How to pierce your ears at home - tips and tricks

Many people think about whether to pierce an ear or not, at a very young age. After all, every girl wants to be beautiful, and they take examples of beauty from various fashion magazines and just from adults. A rare woman does without jewelry, and earrings are not in the last place in the list of jewelry.

how to pierce your ears at home
Ear piercing is not such an expensive procedure, but many are wondering: "How to pierce your ears at home ?" Sometimes such a decision is caused simply by a reluctance to visit any salons and pay even a little money for what, in principle, you can do yourself. Many people do not trust various salon workers, and they are more comfortable doing this operation at home. There is a lot of information about how to pierce your ears at home. There will be both opponents of this procedure at home, and those who fully support this approach. Sometimes even the “teaching” on how to pierce ears at home is passed down from generation to generation. In this case, this procedure becomes safer than if a friend who had never dealt with such things before took up this matter.

So, if you still decided not to ask for help in the salon, let's find out how to pierce your ears at home. To do this, you need a needle and an earring (or, to immediately kill two birds with one stone, an earring with a pointed end), as well as alcohol (for external disinfection). It is necessary to treat the ear with alcohol on both sides, as well as the needle and earring, pierce the ear with one movement and immediately insert the jewelry there (by the way, it is better to use products from precious metals or medical alloy). It is important that the puncture is even so that you do not experience discomfort in the future. Therefore, it is better if the procedure is not carried out by you personally, but by someone else.

pierce ears at home
If you are afraid of pain, experienced people advise you to do the following procedure before you are going to pierce your ears at home: peel a small potato and put it in the refrigerator, and then when it freezes, take it out, cut it into two halves and attach them on both sides to the earlobe. When it goes numb, remove the potatoes and you can proceed with the procedure. By the way, the thickness of the needle should not be too small so that in the future there would be no problems with threading the earring.

when you can pierce your ears
As for the second and subsequent holes, they are not advised to do them at home. Like, there are a lot of different dangerous points, and cartilage will not make a puncture so easy and painless. But if you are not stopped by any warnings, then the puncture scheme is still the same: a needle, an earring and alcohol.

If you are concerned about the question "when can I pierce my ears", then the answer to it is not entirely clear. In principle, you can pierce your ear at any age, but some people think that the older the person, the more dangerous this procedure can be. But too early, some also do not recommend piercing the ears of a child. After all, who knows, maybe he will not want to be decorated in this way and is unlikely to thank you in that case. So both you and your child are free to decide for themselves when to decorate themselves with “ear jewelry”.


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