Red Book of Ivanovo Region: animals and plants

Ivanovo district is considered a brilliant model of the natural landscape of the Russian outback. Mostly its territories are plains, hill formations are practically absent. The Ivanovo region is replete with birch, aspen, oak groves, pine forests.

Rowan, buckthorn, and hazel are represented in the form of bushes. Forests are rich in mushrooms, medicinal herbs and, of course, a variety of forest berries. The most common animal species that have been well researched are bears, wild boars, foxes, and even wolves. From the bird kingdom you can meet owls, blackbirds, capercaillie and so on. In total, there are about 250 species of birds, of which twenty-two are endangered. Of the water inhabitants, you can see about 46 species of fish.

Red Book of Ivanovo Region

Despite our technologically advanced age, people are still engaged in the extermination of animals for their pleasure or entertainment. Many plants are at risk of complete extinction along with mammals, birds and insects due to the extensive economic activity of man.

The Red Book was created not only for familiarization, but also for taking protective measures to preserve the remaining number of endangered plants and animals. Absolutely everything that is written in this document is protected by the law on protection at the state level, respectively, the extermination of such species is prohibited.

Red Book of Ivanovo Region

This is an official document that describes the area of ​​distribution and the state in which a particular population is located.

The Red Book of the Ivanovo Region was released on September 7, 2006. In total, 18 scientists worked on its creation. By the number of endangered species of animals and plants, 192 and 156 are noted in the Red Book of the Ivanovo Region.

How is the book compiled

To identify new species that are prone to complete destruction, scientists conduct comprehensive research. They study the area to establish predictions about the quantitative composition of a particular species, about how great the threat of extinction is.

For the first time, the Ivanovo region began to be studied at the end of the 19th century: scientists gathered herbariums and studied various plant properties. And today, scientists create detailed descriptions, photos of animals and plants. The Red Book of the Ivanovo Region allows the researcher to further compare the facts for the analysis of changes. Expeditions assess the state of animal and plant populations in the region. Plus, in the animal kingdom, researchers take into account the active breeding season in order to understand how much offspring are shrinking.

Animals of the Ivanovo region

The fauna of these lands directly depends on climatic conditions, since they have a strong influence on the quantitative composition of this or that species. Here you can still find a variety of wild species of mammals, such as brown bear, elk, wild boar.

Forests are flooded with squirrel families, and rivers with swamps contain ducks in their body of water; moles and field rodents predominate in fields and meadows. Of the fish representatives, the largest species are beluga and sturgeon; lacustrine inhabitants are mainly crucians. Many reservoirs in the Ivanovo region lived in carp, roach, and gudgeons.

Red Book of Ivanovo region animals and plants

Another factor affecting the local wildlife is human activity. It changes the conditions in which animals are used to eating, breeding, digging holes. For example, trout, European grayling, bumblebee, sculpin, Russian galliformes, partridge, eagle, otter, apollo butterfly, life conditions have changed qualitatively, which is why their number has fallen throughout the region.

Even insects in the Ivanovo region are on the list. The Red Book is designed to protect the remains of fauna so as not to violate the law of nature by thoughtless human consumption.

Interesting rare birds

There are a lot of endangered bird species among animals of the Red Book of the Ivanovo Region. A photo of a black stork shows us one of these representatives. His place of residence is secluded corners of forests where the trunks of the trees are quite high, because storks like to climb higher with their nests, but not to the very top, they usually choose the middle of the crown. They hide not only from natural predators, but also from humans.

This is a very secretive species that feeds chicks for two months. Only after this period can they get out of the nest for their first hunt for fish, frogs, large representatives of insects. In winter, the black stork migrates to North Africa and the Indian expanses.

The name of the bird was given by its plumage - almost completely black, having a greenish or purple tint. The bottom of the body is covered with white feathers. This is a very rare species, which is observed near the river Lukh, as well as in the Klyazminsky reserve.

Red Book of Ivanovo Region animals and plants photo

Another representative of birds in the Red Book of the Ivanovo region is an eagle owl. How to recognize him? Eagle owls have friable plumage of gray color with red inserts, on the chest there may be pronounced spots of orange shades. His eyes are also orange and huge compared to the muzzle. A distinctive feature of the head is the "ears" of feathers, they are always in an upright position. Eagle owl communicates with the help of "hoot", with an emphasis on "y".

Since the 50s, owing to large-scale deforestation, eagle owls have shifted to one district - the Volga. The number is decreasing every year, since the place of residence of this bird is the very forests used by man for his needs.

In order to protect, a serious punishment has been established for the felling of trees in the places of their nesting, where they live for a long time. The diet for eagle owls are hares, field rodents, black grouse and sparrows. This is a nocturnal animal, so it goes hunting in the dark.

Amazing Snake Eater

The next interesting instance in the list of the Red Book of Ivanovo Oblast is the snake-eater. This is a very large representative of the genus of birds. It somehow resembles an eagle, only the snake-eater’s belly is light with dark spots. On a light tail there are usually five dark stripes across. The head is large enough and dark, as is the neck.

The snake-eater never settles near settlements or any manifestations of human activity, it avoids contact with people, therefore it lives in forests mixed with marshland and field open spaces. In the places of snake-eater nests there are always large settlements of snakes.

Red Book of Ivanovo region plants photo and description

Its name speaks for itself: it feeds on reptiles and brings its chicks to the nest with a snake, whose tail sticks out of his mouth. Thus, for the baby imitation of hunting from a hole is imitated. Most often, a pair of snake-eaters has only one egg. The nest from the ground is impossible to notice. These birds use natural camouflage products very well. It is being built at the very top of the tree crown. The snake-eater is protected on the territory of the Klyazminsky reserve.

Rare species of Ivanovo mammals

From the Red Book of the Ivanovo region can distinguish Russian desman. Place of residence - Klyazma water. Due to the high intensity of human activity and flood waters in this area, the beast has become an endangered species. Fisheries through nets, cattle grazing and, of course, bottom pollution have a very strong impact on the reduction in numbers.

Another representative of an interesting rare species is the forest dormouse. This is a small animal with fluffy hair, something like a squirrel, only even smaller. A characteristic difference between Sonya and squirrels is the presence of two black stripes stretching from the tip of the nose through the eyes to the ear. There are no brushes on the ears, and the eyes are much larger than the squirrel. At the withers, sleepyhead reaches 16 centimeters. The tails are often gray, with a prominent light-colored tip.

Extinction is associated with deforestation of deciduous forests, as well as forest belts with mixed species of trees. The use of toxic chemicals had a great impact on the dying of Sonya when the leafworm and silkworm were exterminated.

Rare plants

The most diverse flora falls on the meadows, although they occupy only ten percent of the entire territory of the Ivanovo region. Clover, timothy and fescue are of great value. They are used as animal feed. Also, the territory of the region is rich in medicinal plants, such as valerian, melilot, henbane, water pepper.

Red Book of Ivanovo Region animals photo

But economic activity significantly reduced the number of local flora. Endangered species are presented with photos and descriptions. Plants of the Red Book of the Ivanovo Region are Siberian fir that has practically disappeared, bear bear, woolly-resistant fighter, asparagus from medicinal ones, and the loss of significant territories with angular onions has been proved.


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