Stomatitis in a child. Signs of the disease

In medicine, the name "stomatitis" refers to diseases of the oral mucosa . In newborns, this ailment, as a rule, is caused by fungi (thrush). In older children, stomatitis (candidiasis) most often occurs after severe infectious diseases in which antibiotics were administered. This is because the immune properties of the young body after the disease are reduced, which provokes the multiplication of the fungus. Swelling of the lymph nodes, fever, pain - all these unpleasant sensations can cause stomatitis in a child. The signs and a detailed clinical picture of the disease you will learn from this article.

stomatitis in a child signs

Causes of the disease

Stomatitis in a child whose symptoms are very unpleasant and painful is most often transmitted by the herpes virus. Toddlers under the age of three are very sensitive to this disease. Therefore, any contact with a person with herpes can provoke the occurrence of stomatitis. The virus is transmitted both through the household route (toys, dishes, underwear), and by airborne droplets. In preschoolers, causative agents of stomatitis can also be streptococcal infections or allergic diseases. Often the impetus for the development of candidiasis is trauma to the oral cavity (biting the cheek, burns with hot food, damage to the mouth with a toy, pacifier, etc.).

stomatitis in children how many days

Stomatitis in a child. Signs

Symptoms of the disease, depending on the causes, can be very different. Common symptoms include increased body temperature, white spots on the tongue and in the oral cavity, swelling of the gums, pain, increased salivation, swelling of the cervical region and lymph nodes, sour breath. Stomatitis in a one-year-old child is accompanied by a refusal of food, as this causes pain. In some cases, digestive upset and vomiting are possible.

Candidiasis stomatitis in children

How many days does this disease last? With the right treatment, recovery occurs on the fifth or seventh day. Candidiasis stomatitis has the most pronounced clinic. At the beginning of the disease in the baby's mouth, you can notice a white coating, similar to a curd. If the disease is not treated, painful plaques will only grow. White dots covered with a thin film are nothing more than an inflamed mucous membrane. Plaques can be found on the gums, the inside of the lips and cheeks.

stomatitis in a one-year-old child

Herpetic stomatitis in a child

Signs of this disease are always visible immediately. The baby's body temperature rises to 39 degrees, the baby refuses food. There is severe intoxication of the body. On the first day, when examined in the oral cavity, swelling and redness can be seen. After a day, bubbles with a clear liquid appear at this place. After two days, they burst, leaving behind erosion. With timely treatment, the disease instantly fades away, and recovery comes.

Aphthous stomatitis

It is characterized by the presence of ulcers on the oral mucosa. They have a round shape and a smooth red bottom. Usually sores are located on the inner surface of the cheeks. The cause of this ailment is an infection. Therefore, depending on the reactivity of the immune system, the symptoms of the disease in babies can be very different. With untimely treatment of stomatitis, the possibility of joining a secondary infection increases.


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