What is deworming and how is it carried out?

Treatment and preventive measures aimed at ridding the environment of invasive material and healing humans and animals from helminths are called deworming. Belongs to the parasitology section of devastization.

what is deworming

Preventive human deworming

Given the variety of forms of helminths and the damage that they cause, a systematic, scientific approach is required to combat them. The more reliable the program is built, the better the effect will be, the less likely it is to harm the body. It is important to know that even in cases of death of helminths, their urgent removal is required, since with the decay of their corpses serious intoxication is possible.

Everyone who is interested in what deworming is, should know that in the program of extermination of parasites should be taken into account all the features of the life of the helminth. If the type of helminths is precisely established , treatment is not very difficult. But much more often it happens that the patient does not suspect that he has worms. Finding them becomes a complete surprise for him, besides traumatizing the psyche.

There is a combined invasion of several types of parasites at once. This complicates the fight against them.

What is deworming

This procedure is the sum of the actions that are aimed at the destruction and subsequent evacuation of parasites with the restoration of the functions of systems and organs, with the complete cleansing of cavities and tissues, the elimination of larval forms and the prevention of re-infections.

deworming puppies

Types of deworming

This procedure for humans and animals is carried out using special preparations (anthelmintics) with the obligatory neutralization of parasites, their fragments, eggs and larvae. There is a medical form that is carried out when a disease is detected. In addition, there is preventive deworming of humans. It is performed to prevent re-infection.

Preventive deworming of animals is carried out in terms established in accordance with the characteristics of epidemiology, biology of helminths that cause the disease. For example, for the prevention of coenurosis in sheep, the procedure is performed in shepherd dogs every three months.

Cat treatment

As you know, animal diseases caused by living organisms (worms, insects or arachnids) are called parasitic. Their prevalence is pushing veterinary drug manufacturers to create new, better drugs.

Many readers are interested in how to deworm. First of all, if you suspect this disease, you must show your pet to the veterinarian to establish an accurate diagnosis. In addition, it is important to establish the type of helminths.


If small kittens should be shown to a veterinarian to check for the presence of worms, then their presence in an adult can be determined by the characteristic symptoms. Veterinarians advise to deworm adult animals only when they have the appropriate symptoms. Street residents are most at risk. You need to know that in some cats, in the presence of helminths, no symptoms of the disease appear. But still, more often than not, an attentive owner may notice one or more of the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • bloody stools;
  • swollen, enlarged abdomen;
  • weight loss;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

If you notice at least one of the listed symptoms, do not waste time, urgent deworming of cats is necessary. You already know what it is, but how to do it right, we will figure it out a bit later.

preventive human deworming

Adult cats and especially kittens should not be given anthelmintic drugs that are sold over the counter. Do not be too lazy to consult a veterinarian. You should not choose a medicine yourself. Observe the prescribed dosage and frequency of use. The course of treatment should be carried out completely.

The vet will schedule you the next visit. Do not ignore it. The second time, the veterinarian will either confirm that your pet is healthy, or prescribe further treatment.

Observe dosage

Understanding what deworming is, you must remember that all antiparasitic drugs are poisons. Of course, they are more dangerous for worms than for your pet. Nevertheless, the animal must receive it in strict accordance with the appointment of a veterinarian. Such drugs have side effects, which include vomiting and diarrhea. Ask your specialist what you can expect from taking the medicine to know what your pet’s normal reaction should be.

Disease prevention

We want to make a reservation right away that it is impossible to completely protect your cat from a recurrence of the disease in the future, but all possible measures can and should be taken to reduce the likelihood of resumption. Carefully monitor the condition of the animal, conduct preventive examinations in a veterinary clinic. In addition, follow some simple rules.

  1. Do not let the cat out of the house to minimize contact with infected cats, rodents.
  2. Clean the animal's litter box at least once a day.
  3. Treat it regularly with boiling water and bleach solution.

Treat puppy

Dog deworming: what is it? This is often asked by novice owners of four-legged friends.

deworming of dogs what is it

Worms occur in dogs regardless of the conditions in which they live. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that helminths can not only be transmitted from one dog to another, while causing serious harm to the animal’s body, but can also pass to a person. At a particular risk are small children who pull toys in their mouths that dogs can play with.

