Sergey Alekseev: biography and literary activity

The modern Russian writer Sergey Alekseev was born in the village of Aleika, in the Zyryansky district of the Tomsk region. Places are taiga, lands famous for fishing and hunting, which the future writer did literally from childhood, therefore he still considers this small village, which is not on any map, to be the native place on earth.

Sergey Alekseev


Sergey Trofimovich Alekseev was born in 1952 in cold Siberian January, in Epiphany frosts. The future writer did not have any entertainments that civilization gives to children, and why are they where the air is taiga thick, at least cut it with a knife, and in the taiga tracks of animals and birds unprecedented for the city dweller are singing, as if in paradise, in the small rivers fish and berries by the side. The boy grew up a real taiga resident - he started fishing and hunting from the age of five.

In Siberia, the population density is such that in some places this figure tends to zero, for many kilometers people go on a visit, and children go to school in the mornings in winter in the mornings and on foot in the summer or, in rare cases in the sixties, by bicycle. So Sergey Alekseev ran seven kilometers every day to school and seven home.


Siberian children grow up solid, as they start to take care of the family early, helping their parents in everything: whether to eat a garden, to get food in the taiga, to prepare hay for pets, and firewood for the winter. This early responsibility brings up the best qualities in the younger generation and, most importantly, does not let go of the origins of the culture of life, instills the best behavioral qualities.

So Sergey Alekseev after the eighth grade of school transferred to evening education to help the family. The work of the assistant blacksmith is not easy, but in Siberia no one is looking for easy ways. For there are none. The future writer at the age of fourteen began his working experience with the work of a hammer thief.

Sergey Alekseev photo

Unpaved Path

Sergey Alekseev did not think himself cut off from nature, therefore he chose the profession as well. He entered the College of Geological Exploration in the regional ancient city of Tomsk. No wonder Tomsk is called Siberian Athens - it is here that the oldest and most respected educational institutions are concentrated. Students then studied completely free of charge, but only the most persistent, the most quick-witted and burdened with the greatest baggage of school knowledge acted, regardless of solvency.

Most students earned small scholarships, wherever they could. So the future famous author also worked at a confectionery factory, in addition to studying. However, the time has come to pay the debt to the Motherland, and in the middle of the academic year, Sergey is drafted into the army. In those days, they didn’t know a word of this, nor a concept - to “slope”; service in the ranks of the Soviet Army was both obligatory and honorable. Sergey served in the special battalion, after which he returned to college and successfully graduated from it.

Becoming a writer

Purposefulness to this person was not to occupy. After graduating, Alekseev goes on a geological expedition to the polar Taimyr with a brand new diploma in a backpack. After a year of interesting work, Sergey felt that he had not yet learned everything in the world, and therefore he entered the Faculty of Law at Tomsk University. In parallel with his studies, as always, he worked. This time a few years as a criminal investigator.

author alexeyev sergey

Alekseev simply burned the first manuscripts in 1976: it was not up to the person who grew up in the Siberian taiga to engage in such pranks. In taiga settlements, severe peasants, usually extremely laconic, would probably laugh. Or, on the contrary, they would be imbued with incredible respect, astonished: it is necessary, as he writes! However, if a person has a writing vein, she will not let him write.

World of creativity

Since 1977, Sergei Trofimovich returned to hiking and expeditions. This time he scrupulously recorded all his observations, and many features of his travels are reflected in the novels “Wolf Grip”, “Treasures of the Valkyries”, “Word” and others. His first experiments were quite traditional, in the genre of village prose, which was most suitable for the experience and occupation of the writer. Nevertheless, the main features that the author Sergey Alekseev placed on the shoulders of subsequent books were already emerging there: these are Vedic symbolism, Russian epic, different from the mainstream philosophy and even mysticism.

Sergey Alekseev stories

The unconventional views on the distant past and rather near future, which Sergeyev carried in his books by Alekseev, Russia and her society of writers were mixed. A vivid example of heated discussion and violent criticism is the novel "Repentance of the prophets." Nevertheless, Alekseev was accepted into the Writers' Union of Russia and awarded with various prizes. In 1987, the writer graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow.


The writer needed his own philosophy, confirmed by experience, because Sergey Alekseev, whose stories had already begun to grope for a guiding thread, went on a journey to the northern and polar regions of Siberia, as well as to the Urals, where the Old Believer monasteries still preserved the mysterious magic of the Russian language, which led the writer to incredible discoveries in archeology of the Russian word. As a result, a feeling of acute pain and longing for the lost and not saved was born. This is reflected in all subsequent novels.

Sergey Alekseev Russia

The writer tries to grasp as many interesting skills as possible, which is so rich in life: he writes books about the etymology of the Russian language, about its history, he tried himself in painting, dramaturgy, organizing holidays, even in musical production. In his free time he leaves for the Urals or the Vologda region. He built several houses with his own hands, a chapel and much more.


