Decree after decree: calculation of leave and payments

The decree is a special vacation. Its more official name is "maternity." The main point is to take care of the health of the child, as well as his mother. Some people under the decree also understand that vacation, which is given to care for the baby until the moment when he can go to kindergarten or even to school. But this is the wrong wording. A woman on maternity leave is directly a certain number of days before childbirth and after them. This is regulated by the Labor Code and Federal Law No. 255.

Who is ordered?

In general, the usual vacation of this type, with all due payments, in the same way as the decree after the decree, is set for almost all women in Russia. Moreover, this number includes foreign citizens who temporarily or permanently reside in the country and immediately work. They have all the same rights as ordinary citizens. But this rule does not apply to those categories of mothers who are foreign citizens and at the same time do not work. Among other things, the same thing applies to citizens of Armenia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. It should be noted that the principle of payments is based on whether a woman works or not. The maternity calculator simply will not count anything in a situation where a pregnant woman has not been officially formally established anywhere in the country until that moment. Another interesting feature is the fact that the father has the right to a part of the payments, but only on condition that their mother does not receive them. In this case, the talk is not about payments for pregnancy and childbirth, which a man does not rely on in principle, but about the allowance that is paid up to the moment when the baby grows up to one and a half years. Here, an important factor in the calculation is the work, or rather, the amount of wages. Accordingly, the higher they are, the higher will be the payment from the state.

decree after decree

Calculation of the decree

The amount of payments for pregnancy and childbirth can vary within a fairly wide range from minimum to maximum rates. These values ​​vary from year to year, so for a specific period of time, the data should be clarified. For example, in 2016, the minimum allowable amount is 28 555.40 rubles, and the maximum is 256 027.40 rubles. The same can be said about the decree after the decree. To calculate, you must first determine the average salary for the desired period. In this case, the amount should not exceed those figures that are established by law on the basis of the maximum size of the base. It is also the basis for calculating maternity benefits for those categories of the population that currently do not work. This base also has various indicators from year to year. For example, if you receive this money in 2017, you should consider the base for the last 2 years. In 2015, it amounted to 624,000, and in 2016 - 711,000 rubles. As a result, they add up to each other and are divided by the number of days in two years (730 or 731, depending on whether the year was a leap year or not). As a result, we get the maximum allowable amount of 1828.77 rubles per day. But this is fantastic, which is almost unattainable for most women. Usually, the minimum allowable wage is taken into account and the total amount for all 140 days of such leave will be almost 10 times less. For example, in 2016 it will amount to 28,554.40 rubles.

how much do they pay on maternity leave

Dates and Duration

The total term of the decree, which may require a maternity calculator for accurate calculation, is from 140 to 194 days. This should be examined in more detail. So, almost all women are given exactly 70 days of vacation until the time of birth. The exception is those women who are pregnant with several children at once. In this case, they will give as much as 84 days before delivery. Further, immediately after childbirth, the rest period will also be from 70 to 110 days. The very minimum is provided to those ladies for whom everything went according to plan and without complications. It also takes into account how many children were born. If one, then the period will be 70 days. If 2 or more - 110 days. Separately, it is worth mentioning those cases when there were complications during childbirth. There are already 86 days to rest. Total, with the most favorable outcome for the woman and the birth of 1 child, they will give 140 days in total. If there were complications, the total period will be 156 days, but if two or more children were born, regardless of whether there were problems with this or not, a whole 194 days of vacation were laid. The decree immediately after the decree in this regard is practically no different. In principle, it is impossible to give birth immediately after 140 (or even 194) days, so such a question never arises.

Design Features

There is a specially developed procedure, according to which it immediately becomes clear when they go on maternity leave. So, the first and one of the main documents is sick leave. It is issued by a medical institution approximately 30 weeks after pregnancy (or the 28th, if all the data indicate the possibility of the birth of several children). The employer must pay the money. If there is none or for some reason he is not able to pay the necessary amounts (for example, a bankruptcy proceeding is ongoing), then social insurance bodies will do this instead. Having received an application for leave and sick leave, the company management is obliged to issue a special order, the form of which is also thought out in advance (it is called T-6). After everything is officially formalized, the expectant mother can go with a clear conscience to relax and not worry about anything else. It should be noted that it is impossible to anticipate complications during childbirth in advance, if this does happen, you will need to additionally visit the place of work and write a statement, according to which the vacation will be slightly extended. There are already no special forms, so any kind of document is allowed that will not contradict the law.

