Pinching or pinching cucumbers is an important agricultural technique

Cucumber is very valuable to humans. Firstly, for its pleasant taste and dietary properties. Secondly, it contains enzymes very similar in composition to insulin. Its pulp contains potassium and iodine, sulfur and silicon. It contains valuable pectin substances. Therefore, it occupies large volumes among other plants grown by vegetable growers. In this case, one of the important agricultural practices is pinching cucumbers or tweezing. Translated from German pinzieren means - "removal of the tip", "pinch of the tip."

Pinching cucumbers

This technique is widely used in gardening and is aimed at stopping apical growth and the formation of lateral shoots, which significantly increases productivity. Pinching cucumbers in the greenhouse is simply necessary. If this is neglected, the plant will stretch very long. If, however, when the seedling is pinched, the apical bud is removed after the second or fourth leaflet, then the plant immediately forms lateral buds in their sinuses. Of them, abundantly fruiting side shoots will begin to grow.

Pinching cucumbers in a greenhouse

Typically, this plant is characteristic that male flowers first form on its main stem. At the same time, it grows strongly towards growth, and productivity, in general, decreases, because female fruit-bearing flowers in large quantities are formed more often on branches from the main stem. That is why pinching cucumbers is so important. After all, it contributes to the appearance of shoots of the second and subsequent orders and delays the growth of the main stem, rich in male flowers . It is recommended to carry out this agricultural technique early in the morning, and a sharp knife should be used as a tool.

It is important to know that pinching cucumbers of different varieties and hybrids is not always the same. It depends on different indicators. The main one is the place of the greatest education of female flowers. And it can be different not only in different varieties, but also differ in one and the same hybrid. Therefore, the vegetable grower needs to be observed, if there are a lot of them on the main stem, then you should pinch only the top, which reaches the ceiling of the greenhouse. Most plants form them on the side lashes. In this case, pinching the cucumbers on the main shoot should be done, first over the fifth or sixth leaf, and then, as it grows, repeat every three to four leaves. On the formed side lashes, the technique must be repeated every two overgrown leaflets.

Pinching cucumbers photo

There are hybrids that generously form male flowers, not only on the main, but also on the second-order shoot. To get a good harvest from them, you need to pinch cucumbers every two or three leaves. The photo attached to this article shows a plant grown in a container outdoors. Thanks to timely tweezing, the bush turned out so magnificent that it had to be installed on a trellised support. Thus, the grower managed not only to grow his favorite vegetable, but also to organize a beautiful decorative composition.


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