Do-it-yourself globe. How to make?

Making a home-made globe that looks exactly like a real model of the globe, you need to do a meticulous, but interesting job. It is important to find the most suitable card and print it. In the vastness of the network there are many ready-made layouts of the globe. The old political map is also suitable.

When making a paper globe with your own hands, make sure that the scale of the map and the base on which the map is glued coincide. There are several ways to make a foundation.

Cardboard blank globe model

For such a globe, you need to patiently and correctly make several five-sided cardboard blanks. This is the most difficult and crucial part of the job. Their number will depend on the size of each of them. You need to complete the elements according to the scheme.

Do-it-yourself globe

What to do next, how to make a globe with your own hands from these strange elements? Cut the card into the same elements and glue PVA glue on the cardboard parts of the future globe. You should get a designer who will assemble for parts, and which can later be disassembled if you notice that some part is glued incorrectly. Do it slowly. All elements must then be assembled in strict sequence so that a copy of the earth is correct.

How to make a do-it-yourself globe

The task is not as difficult as it seems. But, naturally, the child will need the help of an adult to create this interesting model.

How to make a do-it-yourself globe based on a finished ball

Another piece can be made from a regular old soccer ball. Just glue the ball over the newspaper, apply several layers of paper with glue. Then you can choose one of the options:

1) Stick on the marked and painted blank of the globe.

2) The child can independently draw the globe.

Suitable for the manufacture of the globe and any other item in the shape of a ball that you will find at home. It could be a rubber toy ball, or a small ball that was a Christmas tree toy. Anything, let the child show imagination and make the globe with his own hands. Surely he will be proud of it.

Copy of the earth from paper

You can also make a globe with your own hands from photo paper. Such a model would be the most believable. It will consist of 2 parts: from the hemispheres of the North and South. They then stick together with a strip of solid cardboard paper, which will be the equator.

Do-it-yourself paper globe

On a good photo paper, print a full globe scan. It is advisable already with all the continents, with the names of countries. Cut exactly in the center. Then you need to carefully cut the elements. Their number is 24, in accordance with the number of meridians. Cut each meridian very carefully so that the globe does not turn out to be crooked. We begin to glue the sheets at the top, that is, from the poles. Sheets are glued from the inside. When in the center connect all 24 sheets, bend them and fix on the "equator". Be sure to number all the sheets on the inside of the paper with a pencil.

When you completely make the globe with your own hands, come up with a stand for it, and you will have a wonderful copy of the original globe. It is best to cut a stand out of wood. Make the semicircle supporting the axis of the ball thin and not heavy; the support to it is needed to be thicker to support the weight. Make sure that the semicircle is suitable in size.

Origami Globe

Any experienced amateur origami manages to make a globe with his own hands. A master class in making a paper copy of the globe in this technique can be given to the child by the parent.

There are several layouts of the globe using the origami technique. But most often they make globe crafts in the form of a square “ball”. After all, this craft serves only as a fun decoration, a trinket. The scale here is not respected. An origami globe is made up for fun.

A real round globe will turn out if you make crafts from paper modules. For the globe, you need to prepare more than 1 thousand modules. It is much more complicated, but modular origami looks very beautiful, and your Earth will really be spherical.

Globe for the little ones

Try to make a globe with your own hands from plastic plates for your little child. It is very simple, does not take much time. Just glue 2 plates on the spreads and glue them.

Do-it-yourself globe. Master Class

But if you do not find such a spread, then download the regular one, on which only meridians are indicated. And then on top, stick the cut continents. On the mainland, your child will finish what he wants. This is a “trial version” in order to show the baby what the planet looks like. You can even not glue the meridian spread, but just stick blue paper depicting the oceans. You can also recommend that your child make plasticine continents and, using superglue, attach them to plates in the places you specify.

All given copies of the Earth are made in order to interest the child, to spend time with him. But such a globe, made by hand, will not be educational material. These crafts are layouts with low accuracy. But at the same time, to make a globe of the earth with one's own hand - who is not interested?


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