Warhammer 40,000 Universe: Necrons. Necron Codex

The Necrons from Warhammer 40,000 are robot-like creatures that are part of a unique fictional race. Also known by the name "Necronters."

Long before the plot of Warhammer 40,000, the necrons took part in the war for galactic domination. Having never won, they were immersed in a deep sleep, which lasted until the fortieth millennium. After a sudden awakening, they are about to re-enter the warpath, conquer other races and restore their Dynasty.

The Necrons from Warhammer 40,000 are soulless, ruthless and unstoppable. Warriors from this race have some similarities with terminators - heroes from the movie franchise of the same name. This fraction fell the role of the undead in the universe of "Warhammer 40,000", and its closest analogue can be called the Kings of Tombs (from "Warhammer Fantasy").

First meeting

Warhammer 40,000 Soulstorm: Necrons

The very first appearance of this race took place under the guise of a special unit of the Necron Raiders. Rules and other detailed information were published in the White Dwarf magazine.

In 1998, the Necrons acquired their own army list, and four years later - the very first code. It described the detailed history of the faction, as well as events that have occurred over the past several million years. In addition, from the book it was possible to learn about the full composition of the army and about the rules assigned to each unit and unit.

Necrons from Warhammer 40,000 received the new code only in 2011. It reflected all the changes that have occurred in the game recently.

Becoming a race

The home planet of the necrons was illuminated by a radioactive star, causing mortal harm to all inhabitants. For salvation, the race turned to outer space, and in order to reach them, they built mysterious metal ships. Soon, the necrons met the ancients, with whom their first war began. The ancients managed to crush the enemies, and until a certain time they did not pose a great threat.

Warhammer 40,000: Necrons

Necronters continued to exist, swallowed by a thirst for revenge. On the star of their home, they managed to find one of the Star Gods, K'tan. With their help, he dressed in living metal, after which he made the Necrons themselves their weak-willed slaves. K'tan's awakening did not end there - soon the other Star Gods began to leave Stasis. The entire race of the Necronists turned out to be deceived by one of the K'tan, who promised them an immortal existence. They sold their souls and turned into robotic immortal beings, burning with hatred and thirst for blood.

Together with the new advanced technology, they managed to defeat their old enemies, the ancients, sending their remnants to partisanism. After this, K'tan and the Necrons began to destroy and torment the younger races. Warp covered war and chaos. The dimension has lost its former form and is now a bunch of nightmares, demons and other terrible creatures. A large-scale catastrophe was inevitable, so K'tan decided to plunge into stasis (taking with him the necrons). They fell asleep in their tombs for several million years.

About home planet

Warhammer 40,000: Necron Dynasties

According to information from the Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War, the Necrontiers never knew about their home world. There is a widespread assumption that the race was constructed mechanically and did not undergo natural evolution. This happened in special manufactories or in xenoequivalents of similar designs.

Activity centers are the β€œdead" planets that the Adeptus Mechanicus is so interested in exploring . Some of them are built up with special complexes of crypts, which serve as command centers of the Necron army. Warhammer 40,000 characterizes such planets as follows: dry atmosphere, difficult environmental conditions, a small amount of life form. Despite the fact that the worlds occupied by the necrontiers are empty and lifeless spaces, they have never been subjected to some terrible catastrophes. They were always uninhabited. On the other hand, the question of why the necrons chose β€œdead” planets as their housing remains a mystery. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the robot-like race simply hates any life.

Battlefield Behavior

Necrons prefer to operate in small units, from 25 to 100 units. The basis of their army lies on the shoulders of warriors, who, in turn, cannot do without the support of more specialized units.

Warhammer 40,000: Necron troops

The great advantage of this race is regeneration - they can get severe wounds and survive. A separate feature is an unprecedented teleportation: all destroyed necrontiers are transferred back to the tombs, and the army with large losses teleports from the battlefield as a whole.

About religion

The main necron religion in the Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War is Star Gods, K'tan. They are more ancient than material life and have pure energy in their composition. Among the main gods we can distinguish:

  • Bearing Night - the patron of murder and destruction. Left stasis second. He is the strongest among the rest of K'tan. Eldar legends say that the Carrier of the Night consumed and killed more than any of the K'tan.
  • Nether Dragon is the patron of knowledge and oblivion. Stasis has not yet left. He turned out to be a prisoner in the Labyrinth of the night. It is the second most powerful K'tan among the first.
  • Otherworldly - commands madness and despair. So far in stasis. According to the legends of Eldar, the Otherworld has devoured a huge number of other gods, but could not fully cope with their essences.
  • Deceiver - commands cunning and cunning. He left stasis the very first. Known for the fact that at one moment he can wreak havoc and mistrust, and at the other he can help all the warring parties to derive their own benefits.
Warhammer 40,000 dawn of war

About weapons

Necrons use Gaussian blasters during attacks. The main feature of this weapon is the destruction of molecular bonds, the layered splitting of the body and technology of the enemy.

As for warships, those, unlike ships of other races, use a slightly different principle for their work. Instead of carrying out superluminal movements with the help of the Imaterium, they resort to using special technology that can absorb inertia. The only problem with this method is that their engines need a tremendous amount of energy. If the Necronty fleet decides to use the star as a source of refueling, then after that it will certainly await "death".

In computer games

Warhammer 40,000: Necron Codex

The first appearance of the Necron race took place in the game Warhammer 40,000: Winter Assault. Their role affected only a single player campaign and only the final mission. As a playable race, they appeared in Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - The Dark Campaign. This time the company was made up of the Tau Empire.

Also, the faction found a place in the Warhammer 40,000 Soulstorm. Necrons were able to acquire a new ability, better known as the "Incarnation of the Deceiver."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7888/

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