Tomato Blagovest - the best hybrid for the greenhouse

This plant is often called the best of greenhouse hybrids. It is not surprising that Blagovest tomato is given such a characteristic. It belongs to early ripe and very productive tomatoes. Ripening of fruits on it is observed in the period from 98 to 103 days after the full appearance of seedlings. With such precocity, he, moreover, has an excellent taste and is resistant to a whole range of diseases. It bears fruit well. Typically, up to 5.5 kilograms of fruit is harvested from the bush.

Gardeners are very fond of Blagovest tomato. The reviews of some of them indicate that often they manage to get a larger crop using their original agricultural technology.

The hybrid belongs to the determinant plants, but its growth is not small. It can reach a height of 1.5 meters to 1.8 meters, so it must be tied up. For seedlings, it is recommended to sow its seeds in early March. You can plant it in heated greenhouses when the seedlings reach the age of 40 days. Landing in unheated greenhouses is carried out in accordance with the climatic characteristics of the area.

When planting, you need to consider that the plant is ultimately tall and sprawling. Therefore, no more than three bushes can be placed per square meter. Use a hybrid for open ground is not worth it, there its yield will be small. The plant is recommended to be formed in such a way that the growth point translates into a lateral shoot. At the same time, Blagovest tomato grows in one stem. They do it like this: all stepsons are removed from the plant until a third flower brush is formed on the main stem. Having grown up under the third flower brush, the stepson is left.

If an inflorescence appears at the top of the main stem, then the Blagovest tomato stops its growth. Further growth may continue due to the reserve stepson. When 4 inflorescences appear on the stepson, its top is cut off. Theoretically, growth can continue due to a new stepson left under the third inflorescence of the second stem. But almost for the season one side stem of continuation is enough. To make it easier to navigate in the stems, it is advised to mark the main stalk and the one that grows from the stepson with ribbons of different colors. Tomatoes of this variety must be tied up, this applies to the main stem and the continuation shoot.

In the fruit brush of this hybrid there are from 6 to 8 fruits. They are round in shape, smooth, bright red. Their weight ranges from 100 to 120 grams. They have excellent taste and can be used fresh or in the form of pickles and marinades, that is, they are universal in purpose.

What care does the Blagovest tomato need first of all? He, like all plants, needs watering. It is especially important during the flowering, pouring and ripening of fruits. Watering is not necessary often. It is enough to water the tomatoes every 10-14 days. After watering, the greenhouse must be aired. In general, one should not be afraid to keep it ajar. It is desirable that the air circulates freely in it, so it must be closed only during cold nights. It is best to make holes in the ends of the greenhouse. Tomatoes do not like both waterlogging and overheating. Both that, and another leads to diseases of plants.

After watering, when the earth dries out in the greenhouse, it must be loosened so that a crust does not form. In this case, you must try not to damage the roots of tomatoes, which are located shallow.

Determinant tomatoes, which include the Blagovest tomato variety , must be regularly fed. Here the recommendations are different. Some of the gardeners carry out 2-3 dressings per season with full mineral fertilizer. Others prefer to conduct them every 14 days, using a small (30 g) amount of dissolved mineral fertilizers per square meter. Still others recommend feeding plants three times a season with double superphosphate and applying potash fertilizers. Fertilizers should be applied after preliminary watering.

Tomatoes of this variety require care, but it pays off with an excellent harvest.


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