Historical pharmacy museum (Lviv): description, history and photos of the attraction

Pharmacy Museum (Lviv) - this is the first institution in the city selling drugs. It was opened in the stone "Under the Black Eagle". The building is located near the famous Market Square. This is the oldest pharmacy in the metropolis. It is simply impossible not to see the building of the institution, and even the most inattentive tourist will not be able to pass by this structure. And it’s easy to notice it, because on the facade on small chains there is a forged medicine emblem depicting a snake entwining a cup. Also hangs and the date of establishment of the pharmacy - 1735. On both sides of the front door are colorful portraits of the ancient Greek god of healing Asclepius and the health goddess Gigiei, his daughter. Therefore, if, being in Ukrainian Lviv, you will see this wonderful building - take the time and go on a tour. You will be extremely interested.

pharmacy museum of lions

From the history of the pharmacy

The pharmacy museum (Lviv) has been operating for three hundred years and is the oldest of all existing pharmacies in the village. It was discovered in 1735 by the military pharmacist Natorp, who called it Under the Black Eagle. In 1773, Natorp sold his business to Master Anton Pez, who entrusted the management of the institution to Master Karol Sherf. In 1805, when the owner of the pharmacy was Master A. Solomon, the institution is referred to as "Circular." The enterprise was one of the best in the city, and all its owners were highly qualified and intelligent people.

Pharmacy Museum (Lviv) specialized in the sale of prescription drugs. Here ointments, tinctures, pastes, extracts, syrups, healing wines and elixirs were prepared. Various cosmetics were also prepared. In the pharmacy “Under the Black Eagle” there was a huge amount of various equipment, also there was a well-equipped laboratory with drying and exhaust hoods and a distillation cube. Galenic preparations were also prepared here , for which percolators were in the institution, a large assortment of pharmacy scales, presses for squeezing vegetable juices, and other units.

Museum Formation

The pharmacy museum (Lviv) began its activities as an exhibition gallery in 1966. A museum of the history of pharmacy was established in this ancient institution. And already in 1972, the institution was awarded the title of “people's”. The exposition of the exhibition is unique. It contains a rare collection of pharmaceutical glassware in which medicines are stored. So, among objects you can see bar-eyes made of glass, earthenware, wood, ceramic amphoras dating from the 16th century, pharmacy mortars from marble, copper, stone and other materials.

Almost all existing excursions in Lviv involve a visit to the pharmacy museum. In the exhibition halls there are a wide variety of scales, ovens, tablet machines, a chic collection of measuring instruments and other things. Of great value are prescription magazines and a variety of documentary exhibits.

Lviv tours

Pharmacy for tourists

The pharmacy museum is located on the corner of Drukarska Street and Rynok Square, and therefore it falls into all excursions in Lviv. Therefore, the institution specializes in serving guests of the city. Thus, all sectors of activity are aimed at the implementation of this particular goal. Today’s director of the institution says that residents of Lviv come to them, but this is extremely rare. And the main customers of the pharmacy are tourists.

The pharmacy assortment has over one and a half thousand ready-made medicines. It is tailored to the needs of travelers. These are antibiotics, painkillers, antiallergic, cardiological, enzymatic and antihypertensive drugs. There are also medications that can help a tourist who has become ill during his vacation or on the road.

pharmacy lviv museum working hours

Museum tour

The pharmacy museum (Lviv), the address of which is in our article, has several rooms. The first is Trading. It is with the inspection of the Trading Hall that the sightseeing tour begins. The ceiling of this room is decorated with polychrome painting, which was performed by a Viennese master at the beginning of the 19th century. The most interesting exhibits of the Trading Hall are unique pharmaceutical scales.

The second room is the room in which the material chamber was once located. Medicinal supplies were stored there. Today you can see old pigmented medicines, pharmacy equipment of various eras and other items.

And the interior decoration of the third hall resembles an old pharmacy laboratory.

Also, visitors can visit the room devoted to the history of pharmacology, in the outbuilding, in the pharmacy cellars, in which there are large barrels in which medicinal wines are stored, and in the courtyard.

pharmacy lviv museum address

When can I visit the museum

The pharmacy museum “Under the Black Eagle” in Lviv is located at 2 Drukarska Street. The institution operates every day from ten in the morning to five in the evening. The pharmacy museum (Lviv), the mode of operation of which is indicated above, always joyfully welcomes its guests and is ready to open before them all the secrets of the production of medicines.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8089/

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