Heat pump: reviews of real owners, advantages of using

Heat pumps are equipment that is designed for space heating. They are also capable of cooling various objects. The main element of the above device is a compressor. To date, various modifications are produced. At the same time, the parameters of the heat pump undoubtedly change.

What important characteristics can be noted

The main parameters of the pumps primarily include thermal power. This indicator is measured, usually in kW. Next, you should take into account electricity consumption and conversion ratio. The control unit of the device has its own voltage, as well as inrush current.

Additionally, the volume flow in the heating circuit, which affects the residual pressure, is taken into account. In this case, the flow temperature may be different. The noise level of the device is measured in dB and depends on the power of the unit. The dimensions of the hydraulic connections are also taken into account and will help during installation. The outdoor unit of the heat pump has its own voltage. In some cases, two samples can be installed at once.

heat pump reviews of real owners

Opinion on pumps with reciprocating compressors

As a rule, a piston heat pump receives positive feedback from owners due to its rather high power. It is more expedient to install them precisely in large residential buildings, or simply premises for heating. Their average efficiency is in the region of 95%. Of the shortcomings, one should immediately note the high pressure, which is quite difficult for the compressor to cope with.

Supply from the network is carried out independently. You can do work without preliminary pumping, and this is an advantage. In general, many models are very bulky. In this regard, their installation is quite problematic. As a drive to use high-speed electric motors will not work. This is largely due to the features of the connecting rod mechanism.

If we consider the models of the company "Vailant", then the power of the unit is on average 5.7 kW. Electricity consumption, in turn, is in the region of 1.5 kW. The conversion factor for VWL series pumps is 5.2 kW. The total voltage of the control units is at 230 Hz. In general, the starting current without a limiter is quite high. As a result, the volumetric flow in the heating circuit can reach up to 1100 liters per hour.

Benefits of Using Rotational Models

Reviews of heat pumps (rotary) most often relate to the dimensions of the device. Many buyers like this type because of its compact size. Additionally, it should be noted that the mass is quite low. The connecting rod mechanism in this modification is missing. As a result, manufacturers have been able to significantly reduce the number of moving elements. All this, ultimately, affected the performance of the unit. This type of pump is able to serve the consumer for about 10 years.

They are not picky in service, and this is a definite plus. There are no different valves in the system, and gas is supplied evenly. Unfortunately, pumps of this type, unfortunately, have. First of all, one can note the high cost of goods in comparison with devices of other types. There are also certain problems with the heating element. In general, most models are available with low power. Thus, they are most suitable for houses with a total quadrature of not more than 100 square meters. m

heat pump, for or against

Screw Pump Prototypes

Are there any happy owners of heat pumps? The discussion on this subject can be continued indefinitely, but it can be said with confidence that screw types are famous primarily for the simplicity of their design. The mass of them in most cases, like the dimensions, are quite modest. They are not picky in operation and do not require special attention.

In general, the wear of their elements is small due to the lack of friction in the parts. They are able to be used in various fields. Additionally, they are installed as low temperature refrigeration units. The pressure limit of screw pumps is very large. In this case, compression of two-phase means is possible. Their electricity consumption is 2 kW. The thermal power of the unit primarily depends on the inrush current parameter. The control units, as a rule, are produced with a voltage of no more than 230 V. The maximum frequency is in the region of 50 Hz. The consumption in the heating circuit can reach a maximum of 1000 liters per hour. The residual head of the screw pump averages 500 bar. The conversion coefficient for many models does not exceed 2 COP.

What are the benefits of slide type pumps

When choosing a heat pump, for or against a purchase, everything needs to be considered. This type differs from other devices in a uniform feed. The compressors at the pumps are installed in the plate class. The devices can be connected directly to electric motors. In this modification, the valves are completely absent. As a result, many models are capable of boasting good reversibility. The supply from the backpressure of the network is stable. To create a vacuum, vane pumps can be used.

The disadvantages of these devices, unfortunately, also have. First of all, consumers note the high sensitivity of the units. This parameter depends on the environment in which the device is used. If it contains various mechanical impurities, then the operation of the rotor may be impaired. The wear of the edges of the plates occurs rather quickly, and this should be taken into account. In general, the efficiency of the vane pumps is very low and does not exceed 50%. The reason for this can safely be called a slow fluid flow. This process takes place with special shutters. In this case, the liquid also passes along the edges of the plates.

heat pump positive impressions

New axial piston modifications

These heat pumps user reviews are not very good, but the power of the devices is claimed to be large. The constructions as a whole are very complex and maintenance of pumps of this type is problematic. The rotor of the unit is connected directly to the cylinders. Also axial piston heat pumps have negative user reviews due to high friction.

