What are the signs of good weather?

Remember the old joke about Chukchi and the hydrometeorological center? When did they predict weather for each other? This, of course, was invented for laughs. Only the essence of the story lies in the fact that if you know the signs of good weather, then in fact, no forecasts are needed anymore. And there are many of them. Not only in different climatic zones, but also in smaller territories, people notice their signs. Let's consider them so that we no longer depend on meteorologists, who, by the way, are often mistaken.

Watching insects

If you have the opportunity to walk on the ground, then you will certainly come across implicit signs of good weather. Did you see the anthill? Take a look at what's going on there. If little workers clog their moves, quickly gather in minks and hide, to be raining.

signs of good weather

And when all the passages are open, and the ants themselves busily scurrying back and forth, expect a good day. They feel the atmosphere is no worse than a barometer. It is also advisable to watch the bees. They are associated with many signs that predict the weather. If you noticed that the striped toilers at dawn scattered in colors to collect nectar, then do not hesitate - the day will delight you with warmth. When they saw that insects are quickly gathering towards the hive, trying to hide, be sure that it will rain soon. By the way, bees are very sensitive to the ecological state of the environment. Poor conditions that we do not notice are disastrous for them. Therefore, it is recommended to stop for a picnic or relax where they buzz busily. Your health in such places is not in danger.

signs predicting the weather

What will spiders tell us?

Are you interested in what signs of the weather are? Believe me, you don’t need to go far to get the information you need. Sometimes you can look at the spider that is hiding in a dark corner and determine what awaits you today. Say good housewives drive them? Or maybe they do it in vain? If this little hunter froze in the center of his net, then expect bad weather. And when he hides in a corner and lurks there, take an umbrella with you, because there will be rain today. Spiders feel not droplets, but a change in atmospheric pressure. Their forecast is more accurate than the meteorological center.

What are the signs of good weather that are associated with a spider? If he weaves a cobweb and runs on it, it portends a clear sunny day. And when you see that cobwebs flew across the field, it means Indian summer has come . This is the time in the middle of rainy autumn, when summer returns for a short while, pleasing with the last warmth. By the way, folk signs are also associated with the Indian summer itself. The signs of good weather throughout the fall are determined by the rainy days of these few days of “summer warming”. When Indian summers are bad, you should prepare for a warm autumn, and vice versa.

Birds - the best hydrometer

If you really need signs that predict the weather, then look out the window. See how the birds behave. See that swallows and swifts fly in the clouds, which means that the day will be clear. And when they are clinging to the ground, then the rain is planned. However, in the city these birds are not particularly common.

what are the signs of the weather

But sparrows live a lot. Look, if they try to swim in the dust, then take an umbrella.

When you go to the village, also take an interest in what signs of weather are. There nature is much closer and more frank. We heard the raven - know that this bird of sediment is calling (or reports of their approach). Even the blackbird can predict the weather with its sounds. And if you hear the lark in the morning, then wait a clear day. This bird is silent to precipitation, but prefers to sing on clear days.

Those who go to the sea, it is extremely important to know when swimming is not dangerous. If it is not possible to follow weather forecasts, then listen to the seagulls. Before the storm, they land on the shore and arrange a "bazaar". On such days, do not swim far - it is dangerous. And in winter, look at the jackdaws. If they get in the snow, it will warm soon. In the spring, be sure to watch where the birds nest. If the birds feel the cold summer, they try to settle down on the south side. And when the nests are attached to the northern branches of the tree, the heat is foreshadowed unprecedented.

Do not forget about pet tips

People lovingly caring for animals are aware of the signs of good and bad weather that little friends tell them daily. This is a kind of gratitude for the affection. If a cat (dog) begins to hide its nose in its paws, then expect colds. By the way, this is not only happening in winter. An attentive observer observes that in summer this behavior of the pet is quite likely. So, the wind from the north will slightly lower the degree of heat.

Popular signs of good weather are often associated with animal behavior. When the cat (dog) falls apart on the bare floor, then the heat will come. They wash themselves on the window - it will be clear. But hear the frogs, hear the rain. If they shout at sunset, then the next morning expect a cold snap.

good weather

And in the villages, the weather was determined by cows. If in the evening the herd is led by a light colored animal, the day will be fine.

Signs of good weather in the sky

If you want to be more informed than meteorologists, then do not be lazy to look up. It turns out that the sky provides us with signs of good weather without any request. Just know what to look for.

