Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences: where is it located? A photo

The main botanical garden of the country - the Russian Academy of Sciences named after N.V. Tsitsin is considered the largest in our country and Europe. Last summer, he celebrated his 70th birthday.


The historical past of the botanical garden is complex and eventful. The date of creation recorded in the documents is 1945. This year, it was decided to organize a new botanical garden on the lands of the USSR Academy of Sciences located on the territory of the Ostankino park.

For 400 years on the territory of the Ostankino estate there were impassable forests in which there were scattered villages. These same places were intended for hunting moose and bears by royal rangers. Since 1558, many owners have been replaced by this land, which was granted to Satin by Alexei Ivan the Terrible.

botanical garden of wounds
Since 1743, Ostankino passed into the hands of the Sheremetyevs through the marriage of Peter Borisovich to Princess Varvara Cherkasskaya. After all, the future wife received a lot of lands in the dowry, including this estate. After a while, the protection of this unique place will be attended by their son Nikolai Sheremetyev. He introduces a ban on grazing, cutting trees, hunting, picking berries, mushrooms, and will require the manager not to let “walkers” into the oak groves.

The end of the XIX century was marked by deforestation, unregulated grazing, uncontrolled destruction of wild animals and birds.

Botanical Garden n Qiqing Ran
After the revolution, laws were passed to prohibit the felling of indigenous forest plantations, which were strictly carried out even in difficult wartime, which saved the Ostankino estate.

Garden plants

The Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, especially its central part, is a unique protected area of ​​the forest zone. There is no free access to oak groves, its oaks are on average about 160 years old, although there are unique specimens that are up to 300 years old. There are birch, maple, spruce, mountain ash aspen, etc. The crowns of the trees hide huge bushes: hazel, buckthorn, honeysuckle, euonymus. Under them is a grass carpet of tender anemone, lunar, fragrant lily of the valley, sedge, hairy, starfish, etc. They grow only in oak groves, which are recognized as the standard of Central Russian broad-leaved forest.

All collections and expositions of the garden are both natural and aesthetically pleasing to the oaks and birches growing here.

seedlings in the botanical garden of wounds
Today the Botanical Garden of Tsitsin RAN is 331 hectares of unique collection funds. These are more than 18,000 types and varieties of plants from different parts of our planet. In 1991, in a festive atmosphere, the main Russian botanical garden was named after the great academician and famous botanist, breeder and geneticist Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsitsin, who led it for more than 35 years, from the first day of its foundation.

Territorial division

When creating the garden, the main task was to equip indoor and outdoor expositions, which could convey this or that natural zone as fully as possible. For example, to demonstrate the plant world of the USSR, the following departments were made:

- The European part of the Union;

- North Caucasus;

- Siberia region;

- Middle Asia;

- Far East.

On each of these sites, special conditions were created that were close to reality. Such as: adding special sand, stones, ponds or streams were created to increase humidity, or special slides were built. All plants were planted in combinations found in real nature.

The Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences for testing new plant species has become the site of the introduction of the introduction nursery.

Expositions existing today received other names. They feature plant exhibits from the Far East, Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe.

On a vast area today you can see tundra plants, coniferous-deciduous, light coniferous, dark coniferous forests, deserts, steppes and meadows.

Gathering a garden collection required the careful removal of plants from nature. For this, starting in 1946, expeditions were sent to various natural zones of the Soviet Union. Participants paid special attention to rare or endangered species.

The floral diversity of the garden is constantly changing. It was especially diverse in 1990. Today, the RAS Garden is a resting place for citizens and visitors.

Visitors to the city, visiting various attractions of the capital, are sure to come to the Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, representing the main garden of the country, offers to see various plant displays.

Exposure of flora of Eastern Europe and vegetation of Central Asia

Almost 6 hectares occupies the exposition of flora of Eastern Europe. It has more than 300 types and types of plants: about 20 species of wood crops, approximately 30 species of shrubs and more than 200 species of grass plants, most of which came from the Carpathians.

The main botanical garden named after Qitsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences has the oldest exposition of vegetation in Central Asia. It was laid shortly before the war on the Sparrow Hills on the territory of the Moscow Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences. After the war, it was carefully transferred to the flora section (located in Ostankino). But it became available to visitors only in 1953. It recreated the natural botanical and geographical conditions. Sites of mountainous terrain and deserts created from tertiary clay. Coniferous and deciduous forests, alpine and subalpine meadows, steppes and rocky hills, and many species of endangered plants are represented in this zone. You can view most of the exposure from the top of the artificial slide.

