Wet facade installation technology, costing

The installation technology of the "wet facade" has gained wide popularity in the domestic construction market. This method of insulation has several advantages over other methods. This article will detail the sequence of installation work, from it you will learn the features, advantages and disadvantages of this process.

wet facade installation technology

The composition of the "wet facade"

This technology is quite complex, it is a multilayer structure, which includes:

- an effective heater - expanded polystyrene, mineral wool;

- soil - adhesive layer;

- reinforcing composition for hitching the finish coating and thermal insulation;

- alkaline or reinforcing mesh;

- finish layer.

As a heater, materials with a minimum value of thermal conductivity are chosen, polystyrene foam is most often used. Reinforcing mesh protects the facade from cracks, and the finish layer - from environmental influences.

Work stages

The wet facade device takes place in several stages:

- training;

- device basement profile;

- installation of thermal insulation;

- installation of a reinforcing layer;

- finish.

At the first stage, the installation technology of the "wet facade" requires careful preparation of the foundation. The walls need to be cleaned of various contaminants. Damaged areas are replaced by integers, and irregularities are aligned with plaster. It is advisable to test the surface for load-bearing and adhesive characteristics. If the facade cladding is made of highly absorbent materials, then the walls need to be primed additionally.

After preparation, the “wet facade” of the house requires the installation of a profile strip. This design distributes the load of insulation boards and prevents moisture from entering.

Expanded polystyrene or mineral wool is mounted using a special adhesive. It is advisable to apply the mixture pointwise in the middle, and at the edges with a wide strip. The installation technology of the "wet facade" is carried out according to the type of "brick" masonry, that is, by the diverging method. Stacking is done from bottom to top, excess glue is removed. After two or three days, the structure is additionally strengthened with dowels, having previously made nests for them.

The reinforcing layer is performed a couple of days after the installation of insulation boards. First, all joints and corners are processed, only then a flat surface. A reinforcing layer is applied to the plates, then an alkaline mesh is laid, then the surface is greased with the same adhesive composition.

wet facade photo

Necessary materials

The installation technology of the "wet facade" involves the use of various materials. Facade systems are divided into three main groups:

1. Organic - using polystyrene foam, silicone decorative plasters and organic reinforcing mass.

2. Mineral: for installation, choose mineral mixtures, slabs and silicate finishing plasters.

3. Combined.

Decorative finish

This stage of installation work is given special attention. Warming of apartments involves an attractive appearance of the structure. It is for this that decorative decoration is needed. In addition to the aesthetic function, plaster protects the facade from environmental influences.

Decorative decoration can be different, some prefer neutral shades, someone chooses a bright wet facade of the house. Mixtures are textured, designed to create a relief, subtle and mimic expensive materials. Very often, warming of apartments or private houses is accompanied by the application of a pattern or drawing on the plates, which emphasize the special architectural style.

insulation of apartments

The benefits of a wet facade

This method of insulation has a number of positive aspects, we list the main ones:

- slight heating of the surface;

- sound insulation;

- reduction of heating costs in the winter due to effective thermal insulation;

- protection of load-bearing structures and facades from environmental influences, precipitation, etc .;

- creation of optimal heat transfer;

- creating a favorable microclimate;

- sealing of joints and joints;

- universality, that is, the ability to mount panels of any building buildings, including the insulation of a brick house;

- a variety of finishes;

- the possibility of restoration of the facade in the future;

- increase the life of the building due to the distribution of load on the foundation.

brick house insulation


Warming of a brick house, apartment or any other construction project using the wet facade technology has its negative sides. The main disadvantage of this method is the certain working conditions, which must be strictly observed. Installation can be carried out at low humidity and at a temperature of at least 5-7 degrees Celsius. During precipitation, it is extremely undesirable to insulate the facade with a "wet" method. However, modern builders have found a way out: in winter, the work surface is covered with a film and air is warmed with the help of special guns, maintaining the required temperature. It should be borne in mind that drying the finish layer can even harm the fog.

Installation Recommendations

Facade insulation is best done under the following conditions:

- air humidity - not more than 80%;

- air temperature - + 5-30 degrees Celsius;

- work in a place protected from sunlight;

- use plasters and mixes from the same batch, especially if you work with color compositions;

- after applying the plaster layer, the surface should be protected from drying out and moisture ingress for 2-3 days;

- it is necessary to establish the structure, observing the prescribed distances, for example, between the scaffolding and the slabs there must be a gap of at least 45 cm.

installation of a wet facade Price

Common mistakes

Unfortunately, builders very often make the “wrong” wet facade. Photos of such low-quality work can be easily found on specialized resources. In order for the process to be carried out efficiently, it is important to consider the recommendations listed. Common errors:

- Installation of heat-insulating boards in adverse conditions. As a result - the destruction of the facade, the detachment of parts of the structure, the appearance of dirt.

- Docking of plates is not tight. In this case, splits and cracks will appear on the finish layer.

- Poor preparation of the base leads to the collapse of the insulating layer.

- If the reinforcing mesh is not overlapped on the thermal insulation layer, then in the future cobweb-like cracks will appear on the facade.

- If during work you do not use reinforcing strips of the reinforcing mesh in the corners of the openings, then, most likely, diagonal cracks will appear on the surface in the near future.

- Unevenly applied layer of glue leads to the same consequences.

- The appearance of an uneven surface of the facade and cruciform stripes is due to poor-quality installation, namely, non-compliance with the geometry.

- Mounds on the facade appear due to protruding dowels.

- If the outer decorative layer falls off, then most likely the wrong type of vapor-tight plaster has been chosen.

- If during the work you did not use plugs for the ends of the window sills, then as a result you will get a short-lived “wet facade”. A photo of the destruction of the decorative layer in places at low tide can be seen below.

- Mechanical damage to the plates form the "bridges" of cold. Because of this, fungus and mold appear on the inner layer.

- Any expansion joint will adversely affect the decorative layer of plaster, forming cracks.

warming facade

Cost calculation

Many construction companies are installing a "wet facade". The price of work depends on the cost of the components. The latter also varies over a wide range. Most of the costs will go to insulation and dowels, their total cost is 50% of the total. Comparing mineral wool and polystyrene foam, we can safely say that the purchase of the first component will cost you a large amount.

Installation work is also paid separately. Below are the average prices in Russia:

- installation / dismantling of scaffolding - 150-200 rubles / sq. m .;

- deep penetration soil - 50-70 rubles / sq. m .;

- installation of insulation and surface leveling - 450-500 rubles / sq. m .;

- base layer with reinforcing mesh - 250-300 rubles / sq. m .;

- finishing plaster - 250-350 rubles / sq. m .;

- primer walls with quartz sand - 50-100 rubles / sq. m

wet house facade

The device of decorative elements is paid separately, the price depends on the complexity of the architectural decor and the wishes of the customer. Installation of decorative stone on the facade and basement costs 800-1000 rubles / sq. m. To make a full cost estimate, a specialist must visit a construction site, as many factors affect the cost of work:

- surface area;

- the condition of the facade (the presence of damage, the condition of the walls, the number and depth of cracks, bumps, etc.);

- the complexity of the work;

- design features of the facade (the number of door and window openings, their configuration);

- amount of material.

Also, the total cost of the work will be affected by the trademark of the materials used, the thickness of the insulation, the choice of type of plaster. For example, cement-based or mineral formulations are considered the cheapest. Acrylic and polymer plasters are slightly more expensive. Silicone and liquid glass mixtures are the most expensive.

Warming "wet facade" - a modern way to create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the house. Subject to certain necessary requirements, the design will provide a favorable microclimate for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8082/

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