The best LED lamps: reviews, types, specifications, manufacturers, purpose

Incandescent lamps are gradually becoming a thing of the past. In their place came economical, durable devices. These are LED, or LED lamps. There are many types of them. Depending on the characteristics that each device has, they are used in various fields of human activity.

To choose the best LED lamps, reviews of which are presented in various sources, you need to study the most popular brands. In this case, it will be much easier to choose cheap and high-quality lighting devices.

General principle of LED lamps

LED-lamp is a lighting device, which is based on the principle of electrical luminescence. A current is passed through the boundary of two different semiconductors (pn junction). In this case, electromagnetic radiation of the spectrum visible to the human eye is released.

Top led bulbs reviews

By combining semiconductor light sources, a lens, a radiator for cooling, a driver (power supply) in one housing, an LED lamp is obtained. This is a whole large class of lighting products.

Previously, LEDs were very expensive and had only a red glow. Their widespread use began after the invention of blue LEDs.

Create glow

To achieve the correct distribution of the light flux, a special lens is used. If you put a yellow phosphor on it, you get white light at the output . Moreover, its shade (temperature) may be different. This principle applies to most LED lamps.

LED bulb

Another approach to creating lighting is RGB technology, which involves the use of three color LEDs on one board : red (Red), green (Green), and blue (Blue). Depending on the combination of these three elements, almost any color of glow can be achieved. This allows you to create various decorative effects.

Application area

LED lamps are used in various fields of human activity. There are street, industrial, home, LED lamps for cars , for home use, as well as for growing plants.

Street lamps illuminate buildings, parks and pools, as well as highways, etc. Their difference is their special protection against mechanical and weather influences. Searchlights are allocated in a separate group. This is due to a special approach to their development and manufacture.

Philips ice lamp

For home use, special devices are produced that are designed to completely replace incandescent lamps, luminescent and halogen varieties.

In warehouses, special industrial lamps are used. They are distinguished by high power and a good degree of protection. Special plants have also been developed for growing plants. Their spectrum includes a special ultraviolet component. Such devices are usually programmable.

LED lamps for cars are made for interior lighting, as well as signal lights, tuning. Recently, they are used to create dipped and main beam.

Light technology

LED , industrial, automotive or desk lamps use several basic technologies for creating light output. They differ in sufficient power and brightness.

SMD is one of the classes of LEDs. It is most often used to create a luminous flux. Design features provide quality heat dissipation. This makes this type of LED durable.

The class of powerful and heavy duty LEDs includes devices designed for a current of 350 mA. The design of such devices usually does not need a lens. It requires increased attention to cooling.

Table lamps ice

OWL is the most advanced technology. In it, the emitting chip is mounted directly on the board. This increases the reliability of the device. With this design, heat dissipation is improved. The uniformity of the luminous flux provides a common optical system.


LED home table lamps most often have an Edison base. It has a thread of different diameters. It is designated by the letter E with a number (cap size). There are diameters of 14, 27 and 40 mm.

Another common type of cap is the pin connection. It is indicated by the letter G. The number of pins is indicated by a certain marking. Such lamps do not connect directly to the 220 V. The device therefore has a special power supply.

Cap T have lamps that replace luminescent varieties. They are quite popular in our country. Several sizes are also available for sale.

In automobiles, type H plinths are most often used. There are several popular varieties of such devices. The oldest lamps are considered to be with a base H4, and the devices H8, H9, H11 are recognized as modern.

Type of device power

Depending on the type of device, it may have a different set of functions. For a specific application it is important to choose the right quality of the lighting device. LED home lamps work from a 220 V network. For this, they provide for a special power supply.

Ice lamps for cars

Automobile devices most often operate from a 12 V network. Lamps are used for industrial facilities, which can be powered from more powerful sources of electricity. Depending on the purpose of the lamp, technologists develop various designs and think over the functional qualities of lighting devices.

Functional qualities

If you want to create color illumination using RGB diodes, the lamp has a special power supply. You can control the hue, as well as the brightness of the glow, in some models using the remote control. For this, an infrared or radio channel is used.

To be able to work autonomously, the lamp may have a built-in battery. The most advanced devices have the ability to control via Wi-Fi. This system is suitable for smart home programs. Additional functions are selected in accordance with the scope of the equipment.

Types of designs

LED lamps, the characteristics of which allow such devices to remain in demand, do not have clear limitations on the design structure. Therefore, it is customary to attribute three different types of devices to this class of lighting devices. Lamps can be of general purpose, directed luminous flux, and also have a linear design.

