Lama Lake: description and features

Lake Lama, the photo of which is in this article, is the most beautiful and famous freshwater reservoir of Taimyr. He is considered one of the Russian miracles. The history of the lake, shrouded in many legends, begins about a hundred million years ago.

Lake name

In the language of the Tungus and Evenki, the sound of the name of the lake is very similar to the word meaning ocean or sea. On maps that existed before the revolution, the lake was called by a different name - Davydovo. Sometimes it is called Taimyr Baikal.

Lake location

Lake Lama in Taimyr is located on the western side of the Putorana plateau. About a hundred and twenty kilometers northeast of Norilsk. The reservoir is of tectonic origin and is located in the hollow between the mountains. On the one hand, the lake is surrounded by the Mikchangda mountains, on the other - Lamsky. The height of the peaks is from 450 to 800 meters.

lama lake

Description of the lake

The lake has the shape of a long 80-kilometer snake. The width between the shores is approximately fourteen kilometers. The narrowest sections are measured in hundreds of meters. Lama Lake, whose depth is 300 meters, has a total area of ​​318 square kilometers.

The coastline is uneven, rugged, 200 kilometers long. The shores are steep, high and rocky. Many break off right at the water's edge and go under it with steep cliffs. Only the western shores are gentle. There is a medium and small pebble, you can find huge boulders and small slides of sand and gravel.

Many rivers flow from mountain crevices into the reservoir, forming picturesque waterfalls, the height of which reaches sixty meters. They are often called "crying rocks." They amaze with their crystal clear water, beauty and power. Lama Lake is surrounded by hills. In some places, spruce forests or birch woodlands grow on the banks. You can find berry bushes and larch. Ledum grows in the undergrowth. On the slopes of the mountains grows like a bright carpet, blueberries and lingonberries. Mushrooms are also found quite a lot.

lake lama photo

Lake Lama is connected with other bodies of water: the Small and Kapchuk and small rivers. For eight months a year, a thick meter-long crust of ice covers the pond. It melts only by mid-June. Navigable lake. Once a week, Lama carry tourists visiting small boats, called trams, on excursions.

The lake is constantly replenished with rainwater, snow and melting ice. In spring, the water level begins to rise even during freezing. Its duration is from 200 to 220 days. Even in summer, the water temperature in the lake does not exceed seven degrees and is characterized by low salinity. Oxygen saturation is high, close to exceeding the threshold.

lake lama depth

Water world

The aquatic vegetation of the lake is very diverse. This is characteristic of all water bodies on the Putorana plateau. Zooplankton mainly consists of copepods (cyclopoids and calanids). And also represented by rotifers and cladocerans. But zooplankton in Lake Lama has low biomass.

Mysteries of the pond

The water in Lake Lama is crystal clear, clear, cold and fresh. This is even more surprising, because at the bottom of the reservoir there is a thick layer of salt. This is one of the secrets of the reservoir, which scientists have not yet guessed.

Psychics and esoterics very often come to Lake Lama. They are sure that this reservoir is a source of tremendous power and a kind of reservoir of otherworldly energy. Lake Lama is of interest to ufologists who believe that alien ships land on it . Ufologists even created their base near the lake. They also suggest that there is an alien base at the bottom of the lake.

Lake Lama Krasnoyarsk Territory

Fishing on the lake

Most often fishing enthusiasts come to the pond. There are a lot of fish in the lake. Most caught here:

  • char;
  • grayling
  • nelmu;
  • a burn;
  • pink salmon;
  • muksuna.

Most often, fishermen go for the char. Catch a large individual from three to seven kilograms can anyone, even a beginner. Fishermen arrange for "hunting" on the banks or bridges. Some people rent boats at the camp site. Sometimes they bring their own swimming equipment - inflatable.

The char is best caught early in the morning from 6-7 hours or late in the evening, on a spinning rod. The best option - in the process of trolling with the help of a down-rigger, on top or with the help of large wobblers. Spinners should be up to forty grams. Silver or red and yellow.

The char on Lake Lama becomes most active after the ice melts. And also in the fall, in September, until the water is under the ice crust. Wobblers also catch a chebak, pike and perch. When going fishing, you need to take funds from mosquitoes and midges with you. There are a lot of them on the lake.

lama lake in taimyr

Lake Lama (Krasnoyarsk Territory): how to get

First you need to get to Norilsk. Then take a bus from Alykel Airport to the water port of Valek. As an alternative - you can catch a ride to the pier. From there, on Fridays, water buses leave for the recreation centers on Lake Lama

Lake Attractions

Previously, repressed military officials from the Baltic republics were serving time on Lake Lama. Then a camp site was built in this place and a memorial sign was installed. But basically Lake Lama attracts untouched by man and unique wildlife. At one of several camp sites located on the shores, there is a small museum that displays clothes and various household attributes of Nganasans, silver belts of the Dolgan and many other equally interesting exhibits that previously belonged to the indigenous population of the area.


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