What are the interesting mollinsias black

Black mollies are one of the most common and favorite aquarium fish. Their samples can be found both among specialists who have been breeding domestic fish for years, and among beginner aquarists. The fish is viviparous, but, unlike other similar individuals, needs special conditions of detention, therefore it is usually not recommended for those who first bought an aquarium for themselves.

black mollinsia fish

This beauty comes from freshwater bodies of Central and South America. In nature, it can have various colors, mainly spotted. However, on the territory of our country, the most widely used hybrid, bred artificially, is the black mollinsia fish. It is characterized by a velvety black shade. The body of the fish is oblong, elongated, slightly flattened from the sides. The head is small in size, large black eyes stand out on it . The fins are not large. It is the appearance that attracts the attention of lovers to such a fish as black mollies. Female and male differ in size. Boys are slightly smaller, their body length is from 4 to 6 cm, and in girls from 5 to 8 cm. You can determine the sex of the fish if you pay attention to its anal fin. In females, it is slightly rounded, and in males, like other viviparous, it is slightly pointed.

mollies black


Mollinsia black first appeared in aquariums in the forties of the last century. And already in the sixties they became one of the most famous and widespread. And relatively recently, new interesting varieties have been introduced. This is a forked molliesia, the tail of which resembles a long black fork with two cloves. And also - a scarf, the tail of which, long and wide, flaps like a silk scarf when swimming.


Black mollies are more demanding of the conditions than other live-bearing fish. They do not like the temperature drops in the aquarium, they will feel best at 25-30 degrees. Cold water can lead to illness. Also, the fluid should be clean and oxygenated for breathing. Therefore, the owners need to take care of installing the filter and aeration. It is required to carry out regular replacement of part of the water (not more than a third of the total volume). This fish will not like a too soft liquid. It is best to add a little weak saline solution to such water. In order for Mollies to feel comfortable, blacks need shelters such as caves or shells, but free space for swimming is also necessary. It is best to keep them in small groups, in which there will be fewer males than females. They get along well with other fish, but can conflict with tiger barbs. If the males start chasing each other, this usually means that the aquarium for mollies is too small. They feed on a variety of feeds, among which must be present both vegetable and animal components. Dry food, as well as live, vitamin supplements are required.

Molliesia black female and male

Black mollies is a beautiful fish that can decorate any aquarium. Subject to all conditions of molliesia, they will multiply well and delight their hosts for many years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F787/

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