How to choose a drill for a hammer drill

The first electric hammer drill appeared in 1932, and this despite the fact that its ancestor was created back in 1851. But this is not the point, just rotary hammers have recently become a very common type of tool. Almost every family has such a one, because it is an indispensable assistant in carrying out any type of repair. But in order for him to be ready for work at any time, it is necessary to take care in advance of the selection of components for him. Now weโ€™ll talk about how to choose the right drill for the hammer drill.

Perforator drills
At present, only three types of such components are spread. These are drill bits for SDS + and SDS Max, as well as a completely new and therefore not so popular SDS-top. Although it is worth noting in advance that the developers consider this particular drill to be optimal for creating holes up to 25 mm. As for the first two options, they mainly differ in their fastener design and their maximum diameter. The fact is that SDS + is a drill for drills with a total weight of up to five kilograms. But SDS Max is already designed for heavy tools.

Drill for drill
By the way, if you wish, you can find special adapters and use SDS Max on light equipment, and SDS +, on the contrary, on heavy equipment. However, this cannot lead to anything good. In the first case, the drill wear will increase, and in the second - drill wear. Both options are not so good.

If you choose a drill for a perforator, then first of all you should pay attention to its removal of sludge. At the moment, according to this criterion, drills can be divided into three types: with a small angle of inclination, with a large angle of inclination and auger. The most optimal is the last tap - auger. The fact is that it is able to provide the fastest discharge of sludge, which is especially useful when drilling deep holes. But at the same time, you need to carefully monitor that a deep groove is used.

Now let's touch on the economic side of the issue. The cheapest drill for a perforator will be if a Chinese or domestic company is listed as its manufacturer. But, when buying such products, you need to rely on its fragility in advance. In addition, cheap drills are not always made in accordance with all standards. However, you can count on some exceptions. It is likely that such a drill will serve you not a single year. But these are precisely the exceptions that you should not really hope for.

Drill Bits
Nevertheless, the best solution would be to use products from the second price category - these are drills from well-known manufacturers "for the amateur". Their use is almost perfect at home.

However, there is also a third price category. These are professional drills. They will serve for a really long time, while their technical characteristics will be at the highest level. However, a significant part of the funds will have to be allocated for the purchase of such goods.

Having taken into account the above information, it is already possible with confidence to go to the store and choose the most suitable drill for the perforator.


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