Let's start at dawn. If you notice that there was fog, but quickly dissipated, then the day will please with clarity. The same meaning when it creeps on water. It also happens that the fog disappears on its own, without wind. This is also a sign of a clear day.

At night, it would also be nice to go out and look at the stars. If the Milky Way is clearly visible, then the next day will be fine. For a month, pay the withdrawal. The signs of good weather in summer are as follows: when his horns are pointed, then do not wait a long time for rain. But when they are stupid, precipitation will pass soon.

In winter, the weather was determined by the smoke in the villages. If he rose high, they expected warming. Cooling was determined by the moon. It happens that it hangs low above the horizon, while it has a burgundy color. This is a sign of bad weather that will come the next day. Anyway, the sky often talks about how the weather will change. If the sunset colors the clouds with red highlights, then wait for the wind.

Signs of bad weather

There are also long-term forecasts. In Crimea, dogwood determines what winter will be like. If it is a lot of ugly, then you have to freeze. But the dogwood is not growing everywhere. In the middle lane, this plant does not take root. And if there is somewhere, then it is derived artificially, which means that it is impossible to make a reliable forecast.

It is advisable to recognize the signs of good and bad weather characteristic of a particular area. In the middle lane it is believed that spring "rules" in the fall. When it is protracted, winter will not come soon. To be long rains and slush. But the omen that if after a long silence a gusty wind blew - to rain, is true for any place on the globe.

Villagers judge how the winter will be by ant heaps. When there are a lot of them and they are big, it will be very cold to know, and spring will not soon recapture this area. It is necessary to prepare for the same long and frosty winter if you saw birds flying low above the ground in the fall. Going to hot countries, they give their "last advice": get wrapped up and cook firewood, be great cold.

If we talk about short-term forecasts, then the following signs related to weather will help. See that the flies hid, hid, wait for the rain. And if all sorts of midges and other insects swarm near the yellow acacia, he knows that bad weather will happen in the near future.

signs of good and bad weather

Separately about winter

It is difficult to say at what time of the year forecasts are most relevant. But in winter, they allow you to maintain health, and sometimes life. If there is a forest nearby, then listen to the noise of the branches. When it becomes strong, it will warm soon. The snow will begin to melt, creating problems on the roads. This is also evidenced by the hubbub of sparrows. They rejoice in the quick warmth. If you want to use the signs of weather for the winter (the entire period), you will have to prepare in advance. Remember the summer. When it is hot, the winter is frosty. And if it was windy, then expect a lot of snowstorms in the cold. In October, thunder struck? Snow in winter is not worth the wait. If he drops out, then in a small amount. But September drives away the winter. The drier and warmer it is, the longer frosts will have to wait.

signs of good weather in the summer
And at Pokrov in general they try not to miss anything. There are 3 signs of weather on this day, which are mandatory. If it was warm, then winter will not “bite”. If it began to snow at Pokrov, then the weather will be fine. And in the wind they determined where the winter would come from. From which side he blows, from that and the cold will move forward.

What to expect in the fall

They tried to prepare for a cold snap in advance. This is understandable: the genus life depended on the success of this process in the old days. Therefore, signs of weather in the fall were just as important as at other times of the year. We looked at the first day of Indian summer. If he turned out to be fine, then they did not expect unpleasant surprises. All autumn was warm. This also meant thunder in September. Hearing it, the peasants rejoiced at that, you can safely prepare for the winter, do not rush. And in the spring they could make a rough forecast for the fall. If it was dry, then on the eve of winter they were waiting for "heavenly abyss." It meant rainy autumn. Be sure to watch the birds, which is available to us. Cranes fly high, kulich, to know, a fine autumn will stand out. But starlings, lingering in their native lands, predicted windy weather. It was also believed that they did not fly away when the autumn was long, unyielding. The same is predicted by cobwebs flying above the ground in August. And the birds are not in a hurry to fly away to the warm autumn. They will establish a route, then they will stop. And ducks generally linger before the cold rains in their native lands. All these are signs of a long and warm autumn. But when the geese stretch to the south, soon the snow will come.

Signs on plants

It is believed that when the leaves begin to dry in the summer, autumn will soon be. This, of course, is true only in areas where negative environmental factors do not affect the trees. In general, folk signs for determining weather by plants are very diverse. Have you noticed that the flowers in the field exude aroma with different intensities? If the smell is very strong, it will rain soon. And dandelions tend to close to bad weather, tightly squeeze the hat. Burdock, on the contrary, anticipating rain, tries to spread the thorns. Not like a bindweed. This plant quickly folds and hides its gramophone flowers.