how to pay maternity

Deferred maternity leave

After a woman received a sick leave, she may not immediately go on vacation. This is only a right, but not an obligation. If the decree after the decree implies the onset of childbirth even before the moment when the parental leave has ended (this will be described in more detail below), then in this case we are talking about the same leave from 140 to 194 days in length. For example, there is a sick leave, which begins on December 20. It ends, respectively, after 140 days. A woman can decide to go on vacation not from the specified date, but immediately after the New Year holidays. This does not mean that the rest will move somewhat. Just the total duration will be less and still end in a clearly fixed period. This is not practiced very often, but it is useful in certain situations. For example, if in the last months before childbirth a woman receives a wage much higher than before.

when go on maternity

Payout Features

The question of how maternity pay is relevant for a fairly large number of women. The general rule states that even if the income comes from different sources, only one point of payment must be indicated, otherwise, a violation of the law will result. So, for example, a woman worked at the same time in two different firms. She is obliged to name exactly the organization that will pay her money, based on the choice that she has. When they go on maternity leave, such information is studied first of all (if it is really relevant for a given situation). Having chosen the right company, which is easier and more convenient to communicate with, the woman will receive the amounts due to her from there. And for the employer, the important information is that you can pay in advance for the next month or, if this is not possible, then the next month after the allowance is calculated. That is, in the first case, the company pays its own money, which is subsequently compensated by the state. In the second option, the company first waits until the amount is accrued, and only then makes a payment.


All of the above was directly related to maternity benefits. But there is also a special allowance, which is also given to mom (or dad) until the moment when the age of the child reaches 1 year and 6 months. It is with how much they pay in a decree of this type and what features are taken into account here, and most of the questions are connected. So, the general calculation and most of the factors here, in principle, practically do not differ, however, payment is not immediate, but gradually, monthly, throughout the entire vacation period. For this vacation and documents should be submitted immediately after childbirth, but no longer than three months after the fact of their onset, otherwise this possibility disappears.

maternity calculator

Second decree

Imagine a situation that a woman successfully gave birth, issued a allowance and went on parental leave for a year and a half. It is a very real situation in which closer to the end of this period she will again have to give birth. Many mothers who want several children prefer that they be of close age, so such events are not uncommon. In terms of maternity benefits, there is no difference here, but there are some benefits. So, a person cannot receive two such payments at once. The later overlaps the earlier. For example, the age of the first child is only 1 year. In theory, you can still get money for 6 months, but if there is a birth, you should not put it off and you need to immediately apply for a new allowance. This is called decree after decree. As a result, half a year of payments is simply lost. This is not very profitable, although in some situations just such an approach will allow you to get more money, especially since the amount of payments for the second baby is much larger.

second decree

How not to lose money?

Since it is not possible for everyone to calculate independently how much they pay in the decree, and even more so to figure out where and how it will be better to receive money, you can do much easier. The second (or first) vacation is renewed by the father, grandfather, grandmother, or other suitable relative. He will have to leave work before the end of the period of "rest", but this, again, can be beneficial. Moreover, many people can quite successfully work at home, although with two children it is much more difficult. With this approach, the first payments continue to go to mom, and the second, for example, to dad. Nobody loses anything and everyone benefits. Moreover, if the second parent does not officially work and at the same time does not lose wages.

Second child after exiting maternity leave

This is the simplest situation. Since maternity wages are paid strictly on fixed dates, right after going to work you can safely give birth again and get them all fully without any tricks and similar actions that are controversial from the point of view of legislation. For example, a mother gave birth, received maternity benefits, issued benefits and successfully raised her baby for a year and a half. After that I went to work, where I stayed for another 3-4 months, and again went on vacation, getting all the same without any problems.

maternity leave


The system of settlements and charges is not very complicated and most parents simply do not need it. The bottom line is that if the employer calculates all payments, he will not be able to do anything not according to the law. And if such a thing does happen, then in the end the money will still be received, and the company will be fined. In the same situation when the social insurance authorities pay for everything, you should not worry at all, the workers there have enormous experience and everything is carefully checked several times. Again, even if an error occurs, because all people can make mistakes, the required amount will still be paid in one way or another. The decree after the decree is no different in this regard, so if there is no particular desire to delve into the problem, then on the whole it does not need to be done.


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