Breast grunts: root causes and treatment

Ensuring proper care for the newborn is the main task of parents. Many mothers get scared when they hear that the baby grunts. How can one help a baby and what is the reason for this condition?

Nose crusts

The main reason is the formation of crusts in the nasal passages of the crumbs, which appear due to the drying of the mucous membrane inside. Drying can occur if dry air often prevails in the room. This can often be observed at the beginning of the heating season. Why is the baby constantly grunting? Such a problem may arise due to sparse wet cleaning in the apartment or due to infrequent ventilation.

baby grunts

It is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx every day. In the pharmacy you can buy a saline solution or a special spray that will simplify the washing. The price of these funds is low, so everyone can afford to purchase them.

How to do the washing?

First you need to make sure that the product you are using is at room temperature. Then put the baby on his back, preventing the head from tipping over. Instill 3-5 drops of the product into each nostril and compress the wings of the nose with massage movements. After 5-8 minutes, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages with a cotton turundka. Do not use cotton swabs or cotton wool wound around anything. With these tools you will help damage the mucous membrane.

baby grunts but no snot

This procedure will help to soften and easily remove the crusts from the nose. Before using the spray, read the instructions in detail, since some drugs are recommended to be administered at different dosages and in a certain position of the body. Hygiene of the nasal cavity should be carried out in the morning and evening every day, regardless of situations. If necessary, washing can be done before feeding the baby.


If the baby grunts with his nose, but there is no snot, then the problem may be in a congenital disorder in the structure of the nasal passages. In order to exclude this option, you need to contact the otolaryngologist. In acute infectious inflammation, excess mucus accumulates in the baby’s nose, which can also result in grunts.

the baby grunts its nose but there is no Komarovsky snot

Often there are cases when foreign bodies enter the nasal cavity - parts from toys or rattles, insects. A daily examination of the child by the parents in this situation will help keep the baby's nose in order and avoid grunting. If you can’t remove the object yourself, you should immediately contact a specialist who will not allow further slipping of a foreign body into the nasopharynx.

So, the main reasons that the baby grunts:

  • congenital violation of the structure of the nasal cavity;
  • foreign body trapped in the nose;
  • infection (bacterial or viral).

What does Komarovsky say?

The children's doctor Yevgeny Olegovich, who is a candidate of medical sciences, devoted several articles and programs to this problem. So, the baby grunts, but there are no snot. Komarovsky on this occasion says the following:

the baby constantly grunts

  1. First of all, you need to provide your baby with the optimum indoor temperature. It is approximately 21 ° C. Relative humidity should not exceed 70%. If the room is constantly very dry, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier and turn it on for a couple of hours every day.
  2. Daily nose washing with saline or water with sea salt to moisten the passages.
  3. You should also increase the time for walks in the fresh air, if the baby does not have diseases in the acute form. Walking will help the natural cleansing and hydration of the nasal mucous membranes.
  4. A sufficient amount of fluid drunk during the day will help the body maintain a water-salt balance. After the illness, it is recommended to introduce drinks containing vitamin C - fruit drinks or specialized juices, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, into the diet.
  5. Inhalations with saline or a decoction of medicinal herbs can be carried out even if the baby grunts, but there are no snot. It is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drugs, since they interfere with the natural outflow of mucus, their action is aimed only at eliminating the common cold.
  6. Sinus cleansing can be performed using oil formulations applied to the turunduch. It should be remembered that many of them can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Therefore, they must be used with caution.

Physiological reasons

If the baby grunts at night, then be aware that this may be due to physiological reasons that will pass when the baby is older. Indeed, at birth, the body does not have time to adapt to new conditions, and the passage of air through the narrow nasal passages is still difficult.

nasal septum

Grunting sounds are considered normal for this reason. They will pass by themselves. Do not self-medicate or resort to radical measures, it is enough to perform daily washing, and over time the sound will disappear.

Nasal septum. Curvature

Why can a baby grunt? There can be many reasons. But if, after consulting with a doctor, it was diagnosed that the nasal septum is curved and there is a need for surgical intervention, do not panic. Such an anomaly in the structure is observed quite often.

baby grunts at night

The doctor will prescribe a means to facilitate the baby’s breathing and recommend the age at which the operation is most favorable. It should be noted that even with this problem, the following measures are necessary: ​​regular wet cleaning, ventilation and compliance with a certain air temperature should be constantly monitored.

Allergy in a small child

If the baby grunts, what should I do? Consult a pediatrician or otolaryngologist, he will tell you the cause or indicate a problem that you will need to be addressed. There are cases when grunting can be caused by an allergy to a pet, then the doctor will conduct an allergy test and detect this. The animal’s hair, crumpled into balls, clogs the narrow nasal passages of the baby and interferes with breathing.

baby grunts what to do

When a small child appears in the house, it is recommended to temporarily limit the presence of the animal nearby. An allergic reaction can also be to laundry detergent or fabric softener. It is necessary to purchase these funds with the mark “hypoallergenic”. A special series of household cleaning products and soap accessories will help you use them calmly, without worrying about the possible consequences.

Little conclusion

The excitement of a mother when she hears a baby grunt her nose is understandable. After all, every parent wants the child to grow up healthy. Monitoring the correct development is necessary not only during the period when the baby is very small, but also later, when he becomes more independent. The preference in acquiring toys or other means of developing motor skills is recommended to be given to specialized brands. They will help to eliminate the likelihood of small parts getting into the sinuses and nasopharynx, as the quality of these toys has been tested and tested by many researchers. If the baby grunts with his nose, then the reason for this can even be homemade syntepon dolls. These toys collect dust, so they should be washed regularly, regardless of how often the child uses them.

From the first days of the baby's life, it is necessary to observe a pediatrician who will monitor the health of the baby and, if treatment or surgery is needed, will immediately provide him or send him to the hospital. The methods of treatment of traditional medicine should be used only under the supervision of a specialist, since in many cases it can cause a negative reaction in a child.


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