Characteristics and size of silicate brick

Silicate white brick is the most popular building material on the Russian market, intended for the erection of the walls of buildings for various purposes: residential buildings, institutions, garages, industrial premises and others.

Silicate brick size
The raw materials for its production are lime, quartz sand and additives. The form is attached by dry pressing under pressure and at high temperatures. It is an excellent soundproofing material that retains heat well. It has high strength, frost resistance and durability, and houses from it for a long time retain a good appearance. Experts consider the main drawback of such building materials to be not very high moisture resistance, for example, in comparison with ceramic (red) bricks. For this reason, it is not suitable for the construction of the foundation, but is used only for the construction of walls. Also do not use it for masonry fireplaces, stoves, pipes, suspended structures.

Silicate brick sizes
One of the main characteristics of the material is the size of the silicate brick. Today, three types of bricks are used, differing in this parameter. This is a single full-bodied silicate brick, the dimensions of which are in millimeters: length - 250, width - 120, height - 65. It is only solid, the masonry from it is longitudinally transverse. At first, all this building material had only such a size, and products with other dimensions appeared later.

In addition to the single, there is another variety - one and a half. The size of silicate brick of this kind is: length - 250, width - 120, height 88 (in millimeters). It is full-bodied, porous and perforated. Today it is the most bought type of brick.

And the third kind is double. The size of double silicate brick is: length - 250, width - 120, height - 103 (in millimeters). A double brick is not full-bodied, but only porous and hollow. It is used for lightweight masonry.

Sizes of silicate brick
An important characteristic of silicate brick is its strength. They produce products of several brands, which determine this quality. The mark is denoted by the letter "M", and the number next to it is the level of strength. For example, brick brand M-125 is able to withstand a load of 125 kg per square centimeter. There is a brick of increased strength - M-150, M-200.

Frost resistance is determined by the value of F, for example: F-25, F-35 and so on. The number next to the letter indicates the number of frosts / thaws that the brick can withstand.

In addition, this material is distinguished by purpose. In addition to construction, there is a brick facing and special purposes. The dimensions of the decorative silicate brick coincide with the dimensions of the building. The finishing look should have a perfectly smooth surface and edges, as well as the correct shape. Front brick can be shaped (differ in shape), glazed (colored), textured (with a relief surface).

As for bricks for special purposes, this type includes refractory, acid-resistant and other types. Special purpose silicate brick size is standard.


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