Funny spinner from a plastic bottle

Almost everyone throws away plastic bottles after use. However, from them you can make a great decoration for a balcony, cottage or garden plot. A spinner from a plastic bottle is very easy to manufacture, and the effect produced fully pays for the time spent. Children are especially happy with such toys.

Pinwheel from a plastic bottle. Materials

Turntables made of plastic bottles
This simple and at the same time very beautiful thing will become a favorite toy for children. And also it will easily scare away annoying birds that constantly encroach on the crop. To make it, you will need a plastic bottle. If you plan to make several turntables, then, accordingly, several containers will be required. It is also worth stocking up with a knife, acrylic paints and a brush. Scissors and a pencil will also come in handy.

Funny spinner from a plastic bottle

These crafts remotely resemble Chinese lanterns. They look especially impressive if they are made of plastic bottles of sufficiently large sizes. The capacity should be clean and intact. Without creases and cracks.

Plastic bottle spinner
Pencil should be drawn in a spiral strip of a width of one and a half to two centimeters. Then, with a knife or scissors, cut the bottle according to the finished marking, leaving ten to fifteen centimeters of plastic near the neck and bottom of the whole. Then, if desired, paint the resulting stripes with acrylic paint. If you choose juicy and bright shades, then the spinner from a plastic bottle will turn out to be very cheerful and cheerful. In the lid, pierce holes in two places with a thick needle, and then thread a strong thread or twine into them. After the bottle is painted and dried well, you can proceed to the final stage. Holding the neck with one hand and the bottom with the other, you should very carefully bring them closer to each other so that the cut strips bend and take the desired shape of the finished product. Slightly squeeze the plastic in the middle of the strip. The result is a light and beautiful design.

Turntables made of plastic bottles

From plastic bottles
If the above option seems too cumbersome to you, then you can try a simpler and no less spectacular toy. This is a spinner from a plastic bottle, which is set in motion by the wind. We select the whole capacity, cut it along, cut the bottom and neck narrowing. Then we cut out a flower or triangles of suitable size from plastic. Lightly warming above the flame of the candle, give the desired shape. Turntable petals should be slightly bent so that the wind easily sets them in motion. If there are six or seven of them, then the toy will look very impressive. Carefully paint over with acrylic paint. Depending on the order in which the colors on the petals will be arranged, the final result in the wind will be completely different. You can choose to change the shades of the rainbow or create your own design. In the center of the petals, you need to make a hole, attach the resulting product to the stick. That's it! A spinner from a plastic bottle is ready!


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