The most drinking countries in the world: list, rating. Per capita alcohol consumption

The inhabitants of our planet die from excessive alcohol consumption more often than from viral diseases. Experts say that a high level of alcohol consumption in a particular country can destroy a nation. After all, ethyl alcohol, the main component of alcoholic beverages, causes inhibition of the brain. Most ethanol is common in Europe, some Asian countries, in America and Russia. Normally, per person should account for up to 6-8 liters of alcohol per year. This is a level of alcohol consumption that does not harm health and does not cause irreversible changes in the brain.

Today we will discuss what are the most drinking countries in the world. Their rating is constantly changing depending on the level of alcohol consumed per year. However, the list remains unchanged.


alcoholic drinks

For a long time, this small state, bordering Ukraine, was the most drinking in the world. When calculating the consumption of alcohol per year (taking into account residents over 15 years of age), it turned out that per liter of a person in the country accounts for 21 liters of alcohol per year. These data were published by WHO several years ago. Since then, only the lazy did not write that the Moldavians turned out to be the most drinking nation in the world.

Moldova is one of the poorest and smallest countries in Europe. Its population is divided into indigenous Moldovans, who speak a language similar to Romanian, and ethnic Russians. At the same time, the Republic of Moldova is the largest producer of wine. Local residents actively drink home-made wine of their own, as well as vodka and beer. Every 5 residents of the country abuse alcohol.

In 2017, it became known that the government finally listened to WHO recommendations and took measures to change the “alcohol” situation in the country. Now only citizens over the age of 21 are allowed to buy vodka. I must admit that today the situation in the country has improved somewhat, and Moldova is no longer the leader in the amount of alcohol drunk per year.

Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia

Baltic alcohol

In 2016, three countries topped the list of the most drinking countries in the world: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It turned out that the cost of alcohol in the Baltic countries is equivalent to the cost of medical care. Residents of these countries spent a record amount of money on alcohol in the specified year. The amount turned out to be astronomical - 160 billion euros. On average, up to 17 liters of alcohol per year per capita.

The most drinkers were residents of Lithuania. They buy alcohol in bulk on the border with Latvia, which is much cheaper there. It also has one of the highest suicide rates worldwide. Perhaps this is due to increased alcohol consumption.


alcohol in Belarus

A state in eastern Europe, whose traditional drinks are mead and beer. Drinks that Belarusians used to drink in antiquity - liquors, liquors, tinctures - are also popular today. They continue to drink truly Slavic drinks based on honey, hops, berries and fruits. Traditional Belarusian vodka - garelka is also held in high esteem.

Back in 2014, Belarusians held the honorary title of the most drinking country in the world. For every resident of the country, starting from the age of 15, accounted for up to 17 liters of alcohol per year.

Today the situation has changed somewhat - the local population began to drink less than pure alcohol per year by 2 liters. Therefore, in the ranking of the most drinking countries in the world, as of 2017, Belarus took second place after Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.


The Czech Republic is one of the most drinking countries in the world according to statistics. This state is famous for the huge amount of alcoholic beverages that only Czechs produce. Most of them are made on the basis of berries and fruits. These drinks resemble brandy and are strong. On average, the level of alcohol consumed per year in the Czech Republic is up to 12 liters per person. However, in recent years, this figure has grown by 2 liters. And if the Czech government successfully fights against smoking, then it can’t cope with alcohol. Rumor has it that even the Czech head of government often appears at official events in a tipsy state.

alcohol in the Czech Republic

In addition, the Czechs are very fond of beer. For one resident of the country, up to 143 liters of beer per year. But they themselves do not consider beer alcohol and are confident that they do not abuse it. If the doctor asks the Czech if he is drinking, the answer will be no. However, it may soon become clear that he drinks alcohol much more often than once a month.


In early February 2018, a promotion is launched in Belgium, offering everyone who wants to spend a month without alcohol. 89,000 Belgians participate in the action. According to statistics, in Belgium every citizen of the country over 15 drinks 13 liters of alcohol. The Germans and the French drink the same amount. Belgian women drink about two glasses of alcoholic drinks a day, and men - about three. Until the age of 30, the Belgians lead an idle lifestyle, since up to this age they consider themselves youth. Therefore, the level of alcohol consumption during this period of their life is quite high.

alcoholic drinks

Belgians are especially fond of beer. Over hundreds of years, they have created more than 800 beers that are considered one of the best in the world. Both men and women drink beer in the same amount. The Belgians do not drink it only for breakfast, but from 10 a.m. its use is allowed. Despite the fact that the Russians are considered a drinking nation, the Belgians drink much more.

Russia and Poland

In the early 2000s, the level of alcohol consumption in Russia reached 18 liters per year per person. However, since 2011 this figure has fallen to 12 liters. According to statistics, cases of alcohol poisoning also decreased and the number of people treated for alcoholism decreased.

In 2017, a survey of 1,600 people living in 48 regions of vast Russia was conducted. It turned out that every two out of seven people completely abandoned the use of alcohol. 46% of respondents drink no more often than once a month. Thus, only every 4 Russians consume alcohol more than 1 time per month.

beer in the Czech Republic

Despite the decline, Russia is still one of the most drinking countries in the world. Perhaps the situation will improve over time.

Do not lag behind the Russians and the Poles. In Poland, alcohol consumption per capita is 12 liters per year. Favorite drinks of the local population - vodka, alcoholic drinks based on honey, herbs and berries. One of the favorite Polish drinks is the Zlota Voda liqueur, infused with herbs, which contains flakes of real gold.

However, beer remains the most favorite drink among the Poles. After all, the country is the largest, after Germany and the UK, producer of this foamy drink. On average, each Pole drinks up to 100 liters of beer per year.


In addition, residents of Australia, Hungary, Denmark, South Korea, and Britain like to drink. The level of alcohol consumption by them does not exceed 10 liters per inhabitant per year. The Chinese also like to drink. Spaniards and Italians practically do not drink alcohol.


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