A cat wants a cat: how to calm and what means to apply?

Many pet lovers prefer cats when choosing a pet. In this case, it is the males. This is explained by the fact that people do not want to subsequently solve the problem of attaching kittens, which will give birth to a cat. However, cats also have one significant nuance: during the period of sexual activity, they behave quite aggressively and capriciously, which can irritate their owners.

When is the cat's puberty?

In each breed, puberty occurs at different times, but on average this happens at the age of 8-10 months. It was during this period that cats first began to want a cat. Recognizing when cats begin to want a cat is pretty easy. The first sign is frequent urination in the animal. It also refuses to eat, even your favorite treats are not pleasing and are not able to make you focus on food.

During the period of sexual activity, the cat yells, all the time trying to break out into the street. Manifestations of attacks of aggression, attacks on owners or other cats are also possible.

Medications for calming cats

When a cat wants a cat, how to calm him down, every owner thinks involuntarily. First of all, drugs come to mind to dull the sexual instincts of an animal. Now their assortment is simply huge, but before you decide on a specific one, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

cat wants a cat how to calm

Many owners wonder how these same drugs affect the health of their pet. However, even outstanding specialists cannot unequivocally answer this question. After all, their main effect is the regulation of hormones. At least you should not abuse drugs. You need to give them directly when the cat wants a cat. How to calm him down, at this moment the owners no longer come to mind, and radical measures need to be applied.

Is it worth castrating a cat?

As soon as a cat appears in the family, the owners immediately think about castrating him. However, some stop because of doubts whether it is really worth it. Undoubtedly, when a domestic cat wants a cat, it gives people a lot of trouble and hassle. But it is worth weighing the pros and cons of surgical intervention in the animal's body.

cat yells

Castration is the removal of the gonads in an animal by surgery. Despite the fact that the name itself terrifies many, this operation belongs to the category of simple ones and does not pose any threat to the life of your pet. True, after that he may no longer be so active, agile, playful. Often after surgery, cats get fat and lead a more passive lifestyle.

How to calm a cat?

If a cat yells and insistently demands a cat, does not let him sleep at night, then you definitely need to do something about it. Typically, the owners have a choice of three options:

  • find a cat for mating with a cat;
  • apply drops for the cat so that the cat does not want to;
  • castrate the animal.

The latter method refers to the radical. Not everyone will decide on it. Also, not every owner dares to find a girlfriend for his pet. Indeed, most likely, she will also have to be temporarily housed at home, and this is unnecessary worries and troubles. But the second option is the most acceptable. It remains only to choose the right drug.

Drops for the cat so that the cat does not want

In cats, sexual activity occurs in the spring. It was then that they began to particularly annoy their masters with meowing, zeal for the street and spoiling of household property. To cope with this condition, many owners prefer drops. But still, if the cat wants a cat, how to calm him down, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

when cats start to want a cat

As calming drops for cats, the following have proven themselves best:

  • "Sex Barrier";
  • "Contra-sex";
  • "Cat Baiyun".

You can buy them at any veterinary pharmacy.

Tablets for cats from walking

In addition to drops, tablets are also widely used that can reduce the sexual activity of an animal. However, it is much more difficult for the cat to β€œslip” them into the cat, because he can easily detect them and refuse to use them. Here, the owners have to go to various tricks and tricks to feed the drug to their favorite.

If a cat wants a cat, how to calm him down, each owner thinks. The first thing that comes to mind or neighbors advise is to buy pills at a veterinary pharmacy. They can be divided into sedative and hormonal.

domestic cat wants a cat

Soothing drugs are usually herbal based and require several times a day. When using these drugs, your pet may experience drowsiness and lethargy, loss of appetite.

As for hormonal drugs, they should be used very carefully and only after being examined in a veterinary clinic. Otherwise, the animal may experience serious health complications, which will require additional treatment or may pose a life threat. Hormonal drugs can be used only once a day.

drops for the cat to not want a cat

Whatever method you choose, if the cat wants a cat, how to calm him down, you need to think without forgetting about his health. It is also important to remember that when choosing an option such as castration, natural instincts may not disappear. The cat may continue trying to mark the apartment or scream. It is genetically embedded in it, and it is extremely difficult to overcome these reflexes. The animal will ignore your punishments, more precisely, it simply will not understand how to deal with it and what to do, because natural instincts are always stronger.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7902/

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