What to bring from Pskov: gift options, pleasant souvenirs, tasty treats and tourist recommendations

In the place where the two rivers merge, the Great and Pskov, there is an ancient city - Pskov. Since ancient times, people have been engaged in agriculture here, since there was no shortage of water resources. A city that is over 1000 years old has innumerable attractions. They attract travelers from all over the world. Initially, people are attracted here by the architecture of religious monuments, of which there are a large number in Pskov. Naturally, once in a new place, people tend to take a piece of it with them. To the question: “what to bring from Pskov?”, There is no definite answer. In this city there is something to see and buy for yourself and your loved ones.

Pskov is rich in unique things that craftsmen make according to the rules dating back to antiquity. All skills were passed down from generation to generation, so Pskov souvenirs are very valuable. The decision about what to bring from Pskov as a gift will arise instantly. You won’t have to rack your brains on how to please relatives and friends.

What can be brought from Pskov?

Pskov is a city of artisans and farmers, so most of the souvenirs are related to pottery. Here you can buy cute wrought iron trinkets, souvenirs with Pskov symbols, knitted and linen textiles and much more. Regarding what to bring from Pskov from food, tourists recommend honey, cranberries and smelts.

Ceramic products

One of the most common souvenirs of Pskov, which attract the attention of all tourists without exception, are ceramics.

Pskov ceramics is popular not only in the city, but also abroad, as well as abroad. Pottery here flourishes at a high level. Masters have reached such heights in their field that it is difficult to find equal to them. Initially, attention was drawn to utensils, often used in everyday life. It is sold in small shops and small shops. First of all, tourists acquire mugs. Such an item is always useful. No less popular are plates of different sizes, including souvenirs for hanging on the wall. If we talk about desktop accessories, then local traders help out considerable amounts for the sale of sets of salt shakers and pepperboxes.

Pskov ceramics is difficult to confuse with another. First of all, it is distinguished by the black color of the surface. This shade appears during the firing process. After the master once carried out the procedure, he takes out the product and moistens it with milk, and then sends it back to the oven.

Ceramics - a popular souvenir from Pskov


The Pskov province has long been distinguished by masters of blacksmithing. At one time, Peter I himself admired the quality of forged products - brackets. Therefore, having arrived in the city and thinking about what souvenirs to bring from Pskov, and what can please loved ones, you can safely choose forged objects.

Naturally, part of the fence and a huge bell cannot be taken away. However, souvenir shops are rich in small conspicuous gizmos. It can be key rings, stylized jewelry, coins, etc. Fashionable purchase - fridge magnets with forging elements. It is interesting that some forges give master classes, and the tourist will be able to forge a memorable trinket for himself, for example, the Pskov money or the famous bracket.

Shod souvenirs - a keychain

Products from flax

From ancient times in Russia wore self-woven linen clothes. Today this is not so relevant, however, linen textiles remain popular. In Pskov, it is easy to buy linen linen, tablecloths, and towels. Pskov craftsmen weave textiles, decorating it with a traditional pattern. Such a gift will come in handy. Natural fabrics have been appreciated at all times.

If we talk about natural materials, then you can not ignore birch bark. A lot of things are made from it, for example, sugar bowls, fridge magnets, miniature icons and more.

Linen textile

Dog Wool Products

What to bring from Pskov? Unusual things related from dog hair. It has already been proven that the coat of these animals is the warmest. Almost every Pskov, preferring comfort in winter to beauty of appearance, has products from such unusual fur. Tourists are often purchased with such things, pampering themselves with warmth. Do not forget that products from dog fur are not distinguished by an attractive appearance. They are largely inferior to modern counterparts. But when it’s -40 ° C outside, comfort is more important than glamor.

Dog Mittens

Pskov symbol

The leopard is depicted almost everywhere. This is a real symbol of the city, painted on the coat of arms. Popular souvenirs with a leopard diverge with a bang. Any tourist can easily find a gift to his taste, whether it be a cup, a fridge magnet or a keychain. Bringing a leopard image home is a real confirmation of your stay in Pskov.


Pilgrims never think about what to bring from Pskov. There are so many memorable temples that, by going into any one, you can buy an icon. Naturally, the temples themselves do not sell such products. It is sold in church shops.

Tourists often visit the Pskov-Pechersky monastery. Trinity Cathedral is also not deprived of attention. Many churches are no less popular, thanks to history.

Any icons purchased by tourists are modeled on ancient prototypes and scripts. It is often difficult for an inexperienced eye to distinguish reproduction from the original. Pious people will not be disappointed, since all the icons are consecrated in existing temples. In addition to icons, Pskov church shops offer crosses, prayer books and other items for believers.

Icons of Pskov - reproduction for a gift

Book world

Everyone who is passionate about poetry knows that Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and Pskov are closely related. Most, once on this earth, seek to visit places memorable for the writer and first of all go to the Pushkin Mountains. In the city and in the region you can buy books with verses of the famous poet. Also here, souvenirs are abundantly sold, the facade of which is decorated with a portrait of the poet.

It is worth noting here that Pushkinogorsk craftswomen knit beautiful shawls. Having visited this place, you can get a down scarf, the kind of which simply can not be found. Here you can buy real boots, Old Russian toys, socks of their wool and more.

The city’s bookstores, as well as souvenir shops, abound in interesting books that contain legends of the Pskov region and real facts about it. The centuries of existence have given abundant material to writers and historians. Diving into the cultural heritage of the region will be interesting to everyone. Fans of architectural projects and icon painting will not be left without books.

What to bring edible from Pskov

Those who have visited this beautiful city more than once, advises, first of all, honey. There are a lot of him in Pskov. You can buy from private beekeepers, or you can visit specialized stores.

Honey - a sweet and healthy treat

One can not help but mention the Pskov snetka - the “royal fish”. She looks like a St. Petersburg smelt. If the trip home is not short, it is best to stock up with smoked fish. If you go close, you can buy fresh-frozen.

Fried smelt

Sbiten, prepared in the Stolbushinsky monastery of the Holy Assumption Svyatogorsky monastery, is often brought to the center of Pskov. The beaten monastery production exists in several variations:

  • traditional cranberry;
  • from cherry;
  • classical;
  • from juniper;
  • from black currant.
Sbiten - an old Russian drink

It’s worth trying everything, well, and then choosing the one that will be taken home.

Pskov offers vodka of the highest quality to lovers of strong alcohol. Among the many items, it is best to choose Mikhailovskaya and Alexander Nevsky of the Pskov plant. This vodka is not cheap, but worth it. In addition, the distillery produces good gin. Among light alcoholic drinks, it is worth choosing Pskov beer. There is a private brewery called “Brewery 903”, offering 4 varieties of incomparable foamy drink. Beer is exclusively unfiltered. It is produced in pure water, and not a single preservative is included.


Under any circumstances, a trip to Pskov is always a pleasant journey. Any traveler knows that often choosing and buying interesting things is comparable to the trip itself. There are enough gifts even for a large family. Once in this city, you don’t have to rack your brains on what to bring from Pskov. Literally any store or souvenir shop is rich in gift ideas for every taste.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8069/

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