepared socks. In order for Babbo Natale to know what the young residents of Italy dream of, red boxes are installed on the streets of the country, in which you need to throw letters.

witch befana

But this is not the only character who is happy to meet kids. On the day of Baptism, the fairy of Befana (or the good witch of Befan) comes to the babies. She appears on a flying broomstick, holds a golden key in her hands and presents children with surprises. Obedient children receive pleasant presents from her, and a pinch of ash is intended for the angry and naughty.


Christmas is considered the harbinger of the New Year in Italy. Of course, after him there are a few more holidays. But the most common New Year. In some provinces, the holidays that are in the interval between Christmas and New Year do not pay attention in principle.

Initially, Christmas was preceded by the festival of Saturnalia, which was held in honor of the god of Saturn on December 17. In the days of the Republic and imperial Rome, this action lasted 5-7 days. This holiday marked the end of the harvest. And it was customary to relax, have fun, arrange feasts and give gifts to friends and relatives. On holidays, it was not forbidden to gamble, and even slaves could change places with their owners. Since the 4th century AD e., when Christianity spread throughout the country, the familiar Saturnalia was replaced by Christmas. At the same time, some ancient traditions that were popular during the pagan holiday were preserved.

Beginning of the Feast

So, how to celebrate the New Year in Italy? Firstly, this celebration is preceded by more than one holiday. Decorating cities with illumination begins in late November. By December 8 (Immaculate Conception Day), all cities and provinces of Italy are ready for the holidays.

festive illumination

Christmas markets operate throughout December, of course, they are not as colorful and varied as in Germany or Austria, but they have their own flavor, especially in the north of the country. At such fairs, you can buy traditional products, holiday sweets, Christmas decorations, gifts, etc.

During this period, wherever possible, they set up nativity scenes and sing Christmas songs. 9 days before Christmas, Novenna begins, a practice during which special prayers are read in Catholic churches for 9 days. In some rural areas, children dress up as shepherds and go from house to house with Christmas songs.

Quest: "Get into the Pope’s Cathedral"

On Christmas Eve all believing Italians attend Mass - a festive church sermon that lasts on the night of December 24 to 25. Someone just goes to the nearest church, and someone goes to the Vatican, to St. Peter's Basilica to listen to a sermon from the pope himself.

In order to get to St. Peter's Basilica or the square of the same name during Christmas, you need to book tickets in advance. They are absolutely free, but since there are a lot of people who want to, you need to register a few months before the event. You can go through this procedure online, you will need to fill out the appropriate form and go through a small quest. If there are free places, then a notification from the Vatican will come to your home address, and 4-5 days before the holiday you will need to pick up tickets from the Papal House prefecture.

In Italy, Christmas is celebrated in a warm family circle at a large table with a huge variety of dishes. The feast can last all day with breaks for rest, it is sure to complement board games and the exchange of gifts.

After christmas

The day after Christmas is also a holiday (Day of St. Stephen the First Martyr) and an official day off. After him, the whole country is preparing for the New Year. Unlike Christmas, this holiday is celebrated outside the house. Festivals, open-air light and music performances, concerts, parties, explosions of fireworks - all this will not leave anyone indifferent and with a 100% probability will lure them into the street.

Christmas decorations

Celebrators gather in the squares and, in anticipation of the first New Year's fireworks, count the last seconds of the outgoing year. According to the Italian legend, it is good to note not only New Year's Eve, but also the first of January. It is believed that what this day will be like this will pass the whole year.

The traditions and customs of the New Year in Italy are diverse, and some of them are completely incomprehensible. Like, for example, throwing old things out of windows.

January 6 celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, or the Day of the Three Kings. Hundreds of people in costumes march around the city and carry gifts for the pope in memory of the appearance of Christ. In many cities in Italy, costume shows are simply arranged. On this day, a rich table is prepared, which ends with festive events. Epiphany Day is somewhat reminiscent of the old New Year in the CIS countries.

New Year in Italy is a luxurious and noisy holiday. This day is still saturated with the spiritual warmth of Christmas, but it already opens its arms with provocative fun.


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