What to occupy a child in 3 years? Children's games for 3 years. Books for children

Young children do not have to buy very expensive toys, hire professional clowns or actors. A child can be occupied with a simple and at the same time informative joint game.

what to do with a child in 3 years

What to occupy a child in 3 years?

Three years is a completely new stage in the development of the baby. The child at this time:

  • vocabulary increases to 1,500 words;
  • individual character traits begin to form;
  • there is an interest in creative games ;
  • fantasy develops;
  • there is a skill to distinguish more than four primary colors;
  • an idea of ​​the objects surrounding it is formed with the ability to distinguish between them.

What should a child be able to do at the age of three

During this growing up period, parents should maximize the development of the child. It is not in vain that it is precisely from the age of three that the most progressive schools of the English language have been working, they are giving children dances or trying to teach a few simple verses in games.

Even if the plans of mom and dad do not include the upbringing of a new president of the country or a distinguished scientist, it is they who bear the responsibility for the uniform development of a new member of society. At this stage of life, the child, although it begins to contact with other children, it is the parents who continue to be the main assistants in understanding the world.

What to occupy a child in 3 years? He needs to learn:

  • ride a small tricycle;
  • ride on a children's swing under the careful supervision of adults;
  • share your toys with other children;
  • to overcome small obstacles on the road in the form of toys or wooden blocks;
  • learn to swim with parents.

children's games for 3 years

Games with children on the development of motor skills

Japanese children already at the age of five know an amazing amount of hieroglyphs, and also study “perfectly” at school. Their memory is capable of storing six-digit numbers, and the brain processes information much faster.

The secret of Japanese education is very simple. Parents develop the child’s fine motor skills by introducing them to regular chopsticks. From two years old they teach to hold children's sticks for rice, and from three they are already switching to a more complex option.

It is possible to develop large and fine motor skills with the help of outdoor games with the ball. You can buy multi-colored pyramids that need to be folded depending on the size of the parts, as well as on the color. During this game, parents will develop an understanding of the color of the baby, the size of the figures, as well as practice activity.

For fine motor skills you need to use modeling. If plasticine is not at hand, you can arrange competitions for the best creation from salt dough. Do not dwell on one or more simple figures. The kid must learn to sculpt something more complicated than a bun.

books for children
It is possible to take a child for an hour or more with simple buttons. Let him shift the large colored ones from one box to another. In this case, you need to ensure that he does not begin to taste them. In addition, it is advisable to count while the child puts the buttons in the box. His subconscious mind will remember the numbers named by his parents.

Children's games for 3 years on fantasy and thinking

In order for a child to learn to think, to fantasize, and to develop his speech, parents must read him children's literature.

Books for children, which parents buy to their children, usually contain a lot of pictures. Kids not only listen to a short story from the author, but also look at the drawings, connect them with the text in their heads.

You can buy such books for children, in which partially there will be foreign names. During the reading, the parent should focus on them several times.

Another type of entertainment can be role-playing games with dolls. At the age of three, interest in the game of “mother-daughter” appears.

puzzles for 3 years
If the boy is 3 years old, he can join the game with cars or robots. All children will be interested in puppet shows. Theatrical performances need to be watched by adults. But kids need to be given room for imagination. They need to instill that everyone can make mistakes, it’s not scary, the main thing is to fix them later.

What else will be useful?

Jigsaw puzzles become important for children's development (for 3 years, this is an ideal pastime). It's like a crossword puzzle for an adult's brain. Puzzles help you learn how to navigate in space, compare colors with each other, and also connect different parts.

The game teaches observation. But you need to play it with your parents, carefully looking at the picture on the box, listening to the prompts of adults.

Puzzles should be simple, without a million shades. For this age, babies are made large and without complex parts.

For example, the puzzle game "Easter Bunny" in which you need to collect a picture of six elements. Moving the pieces of the picture to the desired cells on a light background, your child will see an image of a cheerful bunny next to multi-colored painted eggs.

Road for cars

What to occupy a child at 3 years old, if there are no toys at hand except for cars? In this case, you can arrange real races. To do this, you will have to find double-sided tape and “draw” them on the floor or carpet on the freeway. In addition, various obstacles must be placed on the road.

The child will be enthusiastically playing until lunch or dinner.

3 years old boy


It is best for a child to distinguish and feel colors if he draws on his own. Parents can play it safe from plywood wallpaper and thorough repairs in the apartment by giving the kid a huge piece of old wallpaper, on which he will paint everything he wants from behind.

Do not limit it in choosing a color palette and in the ways of working. The kid will probably want to try to draw with his finger, palm, legs. So that he does not get dirty, the famous children's teachers have long come up with a special way.

The child needs to put on the feet or hands a film with bubbles that will burst when pressed. Already in this film he will be able to draw, dipping it in paint. This will give double pleasure: firstly, from the noise produced, and secondly, from the possibility of unusual creation and play with color.


What to occupy a child in 3 years, if the street is cloudy? You can arrange a sortie to nature at home. This game is beloved by children of any age, different generations and peoples.

Everyone likes to go camping. And it's best to go for a walk, grabbing your favorite food from home, packing it in a basket and taking a thermos with you.

The tent can be laid out in the children's room or in the living room. Before her, you need to come up with something like a bonfire. As improvised materials, pillows and a red scarf, as well as something remotely resembling firewood, can come up. Near this place, tourists will sit and tell interesting stories, sing songs or read books. And, of course, where without primitive dances?

Children will like the process of preparing for the trip, as well as an unusual dramatization. Do not be surprised if, after prolonged play, the child curls up inside the tent and falls asleep.

3 years old girl

Safe ping pong

One active kid can be a real hurricane in the house. But what if there are two of them, and both are boys? When the girl is 3 years old, she tries to play an exemplary hostess and imitate her mother in order to get well-deserved approval. For hours, she can quietly dress up a doll, cook dinner on a toy stove and read the fairy tales she invented for her child toys.

Boys at this age try to actively occupy themselves with any pranks you can imagine. They should understand everything from their own experience, see where the switch is located, how daddy's razor is noisy, and whether his tongue can freeze to a swing. Such children's games for 3 years are not very useful. And parents have to watch in all eyes so that they do not become a habit.

In order to distract them from such thoughts and stay with whole windows, a chandelier and furniture, you need to buy ordinary balls. In addition, for sure, everyone in the kitchen was littered with disposable plates. They will become ping-pong rackets if you attach ordinary popsicle sticks to them below.

games for 3 4 years
Inflated ball will be instead of the ball. Children will be able to play even at home, while getting exactly the same pleasure from the competition as with ordinary ball and rackets. And then you can give out tasty prizes to both participants.

At three years old, the child needs to be prepared for a serious life. He will have to tell and explain what can be done and what cannot, what is dangerous and what is useful. When choosing games for 3-4 years, it is best to focus on what the child will like, what he will be interested in. If the baby has a penchant for drawing or singing, dancing or studying animals, this should be encouraged.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7919/

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