Tomato "big mommy": reviews of gardeners, growing characteristics, description and characteristics

Today we will present you the tomato "big mommy". Feedback from gardeners allows us to judge that this new variety of Russian breeders has proven itself as universal and fruitful. It is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses, but in the southern regions it shows similar results when grown in open ground.

tomato big mom reviews gardeners

Tomato "big mommy": characteristics, reviews

Despite the fact that Russian breeders introduced this variety to consumers only in 2013, the reviews of vegetable growers were enthusiastic about it. The height of the standard bushes is about 70 cm. They have strong trunks and an average amount of foliage. Branches on the bushes are evenly spaced. Light green foliage is not pubescent. It is somewhat wrinkled, and resembles potato leaves.

Early ripening varieties include tomato "big mommy". Reviews of gardeners at the same time indicate that under favorable conditions and proper care, the fruits ripen not on the 93rd day, as breeders say, but on the 85th. The root of the plant is powerful; it develops mainly in the sides. This allows the bushes to receive more nutrients for ovary and weight gain.

tomato big mom description seeds

Fetal characteristic

After the seventh leaf, a simple inflorescence forms on the plant, on which six fruits are tied a little later. Then inflorescences are formed after every second leaf. The strong peduncle reliably holds and does not allow large tomatoes to fall.

They are ribbed, have a heart shape with a small nose. Tomatoes are large, up to 350 g on the first bunches, on the rest - at least 200 grams. Perfectly stored on the bush and do not crack. Tomato "big mommy" (reviews of gardeners confirm this) in the greenhouse can give larger fruits. The skin is thin, but dense and smooth. In unripe tomatoes, it is green, ripened fruits are painted in bright red.

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Many gardeners and gardeners today already grow tomatoes "big mommy." What is the yield of this variety? This question interests everyone who is just about to plant a plant on their site. In a greenhouse, one kilogram of fruit is taken from ten kilograms of fruit, in open ground the crop is slightly less - 7-8 kg.

Juicy tomatoes are distinguished by excellent taste - sweet, delicate pulp. Small seeds are few, they are located in 6-8 chambers. Fruits are stored for a long time, perfectly tolerates transportation.

We presented you the tomato "big mommy" (description). Seeds of a new variety can be purchased today in almost all specialized stores. Now let's talk about how to grow these wonderful tomatoes.

tomato big mom reviews

Growing Features

Breeders received tomato "big mommy" for growing in a greenhouse. Reviews gardeners, in turn, confirm that it shows excellent results in the open ground. In regions with cool and short summers, you should not experiment. It is more expedient to immediately plant it in a greenhouse. The seeds of this variety germinate amicably and quickly, and the fruits ripen in the early stages.

Due to early ripening, sowing seeds for seedlings can be carried out at the very end of March or in early April. They are not too deep (no more than two centimeters). Seeds need preliminary treatment with a disinfecting solution. The pick is carried out after the appearance of two well-developed true leaves. For her, enough capacity of about 300 ml.

Watering the seedlings must be done carefully, preventing moisture from entering the leaves. A few days before planting on a permanent place, the plant must be hardened - open the window for several hours or take out the seedlings to the balcony. In early May, seedlings are planted in the greenhouse. Dig the soil with humus and warm it up. In mid-May, seedlings are planted in open ground.

The plant should be watered with warm water under the root. Every ten days they are fed with organic fertilizers. Every two weeks, stepsoning is required, the bush is formed into two stems. Stepsons more than four centimeters are not removed - this can harm the plant. The variety "big mommy" needs a garter on vertical trellises. This is due to the large weight of the fruit.

tomatoes big mom what productivity

Diseases and Pests

The variety is resistant to most tomato diseases. It has a strong immunity to most pests. Phytophthora is not afraid of him either. The fruits ripen at a time when the fungus has not yet reached its activity.

What to consider when planting in the ground?

As we said, this is an early ripening variety. In order to get an early harvest, the plant must provide quality care:

  1. For planting, use bushes about thirty centimeters high, with six or nine real leaves.
  2. The plant stem must be strong, have a developed root system. This ensures the best survival rate.
  3. Tomatoes should be planted at a distance of forty centimeters, should not be thickened. This will not increase productivity, but only harm plants, prevent their growth, and can provoke the development of diseases.
  4. Water the plant abundantly, once a week. If you carry out more frequent watering, it will be difficult for the roots to β€œbreathe”, they will develop more slowly, since the nutrients will not reach the plant in sufficient quantities.
  5. Seven days after planting, the bushes can be fed with complex fertilizers.
  6. Wells must be loosened regularly, but with caution so as not to damage the root system.
  7. After rooting, the plant is tied up.


The variety "big mommy" has a great taste and a high content of nutrients: vitamins of group C, PP, B. E, lycopene, magnesium and calcium. This variety is mainly used fresh, good in salads. It does not lose taste when canning, suitable for the preparation of juices, ketchups, tomato pastes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Russian breeders and their foreign colleagues are constantly working on breeding more and more advanced varieties. The option we describe has many undeniable advantages. Among them:

  • large fruits that do not crack;
  • great taste;
  • precocity
  • high productivity;
  • immunity to most diseases.

Severe deficiencies in this variety have not yet been identified.

tomatoes big mom reviews and recommendations

Tomatoes "big mommy": reviews and recommendations

Most vegetable growers who have already grown tomatoes of this variety are satisfied that the seedlings appear very quickly, the fruit ripening period does not exceed 90 days. "Big Mommy" pleases with high productivity and excellent taste. In addition, many people like that this variety is ideal not only for growing in greenhouse conditions, but also gives a wonderful crop in the open ground. Caring for it is no different from caring for other tomatoes of early ripe varieties.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend, when planting in open ground, add ash to a handful of rotted manure or humus (0.5 kg per square meter). This will provide the plant with potassium and nitrogen, which will accelerate growth.


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