In the spring they go to the forest to see what summer will be. If the first oak leaves let out, and not ash, then wait for the drought. And if birch has a lot of juice, then the summer will be rainy.

Previously, rain reed was predicted for tomorrow. If in the morning there were droplets in the corners of its leaves, then they will certainly spill from the sky. The juice that stands out on horse chestnut spoke of the same thing. This sticky substance on the leaves began to collect in large quantities, wait for the rain tomorrow. And in the fall they looked at the trees. If the yellow leaf does not fall from the birch, then the snow will not come soon. When all the trees by the end of October do not want to completely “undress”, then there will be a harsh winter. Rowan was determined whether many mushrooms are expected. If it starts to bloom late, then you will collect a good crop. When the mountain ash bears fruit abundantly, the autumn will be wet, rainy. But in the event that there are few berries on it, dry weather will last until winter.

signs of good weather

How to determine if the weather will be bad

Not only with rains and winds were popular observations. Many signs have accumulated that predicted possible upheaval in society. For example, if in winter the wind sweeps snowdrifts like coffins, then they expected a pestilence in the village. When a storm happened, uprooting large trees, they were preparing for numerous diseases that would amaze everyone living nearby. When a long blizzard (for several days) was played out, they said that somewhere the dead man was lying, waiting for the ceremony.

Interestingly, they managed to use natural disasters for their own benefit. So, it is believed that when in winter you hear the first thunder, you urgently need to wash your face. Yes, not just like that, but from a silver bowl. Such a rite, according to beliefs, brought health and beauty. And in the summer, hearing the thunder, they fled in the rain. Those who wash themselves with “heavenly” water and grab hold of a pocket with money are guaranteed wealth. And if you are afraid of thunder, then go out into the street, hearing it, and kiss the earth. Fear at your fingertips will remove, as people say. The same is recommended for people who suffer from lip cracking. If in spring the thunder struck, and the ice had not yet melted, be a big catch this year.

That's what the people advised if a thunderstorm caught you on the road. Try to get off the road, ride on the grass, then you will remain safe and sound. If you decide to hide, then run under the birch. And bypass the spruce and pine side. A rich harvest of nuts was foreshadowed by a thunderstorm that erupted on the Annunciation.

Even more interesting are the rain predictions. If water pours from the sky, but the sun does not hide, it shines, as in clear weather, it was believed that there would be a drowned man. When the water bubbles in the puddles, the rain will not end soon. But in drought, they tried to cause precipitation. To do this, it was prescribed for a woman to stand at the well and spray water with ice-cold water, and not to forget herself.

Signs by the stars

It was said that as a person is born, so a new light is lit in the sky. When someone dies, the star goes out. About the fall of meteorites, too, there were many signs. On the one hand, it was believed that this angel was coming down to earth, on the other, the weather would be good. Another fall of the star could portend the wind the next day. And if you see how it flickers with bright light, then expect clear and fine weather. The same thing if you notice bright circles around the stars. But the attitude to comets was completely different (and it remained the same). It was believed that their appearance in the sky portends pestilence, famine, disease and all kinds of disasters. When the first media appeared, the comets described in them caused great unrest in many countries. And do not forget that if you manage to make a wish while the star falls, you will be happy.

Judging the weather on the moon

When the face of the queen of the night is clear and bright, then it should be colder (in winter) or wind (in summer). If it seems to you that the moon has become white, then do not expect precipitation. When a "bloody" hoop is formed around the night star, there will be a strong wind. If he leaves quickly, then expect severe frosts. It was also believed that disrespect for the moon is fraught with consequences. They did not defecate against her and did not poke a finger. They said that if you start pointing to the moon, your hands will lose power, do not hold anything in them. And they could only go to bed carefully "fenced off" from its light. It was believed that a child under her influence could become a sleepwalker. That is, in a dream he will roam the street, being in a trance.

They also revered the month. They said that his horns show the weather. If directed down, it will be dry, and if up - rain. When the month began to decrease, they tried not to start anything new. It was believed that there would be no sense in this. Only spend a gift of power.

A lot of folk signs about good weather have been noticed. Heaven and animals, plants and luminaries can tell a careful person a lot about the upcoming day. It is only recommended to keep in mind that the signs presented above are not universal. Each climate zone is distinguished by its nuances, which is necessarily reflected in the observations of the people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7860/

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