What is the main mosque in Moscow? Location of other Muslim organizations

People of various nationalities and faith live in Moscow. Temples were built to comply with their legal rights to personal freedom. Let us turn to the origins of Islamic culture. Consider which mosque in Moscow is the largest. Is she the oldest of all? We also provide information on the location of the main Islamic organizations of the capital.

mosque in moscow

Cathedral Mosque - the main and largest in Moscow

Although this Islamic temple is the largest of all, its history begins a little over a century ago. A few years ago, after heavy rains, one of the walls collapsed, so there was a need for a major restoration of the mosque. Since 2006, its reconstruction is ongoing, which is planned to be completed in 2015. Presumably, it will become one of the largest in Europe and will be able to accommodate up to 5 thousand Muslims at a time. But, in addition to the main Islamic temple in Moscow, there are more valuable buildings.

Which of the Moscow mosques is historically the oldest?

An Islamic temple on the Tatar settlement would be built in the XVIII century. In those days, a wooden structure burned out, and in its place at the beginning of the 19th century the construction of another building began. Only after several decades, the mosque was open for visits by believers. But it so happened historically that during the popular revolution of the beginning of the last century, along with the Orthodox, Islamic churches also collapsed and fell into disrepair. Although literally before the Second World War, services were still being held in it. Only in the early 90's. of the last century, it was decided to return to full-fledged work this first-time mosque in Moscow. A successful reconstruction was carried out with the help of builders from Turkey and sponsors from Saudi Arabia. Around the same time, a new Islamic temple was erected on Poklonnaya Hill. The memorial mosque was built to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Victory in World War II and the 850th anniversary of Moscow. We also list the data of other religious organizations.

how many mosques in moscow

Where are mosques in Moscow? Addresses of other similar organizations

We list the location of the main centers of Muslims in Moscow :

- Cathedral mosque. Located at Vypolzov Lane, 7.

- Moscow historical mosque. Located on the street. B. Tatarskaya, 28, building 1.

- The Muslim Society at the Moscow Historical Mosque "Byte - Allah."

- The memorial mosque. Address: Poklonnaya Gora, ul. Minskaya, building 26.

- The Yardyam Mosque. Located on the street. Khachaturian, house 8.

- Islamic cultural center. Tatar Lane, Building 5.

- International Islamic Mission. Address: st. Ostozhenka, house 49.

- "Minaret", a religious association of Muslims is located on the street. Kulakova, 24, building 1.

Unfortunately, the question โ€œhow many mosques are functioning in Moscow at a given timeโ€ can be answered with appallingly miserable numbers - four. Are you planning to solve this problem in the near future?

mosques in Moscow addresses

Plans for the construction of new mosques

Moscow Muslims are looking forward to the implementation of a new project, according to which it was announced that in the near future it is planned to erect at least ten new Islamic churches in the capital. After all, the situation in the capital has recently become too acute. This became especially evident after the recent celebration of conversation, which became a vivid illustration of this. Especially popular is the Cathedral Mosque in Moscow, but also near other existing churches the streets of nearby territories literally โ€œcrowdedโ€ with people, as a record 200 thousand Islam believers gathered at the service. Now in Moscow, according to official figures, about two million Muslims live, according to unofficial ones, almost three million. Therefore, a project that addresses the issue of coexistence of people of different nationalities and faith needs to be urgently put into practice in the very near future.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7960/

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