Black Currant: variety description and cultivation characteristics

It is probably difficult now to find a summer resident or the owner of a private house with a plot that does not grow blackcurrant. This incredibly fragrant berry not only has an amazing taste, it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, not only fruits are rich in this, but also leaves, as well as shoots and buds.

Currant Valovaya: description of the variety

Gross currant - variety description
To date, more than two hundred varieties of currant have been bred . But today we will consider such as Black Currant Gross. It belongs to the varieties of early ripening, due to the receipt of the first berries within a month and a half after the appearance of flowers on the bush. The fruits of Valova currant are very large, and everything, as a selection, is the same size. Ten-centimeter brushes strewn with sweet and juicy berries will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious connoisseurs. The bush of Gross currant grows quite quickly and has an average density of branches with a moderate number of leaves.

It tolerates frosty winters and summer heat, which is very important for almost any region of our country. A special advantage of Gross currant is its high yield. From each bush you will collect at least four kilograms of delicious berries. And thanks to the dense glossy skin, the collection process will not cause much trouble in the form of stains from the juice of damaged fruits. Another plus of this variety, for which it is so loved, is its resistance to various diseases. And this means that growing such currants in your area is a fairly simple process.

Planting Black Gross Currant

Currant gross
Although planting currants is a simple matter, there are still their own characteristics that must be taken into account. To be sure of the purity of the variety and the quality of the purchased seedling, apply for purchase only to trusted sellers that inspire confidence. Since this variety of currant loves a small shadow, it is very convenient to plant seedlings quite tightly to existing plantings. But at the same time, it is necessary to observe a distance of one and a half to two meters between the bushes, since they are quite sprawling. With a smaller gap, it will be inconvenient for you to care for them. A very important factor when planting Gross currant is the quality of the soil. For one seedling, it is necessary to allocate not less than a bucket of humus, a couple of handfuls of superphosphate fertilizer and a little ash mixed with potassium salts. Dig a hole with a diameter and depth of at least fifty centimeters and be sure to arrange a side that will retain water during irrigation. After planting, trim the bush into two buds.

Currant bush care

As we have already said, growing currants is a simple business. It is enough to water and weed off weeds in a timely manner. Do not over-fertilize the soil around the bush. It is enough to add organic fertilizer once every three years, and mineral - every year. Observing all these simple requirements, you can enjoy the berries a year after planting.

Pest Diseases and Infections

Black currant
Despite the fact that Gross Currant is resistant to disease, there are pests with which you have to fight a little. One of the most common is a kidney tick, which manifests itself by the presence of kidneys that are too large in size. To get rid of it, just cut and burn branches with affected kidneys, and treat the bush with Neoron or Acarin. The maximum damage is caused by the most ordinary aphid, which is carried by ants. To get rid of it, remove all ants by pouring boiling water over the anthill. It will be more difficult to get rid of a fire-lamp, which in the form of a chrysalis can easily overwinter under a bush. Every autumn, dig the ground well under the currant and spray it with tincture of shag before flowering.


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