Mushroom places in Chuvashia. Places of congestion. Nature reserves

Forests of the Republic of Chuvashia are literally teeming with mushrooms of all stripes and species. Moss fly mushrooms, mushrooms, butterfish, traps, brown boletus, saffron mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles - and this is not the whole list. The past year allowed local residents to stock up on honey mushrooms, which grew everywhere and in large numbers. Oil and whites were also enough, but the boletus probably set a record for the presence of growth in one season. Mushroom places in Chuvashia are not only a supply of delicious food for the winter, but also a real gift for lovers to wander through the forest, as if traveling in a magical land. A carpet of soft moss and bright yellow foliage, crackling knots and forest rustles, the cool smell of trees and earth - all this makes you come back here many times.

where do mushrooms grow

Beneficial features

In addition to the wonderful hobby they represent, mushrooms are a valuable food product that grows in accessible places. Nutrition figures far exceed some vegetables and are almost identical to meat. The ingredients include enzymes and enzymes. They stimulate appetite and contain sugar, mineral salt, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins.

Mushroom places in Chuvashia provide an opportunity to collect not just delicious food, but products with medicinal properties. For example, an edible copy with the alarming name "dung beetle" can be used as seasoning or as an independent dish. Moreover, it is actively used for national medical and scientific purposes.

mushroom places in Chuvashia

Correct search

Many inexperienced collectors complain that there are seasons and days when there are no mushroom places in Chuvashia. But old-timers who have traveled many kilometers in the district know for sure that their hobby is always there, you just need to look carefully. Locals always have information about several forest edges with boletus, chanterelles or white.

In addition, people are well versed in the habits of wild animals and other forest inhabitants, including geographic preferences and predilections. Before you go to the forest, you need to determine which particular instance is of interest today. A map of the mushroom places of Chuvashia will be a good helper. You can be guided by these documents, and it is better to trust the stories of local inhabitants and go on a journey, following the advice of experienced people. Many mushrooms are not difficult to look for. Following the names, it’s easy to figure out where and what grows: brown boletus in a birch grove, an aspen boletus in an aspen, and a white oak in a oak grove. In the forest, you can collect russula, camelina and butter. But the most popular are mixed forests. Here you can find almost any species common in the region.

map of mushroom places of chuvashia

Growth conditions

The best circumstances for occurrence are warm but damp weather. Therefore, the optimal time to send to the forest is a few days after heavy rain or thunder. Those who are accustomed to planning their trips to the forest belt, study the forecast of services in advance and are able to predict close changes. Signs will always help, always telling where the mushrooms grow. Here are the most famous and common folk notes, warning soon rainfall in the form of rain:

  • Poor visibility of the starry sky at night.
  • Clover leans toward the soil and closes its bud.
  • Early morning dew does not appear.
  • There is no wind, but the leaves rustle.
  • The aroma of plants is enhanced several times.

mushrooms in chuvashia

Gatherer festival

The event-fair, aimed at demonstrating that mushrooms in Chuvashia are a real asset, is regularly held in various national parks of the region, including near the regional center - the city of Cheboksary. The organizers, in addition to the festive part, are preparing a small report on the careful attitude to the gifts of nature and energy resources. The most curious can ask local inhabitants where mushrooms grow, and the rest is waiting for a very rich and interesting program. Literary exhibition, quiz for adults and children, sweet gifts and surprises - all this can be seen at the festival. In addition, a music concert is held as part of the event, and workshops on the preparation and salting of the product are given.

Places prohibited for collection

It is worth noting that the republican authorities and specialized services warn people of responsibility for breaking the laws. Many mushroom places in Chuvashia are located on the territory of nature reserves or forest reserves. For collecting products in these areas, the attacker will be fined in cash, even if he did it unknowingly, not knowing what is on the forbidden site.

map of mushroom places of Chuvashia
The amount of the compulsory contribution will be from three to four thousand rubles, depending on the severity of the act and the damage to the infrastructure, mycelium and the reserve as a whole. It is worth noting that in the republic there are organizations that let tourists and travelers into their territory, including mushroom pickers. This is done on designated days and is strictly regulated by the time period.


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