Yudenich Marina Andreyevna, Russian writer: biography, personal life and creativity

Marina Andreevna Yudenich is a writer, journalist, political technologist and a prominent public figure. In addition, a spectacular, youthful brunette holds the post of chairman of the council for the protection of human rights and the development of civil society in the Moscow region.


The sharpness and courage of Marina Yudenich's statements are explained by her origin. The writer was born on July 8, 1959 in the central part of the North Caucasus. At that time, the hometown of Marina was called Ordzhonikidze. In 1990, Ordzhonikidze acquired its original name - Vladikavkaz. In her interviews, the journalist admits that she did not put much effort into schooling and did not have very high grades in the main subjects.

Always in great shape.


Immediately after the end of the decade, Marina Yudenich decided to conquer the capital. Moscow did not immediately accept the future writer. Having failed exams in one of the capital's universities, the girl decided to gain experience in journalism. Having moved to relatives in the Chita region, Yudenich got a job in the regional newspaper “Red Banner”. Then she gained the experience of working as a secretary of the Supreme Court in her native Vladikavkaz. And in 1982, she finally moved to Moscow.

First marriage

Significant events took place in the capital in the biography of Marina Yudenich. The persistent girl managed to enter the All-Union Law Institute, graduate with honors and become a lawyer. At the same time, moving to Moscow gave Marina Yudenich a family. The first husband of the writer was an engineer Igor Nekrasov. His relatives held prominent government posts. The newlyweds were presented with a separate apartment located on Myasnitskaya Street. After marriage, Marina became a member of the CPSU and achieved the post of secretary of the Komsomol district committee. In this marriage, the daughter of a writer was born.

Real beauty

Kink career

With the advent of perestroika, Marina Yudenich had to change the course of her career. From a politician, a young woman was retrained as a journalist and radio host.

She devoted several years of her life to the youth channel “Youth”. The program was part of the All-Union State Television and Radio Company. Marina admits that it was this work that taught her to be extremely careful with every word she said.


Work on television channels also played a significant role in the life of Marina Yudenich. In the early nineties, channels began to appear on the screens of the country through which journalists could conduct their investigations without censorship. One of these channels was the "Center" under the leadership of Yegor Yakovlev. Marina was invited there as a host. She conducted such programs as Nota Bene, One Hundred Degrees Celsius, Moscow. Kremlin ”,“ First-hand ”. In 2001, the audience liked the talk show “Just Marina” on the NTV channel, in which Yudenich brought up topical issues.

On Seliger

Further career

In the mid-nineties, the new head of Central Television closed the programs of Marina Yudenich. For some time, the journalist was left without work. And in 1995, she was invited to the information office of the Presidential Administration. The peak of a career in the Kremlin was the post of the head of the television and radio program preparation group. In 1996, the journalist became the chairman of the board of CJSC ENSIES. In 2008, Yudenich received the position of creative director of the Internet portal, which belonged to the company Pravda.ru. The journalist held this position until 2011. Since February 2012, Marina had the honor of becoming a confidant of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The next step in the career of the writer was the post of chairman of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region.


The second official husband of Marina Yudenich was a Russian politician. During the marriage with him, the journalist moved a little away from politics and studied psychology at the Paris Sorbonne. Then there was a marriage with a very influential and wealthy businessman. The last choice of Marina is the publisher of corporate, glossy and art magazines. It was he who published the first book of his wife. But then he offered Marina cooperation with other publishers. Since the family began to quarrel about the non-compliance of the writer with the deadlines for the delivery of manuscripts.

December 2017


The main genre in which Marina Yudenich writes is psychological detectives. In total, the writer has fourteen works. These are modern stories full of endless mysteries, including mystical ones. All books by Marina Yudenich have many positive reviews.

The first story was written by accident. Marina with her husband and friends rested in a country house. At night, someone knocked on the door, but there was no one behind the door. In the morning, the guests left the cottage, and the hostess thought that a mysterious knock could be the beginning of the story. So the book “Guest” appeared. A year later, from the pen of the writer came the following works.

  • "I opened the door before you." The novel intertwines the events of medieval Spain with modern reality. The main idea is retribution for the harm done to someone.
  • Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois. The writer dedicated this novel to her grandmother.
  • The Devil of Paradise. This is a story with an exciting and dynamic storyline that describes a series of mysterious murders in an elite society.
With your favorite readers

In 2000, the author writes:

  • "Date of my death." This is a mystical story about love after death and the struggle of Darkness and Light.
  • "Pandora's Box". A psychological thriller about a crazy maniac who took to the streets of Moscow from a dark past.

The following works, written at the beginning of the two thousandth, were:

  • "The desire to kill." Another story about a bloodthirsty serial killer who imagines himself to be God.
  • "The Titanic is swimming." The story of two madmen who dream of building a new Titanic to prevent the tragedy of the past.
  • "Antiquary." The story of the mad love of a brilliant artist who tragically intertwined the lives of many people of different generations.
  • "Puppet Games." Talks about the mystical events that happened with a famous journalist.
  • "Welcome to Transylvania." A mystical detective about a series of mysterious murders shrouded in the name of the ancient Count Dracula.
  • "The share of angels." This is a city novel about the overwhelming payment for security and success.
At a forum in the suburbs


Apart from the rest of the books of Marina Yudenich is a novel called "Oil", written in 2007. The work is completely political. The author wrote it based on his own work experience and acquaintance with influential people. She did not hesitate to give her characters real big names. After delving into economic issues, Yudenich studied the history of the struggle for the possession of oil territories. In Neft, the writer touched on the coup in the early nineties and an attempt to seize all the country's resources in private hands, putting an obedient government in the Kremlin. The novel turned out to be really scandalous. Yudenich plans to create the second part.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7877/

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