The general-purpose class includes appliances that resemble candles and incandescent lamps in shape. They are also called "corn." These are lamps that create diffused full lighting in office rooms or living rooms. The luminous flux may differ in different temperature (shade).

The group of directional light-emitting diodes includes lamps that are used to accent windows, advertising signs, squares, etc. Their most famous design is the "spot".

Ice lamps for home

LED-lamp linear configuration in the modern world is very common and in demand. It looks like a tube. The shape is very similar to the luminescent varieties of illuminators. However, the technical characteristics of the diode device are more perfect. Most often, such devices are used in offices, retail, warehouse.

Benefits of Ice Lamps

When choosing the best LED lamps, reviews of which are often found in various sources, a number of their features should be taken into account. Compared with other types of lighting devices, they have several advantages.

First of all, their durability should be noted. High-quality LED lamp of a verified manufacturer is designed for operation within 30 thousand hours. At the same time, an energy-saving illuminator boasts only 10 thousand hours of operation, and an incandescent lamp - 1 thousand hours.

LED devices have a high safety class. They lack infrared, ultraviolet radiation, mercury, and flicker.

In addition, the equipment presented has low power consumption. There is a LED lamp on sale 9 watts (corresponding to a 70-watt incandescent lamp), 14 watts (similar to the light output of a 100-watt incandescent lamp), 22 watts (similar to a 150-watt incandescent lamp), etc. Even energy-saving varieties are slightly behind LEDs. devices. For example, an 11-watt LED lamp corresponds to a fluorescent device with a power consumption of 20 watts per hour.

In addition to the listed advantages, LED devices are resistant to shock, voltage drop, vibration. They do not heat up, do not contain components harmful to humans. Therefore, LED lamps are gradually replacing other varieties of light sources.

Choosing a quality lamp

Choosing the best LED lamps, reviews of which are presented in various sources, it is necessary to consider the existing types of manufacturers. The list of quality manufacturers includes some domestic companies, for example, Svetaled Optogan, etc. Such lamps have a relatively high cost. However, the quality of such devices really meets the expectations of the consumer. Such devices undergo certification, quality control, and high-quality components are used to create these products. Long existence in the market and demand among buyers testify to the high reliability of LED lamps of these manufacturers.

Inexpensive ice lamps

Also high-quality LED devices from well-known manufacturers. For example, these are Osram, Philips brands . LED lamps from these manufacturers are quite expensive. But this is a profitable investment. The devices of such companies will last a very long time and will quickly pay off during operation.

Chinese devices

A sufficiently large variety of models are offered by Chinese manufacturers. Often, such lamps do not have certificates of conformity; they are assembled from insufficiently quality parts. It is better not to buy such devices, since their useful life is not long enough. A greenish shade of glow and a quick failure are the main signs of such illuminators.

Wanting to buy inexpensive lamps, it is worth paying attention to popular, popular devices. The likelihood of acquiring a low-quality device in this case is less. Their characteristics and device are constantly being improved.

Manufacturer's Reviews

To purchase inexpensive LED lamps of good quality, it is worth considering customer reviews on the most popular illuminators. This will make the right choice.

The first in the list of popular appliances are Feron bulbs. This brand has been on the market for a long time. Due to the availability of production facilities in our country, the cost of these lamps is relatively low (starting price - from 140 rubles).

Camelion Introduces Advanced Design Products According to reviews, lamps have a wider angle of illumination. This is a reliable manufacturer, existing on the market for a long time. The disadvantage of such LED illuminators is the complex labeling of products.

Gauss LED bulbs are known for their high quality. But the reviews indicate that their declared luminous flux values โ€‹โ€‹are too high compared to the real value. The cost of this product is approximately 250-300 rubles.

The Navigator brand, unlike the previous manufacturer, indicates the technical characteristics of its products honestly. Products have all the necessary documentation. The cost of lamps is 250-300 rubles.

Glow color

Choosing the best LED lamps , you need to pay attention also to the color of the glow of the device. Even the illuminator from the highest quality, trusted manufacturers may not please the user due to the shade (temperature) of the backlight.

There are warm, cold and natural white colors. In the first case, the device creates a glow similar to that produced by the incandescent lamp. His eyes get tired quickly enough. Therefore, such devices have a narrow scope. Cold glow is more suitable for storage, office premises. In an apartment or house, such lamps create an uncomfortable shade of lighting.

Most often, users choose the natural color of the rays of the lamps. It is most like daylight. However, for special conditions of use, there are a huge variety of shades.

Having considered the best LED lamps, reviews of which are provided by users and experts, everyone will be able to choose the best device for a wide variety of applications.


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