Excursions in Tallinn in Russian: description and reviews of tourists

The most famous sights of the Estonian capital are examples of medieval European architecture. Fancy weathercocks and pointed tile roofs, church steeples against the blue sky and strong, slightly gloomy fortress walls, paved pavement and narrow winding streets - all about Tallinn. There are a lot of city tours. We will tell you about the most interesting and popular among tourists.

Tallinn attractions

A bit of history

Around 1230, the German Order of the Sword-Bearers settled Westphalian and Lübeck merchants at the entrance to the Gulf of Finland. This time is considered to be the moment of foundation of the Hanseatic city called Revel.

Very soon Revel occupied a special position among the Hanseatic cities. It's all about a good location. At the city gates all goods transported by were stored. Local merchants earned great money on intermediary trade between East and West.

Revel was a fortress, armed with 35 towers, the walls of which stood the best gunners and guarded the treasures of local merchants. The heyday of the city fell on the XV-XVI century. Economic development has led to the appearance in the city of new buildings made in fashionable architectural styles.

At the end of the 16th century, Revel became part of Sweden. During the Northern War, which began in 1700, Russian troops captured the city. In 1918 the Germans occupied the city, and a year later it received its modern name. Excursions in Russian are not uncommon here. Most of the inhabitants speak fluently the language of Pushkin. In addition, tours of Tallinn are popular with travelers from Russia, which determines the tourist focus.

In 1944, Soviet troops inflicted a heavy blow on the German, which were located in Tallinn. Many buildings were destroyed, many citizens died. About 20 thousand inhabitants lost their homes. Surprisingly, after such tragic events, excursions in Tallinn can be very eventful. Ancient buildings miraculously survived here. And the town hall, which is included in almost all excursions in Tallinn, is the oldest of such buildings in northern Europe.

Until 1991, Estonia was part of the USSR. Six years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the historic district (Old Town) was listed as a UNESCO heritage site.

Tallinn at night

Excursions in Tallinn

To get to know the city, you need to make many walks. This tour is suitable for seasoned tourists. But only in this way you can enjoy the views of the Estonian capital, imbued with its color.

A sightseeing tour will cost about 80 euros (1 euro is about 75 p.). There are many more options. For example, a tour of Tallinn by ferry. However, the following describes those that are aimed at the most curious travelers. Those who are not afraid of walking and terrible city legends.

Tallinn Town Hall

Secrets of the city hall

This is one of the unusual routes. The guide does not just provide dry data from the history of the architectural monument, which, by the way, is more than 600 years old. He tells terrible stories about the executions that took place once on the main Tallinn square, and much more that cannot be found in the guidebook. Tourists listen to the guide, look at the medieval landmark and take pictures at the pillory, which several hundred years ago, not a single inhabitant of Revel approached of their own free will. The cost of the tour is 40 euros.

Alcoholic Tallinn

This is a tourist program that allows you to learn about how and where locals produced alcohol. And in this case they knew a lot. Estonia is famous for all kinds of alcoholic drinks. Such an excursion costs about the same as described above.

Tallinn fair

Legends of medieval Tallinn

In the old days, people were more naive, superstitious and gullible. They saw ghosts everywhere and recognized the mystical principle in everything. Legends of medieval Tallinn is a walking tour that allows you to get acquainted with interesting mystical stories that arose in the Estonian capital many centuries ago.

Luhe Yalg street is considered an abnormal zone. Locals claim that ghosts live here. One of the houses on Lai Street is connected with a sad love story of a monk and a ratman's daughter. The guide will tell you about the ghosts encountered on Lyuha Yalg and the passionate attraction of the young monk. The duration of the tour is two hours. The cost is 46 euros.

Tallinn in winter

Tallinn from the tram window

There are no questions about what mode of transport this excursion takes. It is worth saying that in the Estonian capital there are only four tram lines. On one of them lies the popular tourist route lasting two hours. The price is 48 euros.

Revel - the city of masters

In Tallinn in the Middle Ages lived not only enterprising merchants, but also hardworking artisans. Masons, masons, brewing masters, pharmacists - they all lived where the main attractions of the city are located today.

To learn more about the life of the inhabitants of medieval Revel, you should book a tour Revel - the city of masters. Standard cost - 48 euros.

Guardians of the Old Town

Tallinn is a great place for families. There are attractions that will be of interest to young tourists. But in order to get acquainted with the city in the most interesting form, a tourist program has been created for the Guardians of the old city. This is a children's quest that allows children to immerse themselves in the history of Tallinn. The cost is 50 euros.

Mystic evening Tallinn

This is another program aimed at fans of everything mysterious. The guide tells urban legends, which, perhaps, can be heard on time of any other excursion to Tallinn in Russian. But as you know, all the extraordinary happens after sunset.

The mystic of evening Tallinn is the route that tourists take in the evening. The cost of the tour is 50 euros.

Orthodox Tallinn

Estonia has long been part of Russia, and then the Soviet Union. This left an imprint on the architectural appearance of the capital. During the tour, the guide talks about the Orthodox churches that are here, about what role the representatives of the Romanov dynasty played in the fate of the city, and much more.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Bus excursions from Tallinn

Estonia is a very small country, which, however, does not mean that all its attractions can be circumvented in a couple of days. After all, each of them has a long, interesting history. But tourists who want to spend time more intensively, coming to this city, get excursions not only in the historical center, but also in nearby settlements. And even in neighboring countries.

You can immerse yourself in the culture and history of the Baltic cities by ordering a tour of Tallinn - Riga. Tourists first inspect the Old Town, visit the Museum of Architecture, then send by bus to Latvia. In Riga, they are also waiting for a sightseeing tour. The route includes the legendary Jurmala.

There is also a guided tour of Tallinn - Stockholm. Tourists leave their city, upon arrival in the Estonian capital they check in at the hotel, then inspect local attractions. And go by ferry to Sweden. Among the Stockholm attractions included in the itinerary is the Royal Palace. The duration of the tour is 4 days.


It is very difficult to find a person who has visited the Estonian capital and remained indifferent to local attractions. Reviews about the tour of Tallinn in Russian are only positive. The only minus that tourists from Russia talk about is paved pavements, which are quite tiring to walk for two to three hours.

Tallinn is the capital of Estonia


In the center of the city there is a square where executions took place in the Middle Ages. Here is the aforementioned town hall. In Tallinn there is a pharmacy founded in the 15th century. This attraction is included in many hiking trails.

Freedom Square appeared in the 19th century on the site of the Swedish bastion. The Tallinn city wall once protected the city from the enemy, today it performs an exclusively decorative function. Other attractions of the Estonian capital: Maiden Tower, Viru Gate, Katarina Lane, Dome Cathedral, Kaarli Church.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7876/

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