Quotes from Max Fry. Books by Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Styopin

Modern writers often create fictional worlds, but they are not always interesting. But the author Max Fry wrote his books so talentedly that reading them, it is simply impossible to break away. They have everything that so attracts the reader - love, a good ending, reliable friendship, miracles, the right questions and the right answers. Numerous quotations of Max Fry are written out of them with a certain subtext or philosophical cast, they are remembered and used. And it is about this author and his books that our article will be.

Who is Max Fry?

For many years, the author’s readers were worried about the question of who Max Fry is. The plot of the books was so thought out that it seemed to be transported into the real world, which exists somewhere in another Universe or dimension (you must admit, not every work can boast of this). However, in 2001, as a result of a great scandal between the author and the publisher, the pseudonym "Max Fry" was disclosed. Two people were hiding behind him - Svetlana Martynchik and her husband (co-author) Igor Stepin.

max fry quotes

Svetlana is a native of Odessa, but despite this, she did not live long in her homeland. She was born in 1965 and already three years later left the country, moving with her parents to Berlin, since her father was a military man. It was the childhood that laid off on Martynchik a warm and very quiet atmosphere (one might even say, homely) of the future city of Echo. She lived in a house that was not far from the forest and absorbed the image of an ideal city.

When it came time to return to their native places (1970-1980), the writer longed for a long time. But still she found the strength to engage in creativity (she did this from childhood, writing scary stories for friends). I entered Odessa University, but never graduated. In 1986, the writer met her future husband, who later became a co-author of several books.

For two years, a young couple built a whole plasticine world (this is Stepin’s hobby) and created a story for him. All these stories were subsequently included in the work "Nests of Chimeras", and the plasticine collection went to exhibitions in Europe and America, where it was a success. The work was called The People of Ho.

alias max fry

The first book was born after a long composition of fairy tales and stories. Igor first outlined the city of Echo, how it should look, its structure, and Svetlana began to write down history. The book was completed in 1996, combining many genres - fantasy, detective story, literary parody. All this was a resounding success.

The series of books "Labyrinths of Echo"

The first stories (namely, the books of Max Fry were written) took shape in an amazing cycle called "Labyrinths of Echo." It includes eight volumes, each of which contains a certain number of stories forming a weighty book. Consider their names:

  • "Stranger." In the first edition, the book was called The Labyrinth, but then it was renamed as one of the stories in it. This is the beginning of the story, which tells how a certain Max meets in his dream with Sir Juffin and miraculously moves to live in Echo. The city becomes his dream come true, entertaining events begin to take place, and Max discovers his magical abilities.
  • "Volunteers of eternity." The adventures of Sir Max continue, he gains experience of independent investigation of crimes, while Sir Juffin leaves to keep the spirit of Holomi. Also, the main character finds his lover and acquires a second heart. The book "Volunteers of Eternity" tells about the new adventures of Sir Max.
  • "Simple magical things." In the third book, Max learns to walk on the dark side of the world and perform miracles there.

echo mazes

  • "Dark side". In this book, Sir Max is in contact with the ancient heritage of his people, his legends (in one of the previous books, he becomes the lost king of the nomadic people who live on the outskirts of the country).
  • "Obsession." A new journey to another continent, the destruction of an ancient creature that feeds on humanity - this is what Sir Max does in his life.
  • "The power of unfulfilled." Anavuina - a terrible disease that the cruel sorcerer woke up, the loss of a loved one and a trip to a distant prison - all this leads to new and unexpected events.
  • Chatty Dead. In this book, Sir Max helps his friend Lonely-Lockley solve a problem with a distant and unexpectedly collapsed legacy. He manages to neutralize the chatty dead man.
  • The Labyrinth of Menin. This is the last part of the cycle. This is where Max finds out how he actually appeared and why. It turns out that he is able to be reborn.