Expositions of plants of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East

An area of ​​almost 2.5 hectares is the exposition of plants of the Caucasus. These are more than 300 species of tree plantations, including 23 rare and endangered species. They are located on an artificial mountainous terrain and forest plain.

More than 200 species of plants are collected in the exposition of Siberian vegetation. Of the exhibits presented here, more than 50 species are recognized as endangered or rare.

One of the most impressive collections is the exposition of the flora of the Far East. Almost 400 species of plants in this zone are located on an area of ​​8.5 hectares.

Thematic areas of GBS (Main Botanical Garden)

The Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1950 completed the creation of an exposition of useful wild plants. All perennial grasses are planted in ridges in the neighborhood taken from nature. There are several types of shrubs and trees in this exposition. The organizers, developing and planting plant ensembles, compiled their classification based on the field of their application.

Ran Botanical Garden Moscow
The first part is essential oil plants, medicinal and insecticidal plants. They have an effect on various functions in the human or animal body and have toxic properties.

The second part is plants of a technical orientation. It is fibrous, dyeing and tannin. Such plants have been used before and now in industry.

The third part is fodder and honey plants. Plants that are the food base for pets (haying, silage, pasture).

The fourth part is edible plant species. They are designed to support the life of the human body. These are vitamin, flavoring, spicy, tea and tincture.


The Botanical Garden named after N.V. Tsitsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences preserves about 1,700 tree and shrub species of plants. They are collected on the territory of the arboretum (over 75 hectares). The Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences is built like a landscape park, that is, plants are systematized. This area is especially beautiful from early spring to autumn leaf fall. But even in winter it is no less interesting to walk among coniferous beauties hiding in snow hats.

"Heather and Japanese Garden"

There is a special exposition in the arboretum - “Heather Garden”. Special species of Erica and almost 20 varieties of heather were brought into it from Germany. It is located near the Laboratory building and is surrounded by conifers, barberries, spirea and rhododendrons.

Bean Run Botanical Garden
No less striking and unique exhibition of GBS - "Japanese Garden". It was created with the help of the Embassy of Japan in the capital. Rare sakura species, decorative tree species and herbs of the region were brought from the islands. They were picturesquely arranged around artificial reservoirs with many bridges, pagodas and stone compositions.

botanical garden of qitsin wounds
A very mesmerizing collection of roses covers almost 2.5 hectares.

The examples of the greenhouse are considered invaluable. They were imported from Brazil, Vietnam, Cuba, Madagascar and other countries of the equatorial zone. More than a hundred species of them are listed in the International Red Book.

Unique nursery in the Botanical Garden of Moscow

In addition to the main scientific activity, GBS workers are engaged in the selection, cultivation and sale of seedlings and seeds of known and new types of plants. The nursery offers for sale planting material of deciduous trees, vines, shrubs, perennial herbaceous, clematis and fruit stands. Seedlings in the Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences are very popular. Their prices are very low, and the quality of planting material is very high. Two outlets are engaged in the sale of seedlings. One (main) is located on the street. Botanical, 31, opposite the main entrance to the GBS.

Special units of the RAS

Botanical Garden BIN RAS Komarova V. L., located in St. Petersburg, on the Pharmaceutical island. It is a division of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Its history begins in the XVIII century with a pharmacy garden. It was founded by Peter I. Initially, of course, it was supposed to grow medicinal plants on it.

By the middle of the XIXth Pharmacist Garden was in great desolation, because there was no financial support at all. Alexander I gave his command to V.P. Kochubey, who presented a plan for the reconstruction of the garden. Now, his main direction has become scientific activity. The appropriation of the Pharmaceutical Garden almost doubled. Scientific expeditions even began to be organized. The garden was actively developing until the beginning of the 20th century.

botanical garden named after n in qitsin ran
In connection with the celebration of the bicentennial of the Botanical Garden in 1913, he was named after Peter the Great. After the revolution, he became the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Soviet Republic. At the same time, imperial residences and private greenhouses were transferred to him.

In 1930, the garden was reassigned to the USSR Academy of Sciences. The following year he was merged with the Botanical Museum. As a result, the Botanical Institute was created. During the blockade, despite the efforts of workers, the garden was badly damaged. Therefore, in the postwar period, extensive restoration work was carried out. Now it is a huge garden-arboretum. He is very loved by the residents of St. Petersburg and guests of the city.

Another unique division of the Academy of Sciences is the Botanical Garden of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Located in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The garden has passed a long and difficult path of development.

oz run botanical garden

Today he has a large collection of plants, is proud of his outstanding scientific achievements in the study of wild species of the flora of the republic and the selection of ornamental plants.


Now you know where to go if you love nature, flowers and plants. The Botanical Garden of N. Tsitsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a truly interesting place to visit.


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