Where and how to see the queue in the kindergarten: all ways

Getting a guaranteed place in a kindergarten, which is located next to the place of residence, is not an easy task. After the appearance of the baby in the family, parents begin to think in advance about putting him in the queue in the kindergarten. How to see the queue in the kindergarten? There are several ways to get to the appropriate list.

Electronic queuing

see the queue in the kindergarten

How to see the queue in the kindergarten? The list in electronic format is a special register where data on all preschool children applying for a place in a kindergarten is placed. For these purposes, parents should collect a documentation package to enter information about the children in this registry. This can be done using the public services portal. As an alternative, you can contact the pre-school education department or the commission for completing municipal preschool educational institutions of the local administration on the day of admission.

Required documents

list of documents

You will need:

  • a statement written by one of the parents;
  • copy of the birth certificate of the child;
  • registration and certificate of family composition;
  • documents on benefits (if any).

Note! Parents can simultaneously submit applications to three DOWs at once (but not more). In any case, priority will be one of the options, and the rest - just in case.

Verification of place by certificate

How to see the queue in the kindergarten? This can be verified using a birth certificate. You will also need access to the Internet. To get the necessary information, go to the page of the city administration and go through authorization. The site will ask for personalized child data, after which you can view your place in the queue.

How to look at the queue in the kindergarten according to the testimony, you already know. You can also get information by calling the multifunctional center or directly to an educational institution. Before dialing a number, you need to prepare a birth certificate, as they may request data from it.

Check by registration number of the application

look at the queue in the kindergarten by application number

How to see the queue in kindergarten by application number? If the parents enrolled the child in the DOU via the Internet, then they have an identifier (the number assigned to the application during registration). It will be needed for verification.

Personal visit to the MFC

Where to see the queue in the kindergarten? The applicant may apply to the MFC or to the department for preschool education. There you need to provide the application number, as well as the personal data of the child, after which they will answer the question. It is not necessary to come to the preschool education management body, they can also consult by phone.

Getting into the kindergarten is difficult due to insufficient places and a large number of beneficiaries.

Attention! Regular tracking of data will help you to see in advance what position the child takes in the list.

Check on the portal "State Services"

How to see the queue in the kindergarten at the State Service? If you are planning to use this service for the first time, you will have to go through the registration procedure. For this you will need documents: SNILS, email and passport. The registration algorithm is as follows:

  1. Enter personal data, email and the phone to which the code should come. After you need to think about the password and enter it in the special fields twice.
  2. Enter personal information, namely information from the passport and insurance certificate of SNILS.
  3. After these steps, the application is sent for review. Then a special notice should come to complete the registration.
  4. In order for your identity to be verified, you can go through the procedure in several ways: visit the service center, order a letter through the State Services or use an electronic signature.

When the registration is completed, various services become available on the site, where you can also see the queue in the kindergarten. Let's figure out how to do this. This will require:

  • Enter your username and password, after which you will be logged into the system.
  • In the site menu, select the section of interest.
  • Enter the number that was assigned when applying.
  • Fill in the field with the data about the baby.

After these steps are completed, the parent will see the list and his place in this queue.

Important! The State Services website may occasionally stop working. To prevent an unpleasant situation, you need to use the latest browser to enter the page.

Why is the place in kindergarten shifting?

where to see the queue in the kindergarten

The queue position in the kindergarten is constantly shifting, both towards the beginning and towards the end. Why is this happening?

  • Some parents decided to do without a kindergarten.
  • Some family moved to another area.
  • Parents preferred private kindergartens.
  • A new beneficiary appeared in the general list, or, conversely, someone left the line, so the situation has shifted.

Note! If you are in the line moving to the end, then a new beneficiary has appeared before you. Therefore, it is important to know how to look at the queue in the kindergarten, and constantly monitor the process.

If, nevertheless, it came to your enrollment in DOW, then you will receive a special notice. Now it’s easy to take a place in the queue, to monitor the process too - the procedure is as clear and transparent as possible.

Distribution of preschool children in kindergartens

how to see the queue in kindergarten on public services

According to the Federal Law “On Education”, applications must be registered and distributed by the system based on:

  • filing dates;
  • categories (general or preferential);
  • age (from 3 to 7 years);
  • selected institution.

The speed of distribution will directly depend on the number of free places and applications by groups. In the absence of space in the desired institution can offer another kindergarten. If it does not fit, then you can try to negotiate with other parents about the exchange, or you will have to wait for next year.

Preschoolers are enrolled from the beginning of June until September 1, inclusive, but there is a possibility at other times. The list is constantly being updated, sometimes it happens that groups get it.

Beneficiary Information

see the queue in the kindergarten according to the certificate

Out of turn can be credited:

  • Children whose parents have a disability group or are “Chernobyl victims”.
  • There is a chance to fall into the category of beneficiaries for children whose parents work at high risk. All of these details are regulated by law. To confirm you will need documents confirming the right to benefits, as well as a passport.
  • Kids whose parents died in the war. As a confirmation you will need a status document.
  • Children whose parents work in the prosecutor's office or are employees of the investigative committee, judges. Supporting documentation - certificate of employment.

In addition, children from large families can also count on falling into the preferential category, as well as children who grow up in single-parent families, children of military and law enforcement officials (a document from the place of work will be a confirmation).


Now parents are literally fighting for a place in kindergarten, as there are a lot of beneficiaries. If the child belongs to the general category, then he has not so many chances to get into preschool education. When applying electronically, you can save your time and control your progress in the queue. The Federal Law guarantees only transparency of this process, but not a place in a preschool institution.

It should be remembered that if successful, a message confirming the possibility of enrollment should be sent to the phone or mail. After that, parents are required to visit a preschool educational institution in 10 working days to confirm their intention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7927/

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