The series of books "Chronicles of Echo"

A lot of Max Fry's quotes are taken from this very cycle. He is more lyrical and creative, it reveals some mysterious questions about which nothing was said in the previous cycle. And, of course, he is again about Sir Max. We list the books that went into the series. It should be noted that it is built on first-person stories of all Max's friends.

  • Earth forelock. In this book, stories are told by Sir Max and Lady Malamori Blimm in a small cafe on the outskirts of the town, which is located in a new and magical world.
  • "Lord of the Mormors." This story, while drinking wonderful coffee, was told by Sir Juffin Hally.
  • The Elusive Hubba Han. At the invitation, Sir Schurf Lonely-Lockley came to visit, but Sir Max told the story.

volunteers of eternity

  • "Crow on the bridge." But this story is told by Sir Lonely-Lockley. From it, the reader learns some mysterious moments from his past.
  • "Woe to Mr. Gro." In this book, Sir Kofa Joch received an invitation. This is a sad story about human grief.
  • "Glutton-laughter." The story was told by Sir Melifaro. From it, the reader learns how he became a detective.
  • "The gift of Shavanaholy." And again the story is from Sir Max.
  • "Tubur game." The latest story was told by the youngest secret detective - Sir Numminorh Kuta.

Other books by the author

Quotes from Max Fry from other books are also numerous. We list some of them.

  • "Encyclopedia of myths. The true story of Max Fry" (book in two volumes).
  • "Book of fictional worlds."
  • "Complaint book".
  • "Once upon a time" (Russian folk tales).
  • "Coffee Book" and many others.

Feature of Max Fry's books

One important feature of the author’s works is humor. Max Fry writes his books in various genres, but they are very harmoniously combined, interwoven with witty remarks. All this makes them very popular. Some carelessly abandoned phrases carry a deep meaning, and the mystery of the characters and their charisma create the necessary atmosphere.

mack fry quotes and aphorisms

In fact, many say that the impressions of the first pages read are so exciting that you want to read more and more. And in the end there is a slight sadness from the fact that the story is over.

Theme of love in the books of the author

She stands somewhat separately. There is a whole book written by Max Fry, “On Love and Death,” revealing the most important questions, talking about what is really necessary for a person, but at the same time not quite definite. Indeed, you must admit, love is something inexplicable, sometimes feelings can flare up all of a sudden to a person whom you have known for a long time or know very badly.

max fry books

There is also a love of the inanimate. It can be trips, new experiences, gems, paintings and ... the taste of coffee. It is about this that the story goes in the author's work "Coffee Book". In general, the theme of coffee slides in almost every book. The main character of two episodes about the city of Echo, Sir Max, simply could not live without him. In one of the cycles, not a single story could do without a cup of a delicious aromatic drink, which was brewed in strictness with the recipe and, of course, with love.

The most interesting quotes from Max Fry's books

As mentioned above, there are many statements taken from the works written by Max Fry. Quotes and aphorisms are used in colloquial speech, written in social networks, causing various comments and opinions, and simply written in a notebook. For example, the following statement is very interesting: "Any woman is a crazy bird. The problem is that most do not seek to learn to fly. They only need to make nests." These words are quite relevant for today, as one of the extremes of women, especially those who got married. Having completely focused on the family, they completely forget about themselves and their desires, dreams.

max fry about love

Memorized not only philosophy, but also humor in the statements. For example, "Let's go home, sir Max. We will eat, be sad and think." Very interesting statement by the ridiculous and awkward poet Andre Pu. He wanted to go to sunny Tasher, but he either did not have money, or there was fear. And in one of his conversations with Max, he said: "Everyone always leaves forever. It is impossible to return - someone else always comes back instead."


Of course, this is not all Max Fry's quotes, as well as books. Svetlana Martynchik continues to write her works, but without her husband. Each book is eagerly awaited by readers, because this is a new and interesting story. If you are not familiar with the works, we recommend reading them!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7940/

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