Left 4 Dead 4 Game Review

Fans of the zombie franchise are eagerly awaiting the release of the game Left 4 Dead 4. Its review is extremely interesting due to the unusual gameplay, wide features, many maps, character variations and other innovations in the previous parts. The game in a short time has become a cult and has gained tens of thousands of fans around the world.

left 4 dead 4 Review

In online battles, players converge daily on various online gaming venues. Left four Dead 2 has received many awards. From the domestic magazine "Gambling" she received the title of "Best Shooter of the Year."

general description

Despite the absence of even the third part, heated debate has already unfolded on the Internet regarding innovations in Left 4 Dead 4. A review of the previous parts will give a fairly accurate idea of ​​the atmosphere of this franchise. In the story, the world of people was destroyed as a result of exposure to a virus that turned almost the entire population into zombies. But this, as it were, remains behind the scenes, which gives the player the opportunity to immediately plunge into the vicissitudes of the struggle for survival in the post-apocalyptic world. All the scenery is selected extremely interesting - in the spirit of Hollywood horror films. An amusement park, a swamp with rare buildings, a destroyed factory and more are favorite places for battles with zombies.

The game makes it clear that a negligible number of people survived who are desperately fighting for existence. But only four of them are in the center of the plot. The same concept will be in Left 4 Dead 4. The review of characters can concern only their appearance (skin) and replicas. In general, their skills are no different, and there is no physical difference. The fragile girl Rochelle copes with a light machine gun no worse than a sports Ellis. However, it is the character color that gives the game a special charm. The constant jokes of the main characters, as well as the irony of what is happening inevitably drag the player. Therefore, everyone is very interested in who the new characters in Left 4 Dead 4 will be. A review of the previous parts makes it clear that they all differ at first sight, but have one thing in common - the thirst for life.

Character selection

You can play for any of the four characters in the game. Hence the pun in the title - in English, the number four sounds "for", just like the preposition "for". That is, the name can be read both as “There are four dead”, and as “Remained for death”. The head of the group is Coach - a black overweight man for forty years. He is very kind and brave. Sometimes he complains about his knee, which he injured in his youth, playing American football. He cares about all the members of the group and hard-suffers the loss of each.

Ellis is a young guy who worked as a car mechanic before getting infected. He is simple-hearted and naive, likes to tell endless stories about his friends in difficult moments. He is constantly offended by Nick, a middle-aged tramp. He loves alcohol, girls and money. A game in a casino brought him to the city of Savannah, where he met the end of the world. The only girl is Rochelle - a black-skinned journalist of thirty years. She is cheerful and fervent, sincerely empathizes with all survivors.

left 4 dead 2 review

You can choose any character through a single player campaign in Left 4 Dead 2 (we briefly reviewed the main characters here). When choosing a random character, the computer will randomly determine who you will pass the card for. The greatest advantage of the game is the ability to play on the Internet. A maximum of four people can complete missions in one team, which at times raises interest.

Gameplay Features

A completely updated gameplay is expected in Left 4 Dead 3. The review should begin with the fact that it basically will not differ from the previous parts. Campaign missions are also divided into several maps. Each card has its own poster (images of heroes with an ironic inscription) and general surroundings. For example, in the Carnival campaign, the entire map is an amusement park. The campaign is divided into several levels (usually from three to six). At the end of each level is the so-called "refuge" - a room, upon reaching which, players can go to the next level. In the room there are many weapons, ammunition, throwing weapons, medicines.

To get to the shelter, you need to go through the entire map, simultaneously fighting with zombies and completing some tasks. For example, in a swamp it is necessary to cross a body of water. Single zombies are found at almost every step. Destroying them is not difficult, since most often they just stand still. The real danger is the "waves" of the invasion of the infected. Then from everywhere huge crowds of monsters run that attack the players. In addition to the waves provided for by the plot, there are also provoked by the player. For example, if you get into a car, an alarm may sound, the sound of which will make a horde.


Each player can carry one primary and one additional weapon. The main ones are various types of machine guns, shotguns, sniper rifles, a grenade launcher and a machine gun. Secondary can be a gun with infinite ammunition and edged weapons. That it is the main innovation in Left 4 Dead 2. A review of weapons is on the menu.

game left 4

This is a samurai sword, crowbar, baseball and cricket bat. There are also several exotic types of weapons, such as guitars or pans. The presence of melee weapons makes a special drive in the gameplay. To demolish zombie heads with an electric guitar is the dream of any fan of this subject.

There is also a special secondary weapon - a chainsaw. She is extremely effective in the battle against a mob of zombies. But to start it, it will take some time, and the fuel supply is not unlimited. There is a separate slot for throwing weapons. It can be a Molotov cocktail, dynamite, Fat man's vomit. The cocktail is very effective against bosses and to block aisles. However, it can set fire to your allies, causing them great damage. To the dynamite after the throw, all the zombies from the neighborhood come running and crowd until it explodes, killing everyone. Useful thing in critical situations. Vomiting is used to attract the attention of zombies. If it gets on other infected, they will begin to attack each other. Each character can carry no more than one throwing weapon at a time.