Modern anthelmintic can be divided into those that cleanse the body of parasites, and those that protect the dog from re-infection. Preventive deworming is carried out by experienced breeders two weeks before mating. At the same time, both the bitch and the dog receive the drugs. The fact is that the state of the mother’s health determines how the embryo develops. Worms can be transmitted to puppies with breast milk.

Preparing a puppy for vaccination

All dog breeders know that vaccination is very important for the health of babies. Deworming before vaccination is necessary, even if the puppies do not have obvious signs of illness. Often in infants, the disease is asymptomatic.

Dogs become infected very often. This is facilitated by contact with other animals, raw food, water, etc. That is why regular prophylactic deworming of puppies is necessary. The health of your pet depends on this in many respects.

Puppy deworming scheme

For the first time, this procedure is performed when the babies turn three weeks old. It is usually carried out by the breeder. An anthelmintic drug should also be received by their mother. Repeat the procedure if necessary after ten days. Then, up to 3.5 months, the event is repeated twice a month. After this, the deworming of puppies is carried out once every three months. An adult dog needs to be given antihelminthic drugs at least three times a year.

How to choose a drug

For prevention and treatment, puppies should not be given strong toxic drugs that have a broad effect. It is quite enough to use for a certain type of helminths. But this is only if you are sure that one type of parasite develops in the baby’s body. Usually for puppies use the same drugs that are used to treat adult animals, the difference is only in the dose.

preventive deworming

An adult dog needs a broad-acting anthelmintic because it is at greater risk of infection. Puppies should not be given medications that are used to treat people.

All drugs purchased at a veterinary pharmacy must be accompanied by instructions. Examine it carefully. Depends on how competently deworming will be carried out. Preparations of this group have characteristic features of use, especially when it comes to puppies and pregnant females.

If the recommendations of your veterinarian do not coincide with the instructions, then before giving the drug to the animal, you need to clarify what is the reason for this decision.

You can replace medical products (which are very toxic) with natural products. For example, such a composition is very effective: grind 70 g of pumpkin seeds, pour 70 g of water, add 5 g of honey to the mixture. Mix well. The resulting composition is given to the puppy at night, and in the morning it is necessary to make a cleansing enema. After three hours, the baby is again given the treatment mixture and after half an hour an enema. Such a composition is prepared no later than an hour before use.


We hope that by reading our article, you already imagine what deworming is. Finally, we would like to introduce you the most effective and proven drugs for this procedure.

The drug "Alben"

Designed to destroy flat and round worms. One tablet is designed for 35 kg of animal weight.

The medicine "Valbazen"

This is an analogue of the first tool, but in the form of an emulsion. It is very convenient for puppies: the medicine is drawn into a syringe (without a needle) and poured into the puppy's mouth. In this case, you should slightly raise its muzzle.

deworming drugs

Means "Panacur"

Destroys all known types of helminths today. The drug is given at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of dog weight. Contraindications - puppies under the age of 3 months.

Milbemax Pills

The combined drug, if necessary, can be given in the last third of pregnancy, as well as 2 weeks after birth. It is convenient to give along with food. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after two weeks.

Preparations "Caniquantel plus" and "Caniquantel XL"

Designed for large dog breeds. Available in gel and tablet form. The gel is undoubtedly convenient in that it is easy to mix with food, but one syringe dispenser is enough for 12 kg of the animal’s weight, so it’s more profitable for large animals to buy pills.

Suspension and tablets "Drontal"

It is convenient to give puppies, as well as adult dogs and cats. The tool can be used from the age of 2 weeks. Tablets, according to the instructions, can also be turned into a suspension.

Endogard tablets

They have the shape of seeds for dogs. It can be given with meals (with food) or immediately after meals.

The medicine "Prazicide"

Release form - tablets and suspension. The drug has a convenient dosage, which is suitable for large and small dogs, for cats. It can be given to lactating females and pregnant women in the last third of pregnancy.

Means "Prazitel"

Tablets and suspension. Recommended for puppies who are already 2 weeks old, kittens from 3 weeks. It can be given with food or after meals. The procedure is repeated after 2 weeks.

deworming before vaccination

The drug "Dirofen"

This drug is available in various forms: suspension, tablets, paste with pumpkin seed oil. It has a rather mild effect on kittens and puppies. The drug is given in the morning, with food. The next time it can be given in 10 days. According to many owners, the most convenient form is pasta.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7985/

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