Grigory Adamov: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Grigory Adamov is. The books of this Soviet writer are written in the genre of fiction. He was born in 1886, May 6 (18). The real name of the author is Gibbs.


Grigory Adamov
The writer Grigory Adamov was born in Kherson. Some sources indicate Zhytomyr as the place of birth. Comes from the family of a woodworker. He was the seventh child. At the age of 15, he became a member of the circle of revolutionary youth. He joined the Kherson organization of the Bolsheviks. He was repeatedly arrested. For this reason, fled to Nikolaev.

Revolution and first job

mystery of two oceans

Grigory Adamov studied at the gymnasium. From the penultimate class was expelled. In 1906 he was exiled. The reason was the violation of public order. Fell in the Arkhangelsk province. I ran. He took part in the action, the purpose of which was the destruction of court documents relating to the uprising in Sevastopol on the battleship “Prince Potemkin-Tauride”. For conducting revolutionary agitation on ships belonging to the Black Sea Fleet, he was convicted. He served 3 years in Kherson prison. After leaving prison he worked as a journalist. From 1911 to 1914 he was involved in editing the social democratic newspaper South. After 1917 he worked in the State Publishing House and the People's Commissariat of Food. Published on the pages of the journal Our Achievements. He served as a correspondent for a newspaper called For Industrialization. Since 1930, he became a professional writer. In 1934, he began to create works for young people and children. At first these were stories. He later wrote novels and novels. Consisted in the joint venture of the USSR. The son of our hero is called Adam Arkady Grigoryevich. He is also a writer. Creates in the detective genre.

Literary activity

Gregory Adam books

Grigory Adamov began his journalistic work by editing the newspaper Yug. In 1931 he published a collection of essays and short stories, “Connected Columns”. Mostly known for his science fiction works. The first publication in this genre took place in 1934. The work is called "Diego's Tale." The works "Crash" and "Oasis of the Sun" are devoted to the topic of energy of the future in the Karakum and the Arctic. The first novel of the writer in the science fiction genre is called "Winners of the bowels." His main theme is mastery of energy sources. The plot is based on the movement on the "underground", as well as the construction of an underground power station in the depths of the Earth. After the publication of this novel, the author won a positive assessment from academician V. A. Obruchev. Adamov’s most famous work is called The Secret of Two Oceans. In 1940, the writer proceeded to the creation of a new work, “Expulsion of the Lord”. This work reveals the theme of heating the northern territories by raising the temperature of the Gulf Stream. The author went to the Arctic and started collecting materials. The novel was published in 1946, when the writer passed away.


Grigory Adamov published essays in 1931 under the title Connected Columns. Literary works:

  • In 1934, the Diego Story appeared.
  • In 1935, the work "Crash" was published.
  • In 1936, the story “Oasis of the Sun” appeared.
  • In 1937, the sci-fi novel "The Winners of the Subsoil" appeared.
  • In 1938, Grigory Adamov published his works In the Stratosphere, Attack of Magnetic Torpedoes, and In Ice Captivity.
  • In 1941, the book "In the Arctic of the Future" appeared.

In 1946, the author writes a science fiction novel called "The Exile of the Lord."

Best book

writer Grigory Adamov
“The Secret of Two Oceans” is a work that describes the campaign of the USSR submarine called “Pioneer” to Vladivostok from Leningrad. The novel was written in the 1930s - on the wave of Stalinist patriotism. For the first time, the work was partially published on the pages of the journal Knowledge is Power. Then it was published by a newspaper called Pioneer Truth in 1938. The book was first published in 1939. Variants of the novel, which were published after 1953, have textual differences from the earlier ones, since statements that are associated with Stalin were deleted from them. The book tells how a boy who is only 14 years old, named Pavlik, the son of a diplomat from the USSR, finds himself in the water after a shipwreck that occurred in the North Atlantic. He is taken aboard a submarine from the USSR under the name Pioneer. This is a unique ship that incorporates the best achievements of science. The boat heads to the Pacific Fleet from Leningrad. Its goal is to counterbalance Japan’s growing sea power. The ship passes near Cape Horn. Miraculously escapes death in the Antarctic seas. It falls into the waters of the Pacific Ocean. There, the cruiser Izumo, the representative of the Japanese fleet, is attacked. "Pioneer" destroys the enemy with an ultrasound beam. One crew member is an agent of the enemy. He damages the boat. However, the crew repairs the ship near Easter Island, being on the ocean floor. The saboteur is neutralized, "Pioneer" successfully leads to Vladivostok. The novel describes the sci-fi fantastic innovations used on the ship.


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