Killer fish. Dangerous inhabitants of the seas and oceans

Many are afraid of sharks that kill people. However, these are not the only bloodthirsty inhabitants of rivers and seas. Killer fish live in some reservoirs, where everyone carelessly bathes and fishes, unaware of a possible threat.

Goliath tiger fish

This creature is so dangerous that the famous piranha looks against its background harmless fish. The length of the individual is up to 2 m, and the weight is over 30 kg. These fish gather in schools and move in reservoirs of the central part of the African continent. They are able to tear to shreds in seconds a huge sacrifice. The killer’s mouth with yellow eyes has large fangs resembling knives. Their length is over 5 cm.

Once on the river. Congo killed several people, the cause of death, the natives could not determine. All blamed on the evil spirit and dark forces. The situation was clarified by an extreme fishing enthusiast. He pulled a terrible monster out of the water. From this point on, goliath fish inspire even greater fear among Aboriginal and tourists.

killer fish

Piraiba catfish

Novice fishermen in the waters of the Amazon may well meet him. When such catfish killers grab the bait, it seems that they are biting something big. The fisherman is trying to pull him out, not yet knowing exactly who is hanging on the hook. The most terrible moment comes when you realize that a catfish 3 meters long has been caught.

Man’s legs may stick out of his mouth. Catfish begins to make growling sounds that instill fear. This fish is a potential cannibal. Paraibu catfish teeth are very sharp and have a bend towards the throat in order to prevent prey from being released from its powerful jaws.

rare fish

Catfish bagar

Between India and China flows the river. Kali, who received notoriety because in her waters people strangely disappear and drown. For a long time, it was not possible to establish the true cause of the tragedies. The horror about the killer fish was confirmed after a terrible brown creature fell into the hands of people. Its length was over 2 m, and weight - about 140 kg. Catfish bagaria has very sharp teeth and a strong desire to eat humanity.

A terrible predator, grabbing prey, pulls it down. Often a victim dies from a lack of air before it is eaten. There is a version that the fish became a cannibal through the fault of the person himself. There is a custom among local tribes to burn the dead and throw bodies into a pond.

fish description

Great Barracuda

This creature resembles an organic torpedo, which has very scary teeth (up to 10 cm long). Killer fish can be attracted to metal or shiny things. The length of the representative of the ichthyofauna is about 2 m, and the weight is over 45 kg. Fish attack unprotected animals or objects that annoy it.

Dangerous fish can attack humans. To prevent encounters with the jaws of a predator, one should stay away from muddy ponds, mangroves and estuaries. At risk are underwater hunters. During the attack, the barracuda bites the tendons, tears off large pieces of flesh, and kills in a matter of moments. On the east coast of the United States of America, many tragic cases of encountering this fish have been recorded.

dangerous fish

Common catfish

Ponds of Europe at first glance seem safe. But in rivers and lakes live slippery giant fish that look like demons. Bathing lovers should be careful, because ordinary catfish weighs about 180 kg and has a length of up to 4 m. It is very aggressive, captures prey with multi-row sharp teeth.

There is no official information about what size they can reach. According to archival data, it was established that individuals were caught up to 6 m long and 3 tons in weight. There have been cases in which they bit divers. One of the catfish caught in Russia had a human body in the stomach.

goliath fish

Giant freshwater stingray

Ponds in the south-eastern part of the Asian region hide a poisonous creature in the water column. A world-famous crocodile hunter died from the injection of a small stingray. But terrible fish of the ocean are in fresh waters. The giant ramp claims to be the largest fish living in such conditions: length - over 5 m, and weight - over 0.9 tons.

These creatures are dangerous fish because they have a 20-centimeter sting, which strike, like scorpions. But even without it, the ramp is able to hold a person under water only because of its mass. To avoid meeting him, be careful when swimming in the waters of Asia.

scary ocean fish

Pike Maskinong

Until today, there have been no fatalities after meeting this creature. However, the description of this fish suggests that she has the opportunity to win the battle with a man. Many are afraid to meet her in her native element, because her length exceeds 2 m. Fish lives in lakes located in the Northern Hemisphere. Her mouth is strewn with sharp teeth, capable of tearing to pieces birds, mammals and other inhabitants of water bodies.

Dangerous fish can cause serious wounds, and an individual weighing 36 kg can drown a person. Pike attacked a thirteen-year-old girl, bit her and dragged her to the bottom. Miraculously, the victim managed to escape and escape from this monster. A fisherman from an overturned boat received multiple bites from a pike while he was trying to get ashore. The main habitat of the predator is coastal vegetation. Pike grabs the victim, making a powerful leap forward from the ambush.

piranha killer fish

Electric eel

This fish is the main predator of the Amazon basin. By defending and attacking, eel creates a very strong discharge of electricity. It is enough to deprive the horse of consciousness. From a discharge of 600 V, a person instantly dies. If the current is less than force, it will lead to loss of consciousness. In this state, a person will easily drown in water.

