Clay Lincoln: characterization

There are currently countless fans of the Mafia series of games. This is no accident, because these games for centuries have been embedded in the memory of millions of players. They hooked not only with their dynamic shootouts, setting and time period, but also with their inimitable plot. Of course, there are many games about the mafia, but there are very few worthy of attention.

glue lincoln

That is why Mafia 3 remains the most popular topic of discussion among all gamers in the world. The main theme in the debate remains the protagonist - Clay Lincoln. About why it is so zealously discussed, hereinafter.

Subject of disputes

Why did the protagonist of the game "Mafia" (Lincoln Clay) caused a storm of diverse emotions among fans of the series - in a way that no other hero had caused before him? And everything is simple. From now on, the protagonist is an African American. This became clear from the debut trailer of the game. And among the fans, he caused a storm of emotions, both positive and negative. Some of this news did not catch, they say what difference does it make, what color is the hero’s skin - the plot is important. And others, on the contrary, were indignant, relying on the fact that where did you see the black mafia?

mafia lincoln glue

Be that as it may, the game will not be redone and the unhappy will have to come to terms. However, an increasing number of people are becoming indifferent to skin color. Every day, developers spread more and more information about the game on the Web and do not forget to tell the plot details, and according to many, it is excellent. But we will not touch on the plot now, we will analyze in detail who the character of the game "Mafia 3" Lincoln Clay is.

Biography. Childhood

lincoln glue mafia 3

All that is known about the childhood of Lincoln Clay is that he was born in Delray Hollow, located in America, in the southwest of New Bordeaux. It is known that his mother was a Dominican, and according to unconfirmed reports, his father is Italian. However, the role of his parents in the game is small, since already in two years Clay Lincoln becomes an orphan, his mother refuses him. That is why he finds himself in a Catholic shelter. He was taken under his care by father Jameson. He becomes the new father to Lincoln until the age of thirteen, it is at this age that the shelter closes and he becomes an orphan again.

But Lincoln does not despair and continues to seek his place in the world. His search leads to the "Black Mafia" - a mafia group in which Sam Robinson runs the business. From this moment, Sam takes Lincoln under his care, so our protagonist finds his new family.

At nineteen, Lincoln voluntarily enters the US Army, which leads to the fact that he is sent to fight in Vietnam. There he will stay for four years, serving in the special forces. His partner is John Donovan, it is this character who becomes the best friend of our hero. They met in 1966.

Role in Mafia III

After the events in Vietnam end, it is in New Bordeaux that Lincoln Clay returns. Mafia 3 originates just from that moment, after the main character felt the whole nightmare of the war. After he found and lost close people and his friends, he became a completely different person, more cruel and cold-blooded. It was Vietnam that tempered his character, before him it was a boy, but after him he became a man. Passion is also intensified by the situation that reigned in those days in relation to blacks. Just in New Bordeaux at that time was the peak of racial discrimination.

Clay Lincoln came to his hometown for one reason: he wants to say goodbye to the man who accepted him as a native and made him feel unbroken, letting him into his family. He wants to talk with his named father, Sam Robinson.

During the conversation, Sam persuades Lincoln to fulfill the last assignment in gratitude. He says that the relationship between the two mafia groups is now tense (namely, the Black Mafia and Italian). In addition to this, Sam still owed money to Sal Marcano, who is the head of the Italian mafia.

After listening to him, Lincoln agrees to help solve this problem and agrees on a peaceful meeting in Sal’s house to reconcile the two parties to the conflict. Sam Robinson and Clay Lincoln see this as a new opportunity for his entire family. However, Sal has other thoughts on this subject. The Italian mafia takes out weapons and begins to mercilessly kill all the representatives of the Black Mafia. Having interrupted one and all, they mistook Lincoln and fire him a bullet in the head.

That would be the end of the game, but by the will of fate, Lincoln survives. Having completed a rehabilitation course after a serious injury, he understands that he has only one thing left in this world, because of which he can live. This is revenge.

mafia 3 lincoln glue

the end

Of course, Mafia III is a game, and any game ends sooner or later. So it is in our case. Now let's talk about what will happen to the main character after he takes revenge.

At the end of the last mission, the player will have a choice: leave the city, rule with the lieutenants, or rule alone.

Choosing the option to leave the city, Lincoln will go to California, as he wanted. The FBI will lose sight of him and will never find him. He will meet the woman he wants to marry. He has a wonderful job and a happy life, while in New Bordeaux, Vito Scarletta, one of his lieutenants, is in charge of everything.

By choosing the “Edit with Lieutenants” option, Lincoln begins to rule the city, and his empire stretches all the way to South and North Carolina. However, he will be more interested in drugs, while for others he will be an idol and schools and hospitals will be built in his honor.

Choosing “Edit alone”, Clay kills all his associates, leaves the scene of the murder and gets into his car, but it explodes. And so the life of the new largest mafioso ends.


Based on the information that the players managed to unearth and which the developers themselves told us, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Lincoln's height is 1.95 m, weight - 95 kg, and he is of moderate physique and with black hair.

  2. Lincoln - this is the second protagonist who went through the Vietnam War and became a veteran.

  3. Based on the information provided on the Lincoln token, you can find out that his blood type is the first negative, and that he is Catholic.

Clay is Joe’s son ?!

lincoln glue son joe

I also heard rumors on the Internet that Lincoln Clay is Joe’s son from the second part of the game. At first glance, this thought is delusional, but if you look at their faces and compare them, some similarities slip through. The situation is also aggravated by the fact that Lincoln’s alleged father is Italian, which just agrees with this theory.


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