Game review Left 4 Dead 2: Zombies

Infected are the main target for the player. They fill almost the entire level. Zombies move slowly or stand still. But if they notice a player, they begin to quickly run towards him. During waves, zombies run immediately and in large numbers. To kill an ordinary infected person, it is necessary to make three shots at him from an automatic weapon, four from a pistol, one from a shotgun and a sniper rifle. When hit in the head, the infected person dies immediately, regardless of the type of weapon. You can also destroy zombies with melee weapons. This is the best way out if you are surrounded by a crowd. Because when shooting at a lot of zombies, you quickly use up all the ammo. And during the reload time the enemies will have time to inflict huge damage on you. Katana is best suited for close combat. To break through the crowd to shelter - scrap.

left 4 dead 2 beta Review

Ordinary people act as zombies. Just a few dozen types of "skins" infected. These are people of different sexes and ages in different clothes. Some have huge bulging eyes, and some walk with bloodied faces. Of course, such a variety determines the unique atmosphere that the game Left 4 Dead creates.

Rare infected

In addition to ordinary zombies, there are also rare infections in Left 4 Dead. A review of the game by various magazines noted this significant difference in the new part. They appear to each card and have some features. Rare zombies such as a worker, an employee of the Central Concert Hall, a clown and a fallen survivor take standard damage. But some of them are immune to fire and the sound of grenades. The clown, which is found only in the campaign "Grim Carnival", can attract other zombies with the sound of his squeaking shoes. Therefore, the player needs to destroy him as soon as possible. Dirt people are found on maps with swampy areas. They jump out of the swamp and attack the survivors, while splashing mud on their faces. To avoid blinding, you should have a melee weapon and not get too close to the water. The most tenacious are infected commandos. They are wearing a protective suit and helmet. Destroy them with shots in the front of the body is impossible. Therefore, you need to go around the infected person and shoot him in the back. It is quite difficult to do this, since commandos move extremely quickly.

Especially infected

The most dangerous types of infected are Special. All in Left 4 Dead there are eight of them. In an online shooter, a player can play for any of them. In total, a few special zombies are given to the card, which are revived a few minutes after death. The hunter is one of the most dexterous bosses.

left 4 dead 2 fatal return review

It moves only creepily and can climb walls very quickly. His main attack is a jump. From a long distance with a characteristic sound, he jumps on the survivor and knocks him down. After that, he will beat the player until he dies. To reset it, you need to kill the zombies or hit the butt. At the same time, the attacked character himself can conduct a melee strike during the jump.

A special infected smoker attacks from a long distance with his tongue. If he managed to hook the player, the latter will lose control and will hang until he dies or until the allies shoot the zombie language. Another infected is Fat Man. He moves very slowly and has the lowest life reserve. When hit in a huge belly, it explodes and immediately dies. The main ability of the Fat Man is to spit a certain substance, which, when hit by a player, makes it difficult to see and attracts a horde of zombies. The best way to deal with it - an accurate shot from a long distance. If the infected person comes close to you, you should push him away before the shot, otherwise you will receive damage from the explosion.

Like Fat Man, Spitter spews out a special substance. She can shoot poisonous liquid for several tens of meters. After a two-second delay, characters standing on acid take huge damage. After the murder of this especially infected at the place of her death, a pool of acid appears.

In Left 4 2, new bosses were added - Jockey and Gromil. The first runs fast and can climb on the back of the survivor. After that, he can pull the character in any direction. Shoot it down is extremely difficult, since there is a risk of getting into the player. If the Jockey jumped on you, you should try to go in the same direction where he drags you, then there is the opportunity to take control of the situation for a short time. Similarly disables the player and the Thug. This tall boss can run at breakneck speed to the nearest obstacle. If during this run he comes across a survivor, the latter will receive huge damage. The bruiser will not let the player go until he kills.

Most dangerous

The most powerful infected are Tank and Witch.

left 4 dead 3 Review

Their number is very limited. The witch is a very colorful character that is remembered by all players. Outwardly, she looks like a naked woman with long hair, crippled skin, claws and burning eyes. Usually she sits in place and makes howling sounds. The witch never just attacks the Survivors. But if for a long time to direct the light or stand nearby, she falls into a rage. After that, the Witch runs to one player and knocks him down with the first blow. Then it beats with claws. If the player is not helped in time, he will die in a matter of seconds. It’s best to set a witch on fire. If there are no Molotov cocktails, then the melee weapon will be most effective.


But the Tank is considered the most dangerous.

game review left 4 dead 2
He has a huge number of lives, and it is extremely difficult to kill. The tank is several times larger than any other boss. He can climb walls and jump far. The tank moves pretty quickly and destroys everything in its path. Among the abilities in his arsenal is the throwing of a car or a garbage container. The appearance of the Tank is preceded by the shaking of all surrounding objects and the corresponding music. To fight this leader will require the participation of all the characters. The best way to win is to set it on fire. The easiest way to do this is with a Molotov cocktail. But in his absence, an exploded canister will do. At first, Tank had three thousand lives in Left 4 Dead 2 (beta). A review of gamers' reviews forced developers to introduce an increase in Tank's life depending on the level of difficulty. The boss can knock down a player with two to three hits. Therefore, in addition to the mark of shooting, one should also move deftly. Do not forget that the tank calmly passes through the walls, simply breaking them.

Left 4 Dead 2: Fatal return. Overview

One of the most memorable campaigns is Fatal return. This is a bonus level that is not in the original game. Differences are visible from the first minutes. All players are dressed in special military clothing, while the conversations and individual remarks remain the same ("Hey Nick, why are you wearing a white suit?"). This campaign is very interesting because it combines many locations with various types of zombies. If at the beginning the players need to make their way through the thicket, having only a machete in their arsenal, then in the end there will be a battle in the cemetery. At the last levels, it rains, and there is a huge number of witches.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7981/

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