A proud girl is a person

scorpion girl character
When they throw a meaningful “Proud, or what?” After the girl, it sounds more offensive than enthusiastic. First you need to figure out what this concept is. How to relate to such a character trait: with caution or strive to develop it in yourself?

Knows his worth

Pride, in contrast to pride, is called positive self-esteem, that is, the presence of a person's self-esteem and self-esteem. When they say “proud girl”, it means that person who definitely knows her worth. Not an arrogant person, but one who can stand up for herself, defend her rights and her own point of view.

The same Angelica

When saying “proud girl”, what heroine of the novel or film comes to mind? Of course, the red-haired Angelica, the character of the books of Ann and Serge Golon. How much she suffered suffering, humiliation, insults, but did not break, did not lose faith in herself and her future. Yes, this character is fictional, but there are women who you can endlessly admire: their perseverance, courage and inner strength.

what character does the girl have
Work on your weaknesses

She has her own weaknesses, which she does not like to advertise and show to others. She is used to hiding the negativity, and finds a way out for him in solitude when there is no one around. Some people think that this is not a man, but a piece of stone: soulless and not subject to normal human emotions. They are deeply mistaken. This girl holds herself confidently, respects herself and others, and knows what weak character traits she needs to especially work on.

What do men like

Do men like this? We will try to understand what kind of character the girl is particularly sympathetic to:

proud girl

  • A sense of humor.
  • Kindness.
  • Accuracy.
  • Generosity.
  • Ability to take care.
  • Skill and desire to listen.
  • Individuality.
  • A little bitchiness.

Do you agree that without humor, communication will be bland? And kindness in men is associated with the sincerity of the mother. If a girl is messy, few people will like it. Generosity has a continuation of kindness and care. Men love to be listened to. Such a quality as the ability to listen is worth its weight in gold; rare people possess it. Individuality only emphasizes a person’s personality. When a girl shows her eccentricity, then she is a “proud girl” to some extent. A little bitching will not hurt anyone, because a certain acuity in the relationship should be present. Oddly enough, an ideal girl, but absolutely fresh, will make a man find a sense of sensation on the side.

As for the signs of the horoscope ...

If you transfer the quality data to any of the signs of the horoscope, then they are most suitable for Scorpio. People of this sign have a strong will, a huge supply of energy, often win. The ill-wishers believe that they are lucky or circumstances have developed so happily. A strong, purposeful, proud girl-Scorpio scares and attracts men like a magnet. It is in her that very bitch, which was discussed above. And if you take into account that the character of a Scorpio girl necessarily implies sexuality and sensitivity, then you can only shrug hands, why men are “scorpion” crazy. Truly sexy and sensual proud!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8075/

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