How and what to feed a dog after poisoning - features, recommendations and reviews

What a beautiful picture. There is a representative man, next to him is a German shepherd proudly walking. Both are important, overwhelmed with self-esteem. The dog is undoubtedly the queen of the ring court.

And at some point this "queen" sticks its nose into the ground. The owner pulls her, but the dog is already chewing something hastily. From the outside it looks ridiculous. Only the owner and his dog will not be funny after a few hours.

The dog picked up from the ground

How is this dangerous? It is not known what may be contained in such a “tidbit” piece. Well, if it's a normal rotten bone. And if it is a piece of meat stuffed with poison? In the first case, the dog faces food poisoning. In the second, there can be a fatal outcome if the veterinarian does not intervene in time.

What to do to the owner? If, within two hours after the incident, the pet begins severe vomiting and diarrhea, urgently call a veterinarian. And it is better that this turns out to be a common eating disorder than poisoning by doghunters.

No goodies

Food poisoning

It can only be caused by poor-quality food. And it is not at all necessary that for this the dog picks up something on the street. The table is full of goodies that can cause poisoning in the animal. Ordinary sausage is quite capable of contributing to this.

As mentioned above, in case of poisoning, an urgent need to call a veterinarian. He will prescribe further treatment and diet. We will tell you how to feed a dog after poisoning.

How to help a pet?


What happens to a pet if it is poisoned? Same as with man. The dog vomits first with the contents of the stomach, then vomiting of bile or "white" vomiting may begin. Diarrhea occurs immediately, and all this happens simultaneously. The pet has a stomach ache, the dog whimpers with pain. In general, one cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Vomiting is the first sign of poisoning.

Products that can kill a dog

Before we begin to consider what to feed a dog after poisoning, let's deal with those products that should not get into her stomach.

  • Chocolate.
  • Raisins.
  • Currant.
  • Cookies.
  • Raw eggs.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Bakery products.
  • Raw fish.
  • Chicken bones.
  • Milk.

They can cause severe food poisoning. And the chicken bones also pierce the intestines of the animal. Which will lead to the death of the pet.

The first day

How to feed a dog in case of poisoning? And can this be done? Acute poisoning affects the lining of the stomach and intestines. All organs of the digestive system suffer. The first day after poisoning the dogs are not fed. Give only water. The body needs to get rid of poisons and toxins. This work lies on the kidneys. To help them, the dog is only watered. And the liver should not be distracted by food. She needs to recover from the fight against decay products.

Gradually, low-fat broths and liquid cereals are introduced into the diet.

Dog can steal yummy

Second day

Gone are the hungry days. How to feed a dog after food poisoning? It is necessary to start, as mentioned above, with low-fat broths and liquid cereals. The first few days the animal is given:

  • Lean beef broth.
  • Chicken bouillon.
  • Porridge liquid oat or rice.

A few days later

How to feed the dog after poisoning and vomiting, so as not to fear that this will happen again? The pet dog survived one hungry day and three days on broths and cereals. Now the following products are introduced into her diet:

  • Boiled eggs.
  • Skim cheese.
  • Boiled vegetables: carrots and beets.
  • Boiled sea fish.
  • Boiled lean meat.

All listed products are introduced with great care. Stirring them a little into the main feed. They are still served with liquid cereals and broths.

Hard-boiled chicken or quail eggs. In general, dogs are allowed two chicken or four quail eggs per week. Therefore, half a chicken egg or one quail tinder on a grater and mix into the broth.

Cottage cheese is mixed with porridge. You need to start with half a tablespoon of this product, if we are talking about large dog breeds. If the Yorkshire Terrier or Chihuahua is poisoned, half a teaspoon of cottage cheese is enough for them.

Vegetables are grated, boiled well and mixed with porridge. It is necessary to start feeding the dog with half a carrot and beetroot.

Fish is boiled to such an extent until the meat begins to separate from the bones. Then the bones are selected, the fish is cooled and fed to the pet with broth or porridge.

