Making a swan from an old tire: a master class

making swans from old tires
Many car owners are left with unnecessary old tires. Applying them for their intended purpose is no longer possible, however, it is quite realistic to make the original decoration of the front garden, playground or flowerbed at the kindergarten. This publication will tell the reader how the swan is made from an old tire.

The resulting work can be used not only as a decoration, but also as a wonderful flowerbed for flowers. There are many methods of its production, but all of them are divided into two groups: with or without eversion of the tire. We will consider the first option.

To make a swan from an old tire, you will need:

  • Old car tire. Pay attention to the fact that it must be worn out, with a worn out rubber layer and without metal inserts. The fact is that from such a material the manufacture of a swan from an old tire will be most effective.
  • Strong wire. It is useful for fixing the neck of the future bird in an even position so that the swan looks proud and slender. Otherwise, the rubber will hang and ruin the whole look.
  • Screws (several pieces).
  • Chalk (for marking).
  • Drill and drill 3-4 mm.
  • Jigsaw or sharp, durable knife.
  • Bulgarian.
  • White and red paint.

old tire swan
Making a swan from an old tire: step-by-step instructions

  1. Divide the surface of the tire in chalk into two parts in width.
  2. We note the sharp shape of the beak in the form of the letter V and draw from it exactly two parallel lines from one horizontal marking to the other. This creates the neck of a swan.
  3. We make cuts along the drawn lines with a jigsaw. If there is no such tool, a strong sharp knife is suitable, which, when used, must be often moistened in soapy water, so work is simplified.
  4. This stage is the most laborious, because turning the tire inside out is a very difficult task. You can do it yourself: step on one side of the wing of a swan with your foot, and twist the other. If too difficult, then ask a friend to help.
  5. We bend from the wire a shape that will fix the swan's neck. It should be 20-30 cm longer than the neck itself to enter the tire.
  6. We make holes in the tire with a drill (paired) and fix the wire.
  7. After cuts, the edges are uneven. To fix this defect, you have to work with a grinder.
  8. Now we paint the entire tire in white (silver, black, bronze) color, and the beak - in red.
  9. In order for the bird to become more believable, you can make eyes for it with the help of two small pieces of rubber fixed with screws. The production of the swan from the old tire is complete!
    making a swan from an old tire

A masterpiece will look nice if you create something for it like a pedestal from the same tire in which you can plant flowers. If you want to make more original wings, you will have to take painstaking work: cut a lot of feathers from plastic bottles, repaint them in white and form a wing, fixing the feathers to the metal grill on both sides. Make two wings, attach them to the tire.

Making swans from old tires is a very interesting creative process, as a result of which unusual decorative elements appear!


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