How to weave baubles from ribbons. The easiest way

Such is the feminine essence - in an effort to embellish oneself. And that is wonderful. Especially if it is done exquisitely and tastefully. It’s good when girls take care of their appearance and do needlework from a young age, in the future, all acquired skills will be useful to them. About the undeservedly forgotten occupation, which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers loved to do, making fine jewelry from relatively inexpensive materials, namely, how to weave baubles from ribbons, we will talk.

It is impossible to take your eyes off the bracelets adorning the hands of young fashionistas, and what an envious look girlfriends who do not have such adornments look at them! Stylish, bright, and, most importantly, completely unique bracelets are the dream of every girl. And nothing prevents anyone from comprehending the secrets of this simple, but very attractive needlework, such as weaving baubles from ribbons. Inexpensive, but very beautiful and unique. A little perseverance and, as a result, firstly, an exclusive bracelet, and, secondly, the formation of one's own image and sense of style from an early age. On top of all this, an indescribable delight from the feeling that such beauty is done with your own hands.

How to weave baubles from ribbons?

  1. Narrow satin ribbons are best suited for weaving. For one bracelet, you need to choose the ribbons of two colors that are in harmony with each other, however, you can take any colors that the craftswoman will like. Ribbons should be about one meter long and always the same in width. For example, we call, for convenience, purple and pink ribbons and proceed to describe the weaving of baubles from satin ribbons.
  2. The ends of both ribbons are folded together and a knot is tied with a loop. After that, on each of the ribbons make 2 loops with a length of about 10 to 15 cm (for future fasteners) and put them one on top of the other. Pass the loop on the purple ribbon into the loop on the pink ribbon and tighten the pink loop.
  3. In order not to lose the end of the loop, at first you can fix it with an English safety pin to the base. Although without a pin, everything works fine.
  4. Again, make a loop on a pink ribbon, stretch it into a purple loop and tighten the purple ribbon. It turns out a pink loop, to which you again need to attach a purple loop.
  5. Thread the purple loop into the pink loop and tighten the pink loop. Make a pink loop, and then stretch it into a purple loop and tighten it.
  6. Thus, weaving continues, changing and tightening the loops alternately until a bracelet of the required length is obtained.
  7. You should stretch the loops evenly and not tighten them too tight so that the ribbons are interlaced evenly and equally, and you will understand how to weave baubles from ribbons to get a neat pattern. As a result, painstaking work will be crowned - you get an original bauble with square weaving, at the end of which a regular knot is tied.

Once having learned this method of weaving, it can be successfully used not only for bracelets, but also for decorative elements in clothes, making braids for bags, interior design (decorating jewelry boxes, glasses for pencils and pens, flower pots, etc.). In the future, acquired skills can be used by inventing a variety of jewelry and products. For example, decorating bottles in various ways is widespread, after which they turn into amazingly beautiful vases. And it’s also important that when asked by friends, β€œ how to weave baubles from ribbons?” Β» You will always have an answer ready. Knowledge is not a burden, and it is never too late to learn, especially if the result pleases both the skilled worker and everyone around, because it is not without reason that they say: β€œBeauty will save the world.”


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