Give meat only beef, chicken or turkey. An ideal option would be a rabbit. It is gentle and well absorbed by the dog’s stomach.

How to start feeding a dog after poisoning? Grated meat mixed with porridge. And most importantly - give food in small portions. For the first time, 100 grams of protein product will be enough.

Another option for feeding a dog after poisoning is baby meat. One jar (100 grams) is enough to mix in porridge.

Feeding schedule

What to feed the dog after poisoning, we found out. And in what proportions and how often? Let's deal with these questions:

  • The owner will have to remember the period when the dog was still a puppy. Did you feed your pet four to five times a day? Well, back to this mode.
  • The interval between meals should not be more than two hours.
  • Dog food should be a little warm. Hot and cold dishes are excluded.
  • Broths and cereals should be slightly salted. A small pinch is enough.
  • The pet should always have access to fresh water.
  • Serving should not exceed 200-250 grams.

Now it’s clear how and how to feed the dog after poisoning.

Fractional nutrition

Is it possible to dry food?

What to do if the pet is used to eating dry food? How will she eat regular food? Will, believe me. Dry food is not a product that is worth feeding a dog after poisoning. Why is he so bad? The food causes mechanical irritation of the gastric mucosa, and without it it has only just begun to recover.

Can you canned dog food? Undesirable, this food does not contain the necessary enzymes and stimulants for digestion.

Dry food excluded

What is banned?

How to feed a dog after poisoning, except for liquid cereals, broths and eggs with cottage cheese? Can I give her a favorite beef bone with meat? In no case! The mucous membrane of the stomach is still very vulnerable and needs to be restored. List of products that are banned:

  • Raw and boiled beef bones.
  • Pork meat.
  • Pasta, potatoes.
  • Legumes
  • Bread.
  • Milk.
  • Raw vegetables.
  • Fruit.
  • Offal.

For some reason, there is an opinion that milk is good for a dog after poisoning. This is not true. It is generally not useful for adult pets. Milk can be given to puppies for up to 4 months. For adults, it is heavy and not healthy food.

Chocolate is poison for a dog

Is it possible vitamins?

What to feed the dog after poisoning, we found out. And what vitamins can I give her? None other than those authorized by the veterinarian. With supplements and vitamins during this period is worth the wait.

Important in brief

Canine after poisoning is very vulnerable. Therefore, all heavy food is removed from her diet. Only those products mentioned above remain. Animal nutritional fractional - from 4 to 6 times a day. Food should be warm, but not hot.

The transition to normal nutrition is carried out for one to three weeks. It all depends on the severity of the poisoning.

What do you need to remember? The pet ration for 1/3 part consists of cereals and vegetables. The remaining 2/3 is protein food, that is, meat. Gradually return to two meals a day.

If the veterinarian recommends, it will be necessary to start restoring the intestinal microflora with probiotics. They can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy, or you can use human preparations. Natural probiotic is kefir, which stood in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Fresh dog can not be given after poisoning. It acts as a laxative.


The main purpose of the article is to tell the reader how to feed the dog in case of poisoning. Let's recall the main points to remember:

  1. The first day after poisoning is hungry. Give the dog only water.
  2. The duration of the dog diet is from 3 to 7 days. They must be sustained to help the gastrointestinal tract recover.
  3. The full period of the recovery process and adequate nutrition takes one to three weeks.
  4. In the first few days, the dog is given low-fat broths and liquid cereals.
  5. Gradually, products from the list of allowed are added to the diet.
  6. Dry food and canned food during the rehabilitation period is prohibited.
  7. Fractional nutrition: 4-6 times a day.
  8. Food should be warm.
  9. Fresh kefir (for 2-3 days) is suitable as a natural probiotic.


We figured out the question of how to feed a dog after poisoning. What else should the owner remember? You can not treat your pet with what we eat. A piece of sausage or a sausage can play a bad role. If the dog picked up something during the walk and after a few hours she became ill, immediately call a veterinarian to avoid death.


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