Literary analysis: Tyutchev's poem "She was sitting on the floor ..."

The main themes of the work of F.I. Tyutchev became human feelings and feelings, meditations on the meaning of life, the image of the beauty of Russian nature. The verse "She was sitting on the floor ..." is an example of the poet's romantic lyrics.

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem. She sat on the floor.

The plot of the work

If you look at the eventual outline of the verse, you can see that there are a lot of actions in it, which is usually not in poetic texts. There are two heroes in the work : the lyrical hero, on behalf of whom the story is being kept, and the heroine whom he is watching. The heroine parses old letters, picks them up and throws them.

Creative story

Without researching the creative history of a work, it is impossible to analyze it. Tyutchev's poem "She was sitting on the floor ..." is dedicated to the second wife of the poet, Ernestina Fedorovna.

She was sitting on the floor of Tyutchev.
It was created in the late 1850s. Just at that time, Tyutchev was experiencing the deepest love experience in his life. He entered into an illegal relationship with Elena Denisieva. Elena was much younger than Tyutchev, but real feelings flared up between them. However, the poet was married. Denisyeva took courage to be with her beloved. She had to break all her family and friendship ties; she was not recognized in society. She gave everything for the love of Tyutchev. Therefore, the poems of these years are filled with sorrow, suffering, as analysis shows . Tyutchev's poem "She was sitting on the floor ..." is no exception. True, in him more suffering is experienced, rather, by the lyrical heroine, the victim of a love triangle.

Idea of ​​a poem

The poet’s task was to show how destructive love is. Even an almost dying feeling causes a person great suffering. Indeed, in this text the heroine burns letters that her beloved once wrote to her. She recalls the bright moments that were in their life. But he looks at the letters as if this is something unimaginably distant and almost forgotten.

Means of Expression

The poem "She was sitting on the floor ..." Tyutchev created using a large number of means of expression. Thanks to this, it turned out to be very bright, beautiful and sensual. The main technique used by the author is comparison. "Like cooled ash," "as souls look from above." Of course, the poet could not do without his favorite syntactic means - a rhetorical exclamation. It helps to give the text a greater emotional richness. The observer is amazed at how the heroine goes through these letters. In each of her movements, pain and suffering are felt, the soul is torn, because love has passed, it is forgotten.

Another syntax is inversion. Wrong word order in sentences allows the author to put emphasis, highlighting segments that are important in meaning. In addition, inversion allows you to create a special rhythm of the text.

The dots at the end of the lines create a certain sense of understatement. Not everything that is now in the soul of the lyrical hero and heroine can be expressed in words, something remains unexpressed. This is one of the main motives in the work of Tyutchev. "Inexpressible" first appeared in the lyrics of Zhukovsky, later this motive was developed by other poets. Tyutchev believed that silence sometimes speaks better than words. Moreover, words are false, you cannot put on deep human experiences in a speech form without distorting the meaning. As analysis shows , Tyutchev’s poem "She was sitting on the floor ..." confirms this idea precisely thanks to the dots, a certain mystification of the internal state of the characters.

Verse she sat on the floor

Formal analysis

The poem is written by a four-foot iamba. Pyrrhicia and spondae, which are present on each line, help to shape its rhythm. Rhyme every four lines. The rhyme in the stanza is cross. Male and female rhymes alternate: “on the floor - evil”, “sorted - left.”

Emotional response

The poem "She sat on the floor ..." (year of writing 1858) for more than one and a half centuries. But what familiar feelings does Tyutchev describe in him! Years and centuries go by, but one thing remains unchanged: love in human life is the greatest experience. Everyone strives to find this feeling, but it does not always bring happiness. According to Tyutchev, on the contrary, love is always torment and suffering, "the struggle of unequal two hearts." People falling in love endure the death sentence of their second half. You can share this opinion, but it can be considered otherwise. But what is described in the poem, probably, at least once in a lifetime, every person experiences, even if not so much. Fading love hurts a lot. A man remembers all the good moments, experiences again. Sometimes, even after many years, a meeting with a former lover is a pain or a painful feeling of sadness about youth, about ardor and passion. In the poem "She was sitting on the floor ..." Tyutchev creates the same feeling in the lyrical heroine that the old letters evoke. The same emotions are conveyed to the involuntary witness of this scene. In turn, he, as the author, on behalf of whom the story is being written, wants to pass them on to the reader.

She sat on the floor for a year

To understand the mood of the verse allows a detailed analysis of it. Tyutchev's poem "She was sitting on the floor ..." is the greatest example of psychological lyrics.


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