Analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Rain" and the poet's work

Afanasy Afanasevich Fet is another Russian poet with a difficult fate. The great composer P.I. Tchaikovsky called him a musician because of the lightness, brightness and lyricism of his lines.

analysis of feta poem spring rain

A. A. Fet loved nature, knew how to see its beauty. He tried to convey this beauty to readers of his poems.

Life A. A. Fet

As mentioned above, A. A. Fet is a poet with a difficult fate. Fet was the son of the famous landowner A. N. Shenshin. But due to the fact that the poet was born a few months before the marriage of his parents - A. Shenshin and Charlotte Fet - the spiritual authorities considered that little Athanasius could not be the heir to Shenshin. He was given the name of his mother and was deprived of inheritance rights.

spring rain fet analysis of the poem

Deprived of his noble position, A.A. Fet tried all his life to get him back. At first he tried to earn the noble rank through a military career, but soon the poet retired. Then he decided to engage in rural activities. Fet got married and bought a small estate in Mtsensk County. He lived there for about 17 years, and there he found an order to return the title of nobleman.

Creativity A. Feta

A. Fet's literary career was also not an easy one. We can say that his poems came "at the wrong time." Literature was crowned by prose writers who had the means to publish their works. A. Fet published his poems in the press, but they simply did not notice.

Nevertheless, in 1840 the first collection of poems by A. Fet was created - "Lyric Pantheon". A little later - the cycle "Snow" and "Evenings and Nights."

Poems dedicated to the beauty of nature are combined in 4 significant cycles. Each cycle is a specific time of the year. Thus, poems about the nature of A. Fet represent the cycles "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Snow".

Analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Rain"

The poem "Spring Rain" refers to the cycle "Spring". If we talk about the genre, then the work can be attributed to a certain landscape sketch, on the background of which - the thoughts of the lyrical hero.

One of the features of A. Fet as a poet is his photographic nature: almost every poem is a picture that can be embodied on canvas. Such is the poem "Spring Rain" (Fet). The analysis of the poem shows that we are faced with the following picture: twilight sunlight, slight fog, nearby - the forest. A special role is played by smells - it smells of linden and honey. It is not necessary to do an analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Rain" to feel like a witness to this miracle of nature. The poet himself looks at nature, peers at each of its elements, makes his analysis. Fet's poems - "Spring Rain" and many others - are amazing beauty, seen in the usual, banal at first glance phenomena.

feta poem analysis spring rain grade 5

The motive of light, piercing all the lines, is very important. Light is visible at the beginning of the poem ("Light in front of the window ...") and at the end - the forest in "golden dust".

This is the semantic analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Rain." Let us turn to the features of the syllable and rhyme.

Size and means of expression in the poem "Spring Rain" (Fet)

The analysis of the poem from the literary side is as follows. First, we note the poetic size (it is determined by placing the stress in words). In the poem, the emphasis alternates, starting with an unstressed syllable, and at the beginning of the 3rd line it is skipped. The poem is written by a four-foot iamba with a pyrrhic (pass accent).

Secondly, we note the presence of the adverbs "yet" and "already." This is important if you do an analysis of Fet's poem, "Spring Rain." Grade 5 includes this poem in the curriculum. Adverbs indicate the approaching rain.

Thirdly, attention should be paid to visual means. We continue the analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Rain": epithets are an integral part of any poem. In the considered by us, this is a forest in "golden dust", that is, lit by the sun, "fragrant honey", "fresh leaves".

feta poem analysis spring rain epithets

The author did not fail to take advantage of the personification. This is the image of a sparrow that bathes in the sand.

Fourth, pay attention to rhyme. It is cross (the first line rhymes with the third, and the second with the fourth). By the nature of the falling stress on the last syllables, the rhyme used is both male (2 and 4 lines of each stanza) and female (1 and 3 lines of each stanza).

A. Fet was a brilliant romantic, despite the hardships of life that he had to endure. He managed to maintain a careful, attentive attitude to the world.


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