For the novel "Word", the author Sergey Alekseev was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1985, and in 1987 for the novel "Roy" received an award from the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR Writers Union. Further, in 1995, the Sholokhov Prize after the release of the novel “The Return of Cain”, and finally, in 2009, Kuzbass awarded Sergey Alekseev a prize for the novel “Russia: We and the World”.

The author is about time and the person in it

Man is destined to spend his life searching. He is looking for a certain space where there is no evil. But man, by his nature, is evil. So, to seek happiness is to run away from oneself. How to reconcile man and the light of God? Is the task overwhelming, especially at this crucial time, inevitably coming?

Sergey Alekseev movies

In all his books, the author seeks and most often finds the answers to these global questions. It is not known whether humanity will agree with the conclusions of Sergei Alekseev, but the number of admirers of not only his literature, but also philosophy, is growing steadily. Extensive groups are created in social networks, the works from his publishing house are sorted out, as they say, by “even puppies”.

Worldview postulates

The writer says that the time at the junction of historical epochs, which we got, is extremely interesting. The current period ends, according to the author, in 2021, and since 2007 we have already felt a turn to a new period: we were haunted by man-made disasters, larger than which mankind did not yet know. Although Chernobyl happened in 1986 ... The human factor was to blame everywhere. Why is this happening?

Alekseev claims that technological progress in this case is detrimental to humanity, since its psychology changes much more slowly, with a lag a kind of fatigue begins. One hundred years of real shock about the euphoria brought by the rapid development of science, all kinds of discoveries, inventions that the human psyche cannot master at such a pace.

Science and technology, according to the author of books, turns into a scourge of God. Overcoming such a high mortality rate that was inherent in humanity only a century ago, access to the Cosmos, finally, and all that was not possible recently, quietly turns euphoria into pride: what are we not gods? A similar plan of "demonic", a feeling of omnipotence kills religious consciousness. As a result, disasters, because without religious consciousness a person can not do anything. That's what Sergey Alexeyev wrote novels about.

Descendant Care

Sergei Alekseev has a book - “Forty Russian Lessons”, an investigation of the syllabic concept of the Russian language, which naturally caused a big splash to the etymology topic, which was almost forgotten among the masses, where the true origin and meaning of Russian words, which is now covered by layers of newspeak, is examined. This is Sergey Alekseev for older children and, of course, for adults wrote.

Kgiga is a success, many lovers of primordially Slavic words began their research in this regard and set out to find sources for a deeper study of this topic. They were satisfied - Sergey Alekseev (photo attached) wrote a book "Vedic grammar girl" with a high density of information regarding the meanings embedded in Russian words. There is a periodic table of the Gift of Speech (syllabic roots) and a unique dictionary with a brief interpretation of the meanings of syllables.

Analytical work with the word

As a form of presentation of the material of these books, the essay was the best suited, where the origin and development of the word from oral - sound - speech to the transition to writing, which had a sign system, is traced. An analysis of the syllabic basis of the Russian language returns the reader to the deep past, revealing the psychology of our ancestors with their ancient worldview, but at the same time before the reader’s eyes are revealed untold cosmic laws - the Gift of Speech as the highest cultural value of mankind.

Historian writer Sergey Alekseev, whose photo is as distinctive as his prose, has long and deeply been fond of the theme of the Urals. This is where action takes place in many of his books. Therefore, he supported the film project "Forgotten villages of the Urals." So a film is created about the outback of Russia, which lives contrary to all conventional wisdom, is filled with new people, ideas.

Among them, the writer Sergei Alekseev, who fell in love with the Urals, gave. Films for which he wrote the scripts: “Poems in the Sand”, “Prolongation of the Family”, “The Return of Cain”, there is the film novel “Rain from the High Clouds”, show him as an expert on historical events, and masters of sharp and exciting stories where realism intertwined with mysticism, and historical realities with philosophical reflections. The respect of readers and viewers can be measured even by the fact that the total circulation of his books exceeded three million copies.

About books

Legends of a half-forgotten past, a return to Slavic roots await the reader, who first met books that Sergey Alekseev wrote. Reviews sound the most enthusiastic, the ranks of followers are growing every day. Scythian stories, myths, the world of the Magi, warriors, princes, maidens and wild tribes of nomads. Exciting stories, powerful energy, the language is magnificent with imagery, originality of style.

sergei alexeyev reviews

Mikhail Zadornov spoke exclusively about Sergey Alekseev’s books, expressing gratitude for the new things that he learned from them, for the fact that the author’s writing activities became a launching pad for traveling in the wake of his novels - to the Urals, Altai, where Mikhail Zadornov I realized how much truth is in the books of Alekseev and how insignificant the fiction is.


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