Dangerous fish grow up to 250 cm in length with a weight of 25 kg. Without danger of getting an electric shock, they are picked up only in rubber gloves. If you enter the river, where eels live, you can get a fatal blow, because the water conducts electricity perfectly. Many cases of deaths from these dangerous predators have been recorded.

Mississippi Carapace

This ancient monster lives in rivers in the southeastern United States. Its length can be 3 m, and weight - 180 kg. These rare fish in their appearance resemble a crocodile: a large body and a huge mouth with many fangs.

There is a known case when a carapace caught a man sitting on a pier and dangling with his feet in the water. The creature tried to pull the man to the bottom, but he managed to escape. Encounters with the carapace that ended in death for humans are unknown. But it cannot be ruled out that people were drowning because of them.

Bull shark

The remaining killer fish are no longer so scary when the details of this creature are known. A bull shark is different from a typical shark, representing an even greater threat to others. Its length is 2-4 m, and weight - up to 270 kg. The fish lives in the sea, but can swim in freshwater rivers for thousands of kilometers, falling into the lakes. The effects of these predators affected a large number of people in the United States.

This shark is the most aggressive among relatives, since its blood contains a record amount of testosterone. The deadlock of her jaws is the strongest among all the fish living in our time. Predator attacks should beware in fresh muddy ponds.


Rare fish sometimes pose a greater threat than those that are by ear. Paku is a predator with a body length of about 90 cm and a weight of about 25 kg. The fish is distinguished by an eerie set of teeth that strongly resemble human teeth. The creature perfectly wields them during attacks. The birthplace of Paku is the Amazon. After it became the object of sport fishing, the range has expanded significantly.

In 1994, two people from New Guinea died from the bite of this fish. They were fishing in the lake when a mysterious creature bit off their sexual organ. Death came from severe blood loss. These killer fish are some of the most creepy creatures among the ichthyofauna.

Sawtooth ramp

Sawfish can kill a careless person, turning it into minced meat. The appearance of the fish is noteworthy, the description of which is as follows: length up to 7 m and the presence on the snout of the saw up to 2.5 m. This device is equipped with many cutting elements. Available data indicate that the predator does not specifically hunt humans, but attacks are not excluded.

The sawtooth stingray has very poor eyesight and a strong instinct for guarding its territory. He has the same attitude towards casual guests and prey - the desire to tear to pieces with the help of his saw. The situation is complicated by the fact that the fish does not betray itself until the very last moment, after which it is too late to escape. Anthropogenic impact has led to the fact that fish are on the verge of extinction.


These fish have such a terrible appearance that it seems that they came from another planet or from the other world. The animals are up to 1.2 m long and weigh about 14 kg. It has fangs with a record length of up to 16 cm. With their help, the victim is inflicted mortal wounds. The fish has an incredible flair, biting in such a way as to damage vital arteries.

A person bathing in the Amazon could theoretically get a heart or lung wound that could be fatal. Mackerel-shaped hydrolik is an object of sport fishing.


There is another dangerous inhabitant of the reservoirs - piranha. Killer fish have a flat body, weighing up to 1 kg and a length of up to 50 cm. The creature's lower jaw is slightly extended forward. The teeth have the shape of a triangle, their location is such that when the jaws are closed, the upper ones enter the spaces of the lower. This allows you to tear a piece of flesh from the victim with one jerk and immediately rush for the next.

A school of fish can absorb a 50-kilogram animal in a matter of minutes. Residents of muddy rivers have a highly developed hearing and sense of smell. They are able to feel the blood diluted 1.5 million times. At a distance of hundreds of meters, they hear sounds made by wounded animals.

Surgeon fish

Over 100 species of these fish are known to live in coral reefs around the globe. Among them there are very beautiful representatives. But it is better for divers to not approach these beauties, having a length of about 60 cm. Their tails are hidden by a natural scalpel. He gets it instantly, as if under the action of a spring.

The inhabitants of the seas use a knife to defend against violators of their territory. A person who approaches them risks serious injuries with serious consequences. You can die both from severe blood loss, and from reef sharks, which will not take long to wait.

Brown snakehead

Representatives of this species fell under the scrutiny of the public when there was a rumor about their appearance in the waters of the temperate zone. Large representatives have a weight of 22 kg and a height of 120 cm. One of the most ardent predators is able to defeat almost any medium-sized animal that it encounters. His teeth are sharp as daggers, and his body is muscular. These creatures inflicted severe wounds on the workers of the rice fields, which were in the territory controlled by a predator.

Aggressiveness of fish increases many times during the period when they protect juveniles. During wild attacks, people suffered from bites and bumps. In some cases, this led to drowning. The fishermen who caught the representative of the species are at high risk. In defense, they bit people and during attacks pierced them with fishing rods. The actions of these predators killed several children.

Greenland polar shark

Swimming in the waters of the Arctic belt is by no means safer than in the tropics. The Greenland polar shark can grow up to 6 m. Large mammals were found in its stomach. There are legends that inside the shark were found human remains. This polar predator instills fear in the Eskimos, who have long been familiar with the predator.


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