Answers to the question of where the grasshopper has ears for kids and adults

Not every adult knows where the grasshopper has ears. Meanwhile, this fact is incredibly surprising. Anyone who is interested in where the grasshopper's ears are located will find the answer to this question in this article.

A lesson to explore the world for kids

In order to interest children in preschool and primary school age with biology, it is recommended that they reveal the answer to the question of where the grasshopper has ears. This topic can be devoted to a whole lesson. Of course, a simple listing of the facts will not captivate most babies. Therefore, it is recommended to give them the answer to the question of where the grasshopper has ears, through a fairy tale that can be played with the help of amateur artists, or to show a puppet show. And you can tell a comic poem.

where the grasshopper has ears

Tale of the smallest grasshopper

There once was a grasshopper named Paramon. He was a naughty kid. And once on a walk he ran away from his nanny. He galloped along the path, jumped and landed in a large puddle. Get wet all the way! And our Paramosha almost completely drowned, but then his savior appeared - a large bumblebee. He grabbed a stupid insect and carried it to his home. And then the bumblebee's grandmother rushed to look after Paramosha, wrapped his neck in a warm scarf, forced her to drink tea with honey so that the neck would not get sick. But most of all, she was worried that the grasshopper had bleeding ears. "We urgently need to make a compress on the ears!" - declared the bumblebee grandmother. And Paramon sadly held out her paw. But grandmother stubbornly wanted to put a compress on the grasshopper's ears , so she looked for them on his head. "This is terrible! This is unthinkable! Our guest has no ears! He is deaf ... ”- the grandmother was upset. “No, kind grandmother, I'm not deaf at all, and I have ears,” reassured the old Paramosha. “You probably just don’t know that the grasshopper has an ear on his leg, not on his head!”

grasshopper ear on foot

Comic verses “Ears on legs”

- Grandma, grandma, give me the answer:
Does the grasshopper have ears or no?
Grandmother told her grandson: “Yes ...”
- So when he has a head
Will be wrapped in a hat, muffler -
He will be hard of hearing, right?
- Not!
He will become deaf only if
If it is wrapped ... a leg!
- How is it, grandmother? You’re kidding me!
Ears on the legs - cool!
“But true.”
He is very strange, this grasshopper!
You, my curious little man,
You can, of course, learn a lot,
Kohl with pleasure you will read.

where is the grasshopper's ear answer

Clarifications for adults where the grasshopper has an ear

The answer to this question was found by the biologist Gaskell from America in 1957. Prior to this discovery, many scientists were inclined to believe that the insect does not have specific hearing organs. Indeed, it turned out to be quite difficult to find sound-sensitive organs. After all, they were located on the front legs in the legs. Yes, and these “ears” look quite unusual, since this is nothing but narrow slits with very sensitive membranes. Some of the grasshopper caps are covered with slit ears. And how difficult are the hearing organs of these insects inside! It turns out that the grasshopper's ears have trachea, muscles, nerve endings and very sensitive cells. The auditory membranes are longitudinally oval and are distributed along the entire length of the tibia of the forelegs - they play the role of eardrum. Due to the fact that air pressure is constantly maintained in the trachea, membrane membranes are always in a tense state. The one who managed to observe the grasshopper, for sure, drew attention to the fact that the legs of the insect are located much higher than its entire body and head, including. Listening, the grasshopper will never turn his head, as most representatives of the animal world do - he will rearrange his legs, changing direction. This is done so that the auditory slots are directed in the direction where the sound source is located. By the way, in some grasshoppers, in particular in locusts, membrane cracks are located on the abdomen of an insect.


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