In this case, all cardans in the housing are mounted on washers. In some cases, they are not able to hold out for long. As a result, the motor of the device may suffer. The thrust of axial piston compressors depends on the type of hinges installed. Some manufacturers in this regard are not encouraging.

heat pump reviews

Reviews of radial piston pumps

A radial piston type heat pump often gives owners a positive impression. The rated power of these devices can reach up to 2 kW. The energy efficiency of the models is poor. The noise level of many modifications reaches 50 dB. The dimensions of this type of pump are very different. This is primarily due to the mass of the compressor. They have an average drainage rate of 0.8 liters per hour. The temperature range of the unit depends on the manufacturer. Low gas charging models are a big problem. This is mainly due to narrow highways. Usually their diameter does not exceed 15 mm.

Attention should also be paid to the distance between the bolts, and 470 mm is considered normal. In this case, one can hope for a high structural strength. For domestic use, this modification can be applied, but in industry it is useless. The resource of work is large, but the maximum temperature is quite low. Separately, it is worth noting the products of the Nordis brand. It uses the completely unique Daikin technology. Many models use special active filters. As a result, the device is able to significantly reduce the limiting frequency to 165 Hz.

Devices with dynamic compressors

Reviews about heat pumps with dynamic compressors are most often heard positive. This type attracts many consumers with its multifunctional blocks. Their refrigeration circuit is located in the inside of the device. The maximum flow temperature can reach up to 60 degrees. Humidity is allowed different. In general, the devices are easy to use and quite comfortable to clean.

Also, reviews of heat pumps with dynamic compressors affect heating regulators. As a rule, they are installed built-in type. They are ideal for hot water supply. There are several ways to connect to a pipeline, which is good. Dynamic pumps are operated quietly and the comfort of their work is quite high. These devices can be combined with heaters, however, much here depends on the manufacturer. The conversion factor, thanks to the compressors, is on top. Installation of equipment is very fast. Today in the market you can pick up a lot of compact models. Of the shortcomings, only complex diagnostics can be noted.

are there owners of heat pumps

What are the advantages of vane pumps

The paddle heat pump reviews of the real owners are not too good, because it depends heavily on weather conditions. In a humid environment, it breaks pretty quickly, and this is a big disadvantage. Fans in many models are installed modular built-in type. Valves This modification provides three-way. Also, a lobed heat pump receives negative reviews from real owners for low power, which reaches only 4 kW. An emergency defrost system is available in the models.

If we consider the units of the brand "Term", then, as a rule, they use the new technology "Pro E". The outdoor temperature sensors are installed quite high quality. The expansion vessel in many models has a safety valve. For the supply line, a special buffer tank is located in the device casing . As a result, the connection to the water heater can be carried out without hindrance.

Centrifugal Modifications: Reviews and Benefits

In order to establish heating at home, a centrifugal type heat pump is not suitable. It will be more rational to use it precisely in the industrial sphere, and there are certain reasons for this. First of all, it is worth noting rather complicated maintenance of the unit. Its design is very large and it has many elements that need lubrication.

Evaluation reviews of centrifugal heat pumps indicate that their compressors need periodic dust cleaning. Much in this case depends on the environment in which the unit is used. It is very difficult to disassemble the equipment completely for diagnostics. According to the characteristics, this type of pump differs little from other samples. His average power consumption is 2.1 kW.

heat pumps user reviews

Axial Compressor Model Reviews

Axial heat pump reviews from real owners are good and have recently been quite in demand. Its design is very simple, and choosing models with compact dimensions is not a problem. Their conversion coefficient reaches a maximum of 2 POPs. At the same time, the performance is pretty good, and the wear of parts is acceptable. As a result, you can get a good guarantee from the manufacturer.

Also, the axial heat pump receives positive feedback from real owners for a high inrush current, which reaches a maximum of 16 A. The residual pressure, in turn, is usually 1000 liters per hour. Most models come with two indoor units. As a result, the noise level of axial pumps is quite high. Dimensions are also very large, and the device can weigh more than 150 kg. In this case, this greatly complicates the installation of equipment at the facility.

heat pump reviews

Should I choose pumps with turbochargers

This type is designed for extremely low temperatures. Most often, models can be found in northern countries. The service life of the pumps is increased. The Daikin company has been very successful in this regard. Heated compressors for devices are available. Owners also note sturdy pallets. For the best operation of the unit, a cold plasma system is installed. It is a set of active filters that are able to clean the air from any contaminants.

The refrigerant in many Daikin models uses the 410A series. According to experts, it is absolutely harmless to human health. The "Control" mode is able to please the owner with stable operation at a low frequency. As a result, significant reductions in electricity consumption can be achieved. In terms of volume, pumps of this type do not stand out from the above devices. At a distance of 10 meters they average 55 dB.

The voltage of the indoor unit can reach a maximum of 230 V. The average thermal power of this type of unit is 3 kW. Thus, the conversion coefficient of the model can reach 3 COP. As a result, we can say that the above modification for home insulation is good and many will surely like it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F790/

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